Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1992, Page 11, Image 11

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Women hammer away, sweep OSU
By Jayson Jacoby
trrwtfaid Sports flepodw
The bad news l-ridav fur the
Oregon softball loam was that it
only scored m one inning of
each game of a doubleheader
against (Iregon State
The good news was that Ka
(hello Taylor and Natasha
Dutnoski combined to shut-out
the Beavers for both games as
the Ducks ended a 10-game los
ing streak with a 3-0, 50 sweep
.it Howe field
TayIor (H-1 0) won hoth
games, picking up a complete
game, four-hit shutout in the
first and keeping the Beavers
off the scoreboard for four in
nings of the second before
Dutnoski came in to pitch three
scoreless innings and earn her
third save
Oregon State actually outhlt
the Ducks 10-0 for the two
games, hut Tracey Simmons'
two-out, three-run homer in the
bottom of the sixth inning
broke up a scoreless tie in the
first game In the second
again with two outs the
Ducks exploded lor five runs in
thi' third inning
Oregon (15-17 overall, d-d in
the Pacific -10 ( (inferenc e) had
seen its 115 record and No lf>
national ranking end as the
Ducks dropped 10 straight and
12 of 1-1 during a two-week
road trip
Oregon coac h I ami Brown
said the wins couldn't have
come soon enough lor the
Due ks
"They turned it around prut
t\ well," Brown said I'm
glad "
Oregon State dropped to 'IH
and 1-5.
Although the outcomes of
both games look decisive,
through five-end a half innings
of the fits! game nothing had
been decided
Taylor was lea ked in a pitch
ers' duel with the Beavers' top
hurler, Cheryl Keeder
And after Taylor sent Oregon
State down In order in the lop
of the sixth, the Ducks pic ked
up two ({clic k outs lifter Patty
Pyles reached on an error
‘This can be a
turning point in our
Tami Brown,
Ou'giV' so/tba1! axich
Llul Jennifer I'lpor singled in
keep Oregon's scoring lhre.it
alive, moving pinch runner
Lynn Kinnaman to third and
bringing Simmons, die Ducks'
senior catcher, to the plate
Simmons worked Turner for
a full count, and after fouling
off two straight pitches, lined
th(> next delivery over the left
field fence for her first homo
run of the season
Taylor had no trouble sealing
the a t) win, allowing a lead-off
walk in the seventh inning be
fore closing out the game by
throwing out Oregon Stale s
Missy Smith on a grounder
bock to the mound
"I was just looking for a good
strike to hit.'' Simmons said of
her game-winning blast "With
two outs and two strikes a big
flit is nice, but I was just look
tng for a base hit
"livery time you go to the
plate you're looking lo break
the game open In the sixth in
ning. it's just a little more
crunch time
Oregon State actually
matched Oregon's offense with
four hits, but Taylor got out of a
one out jam with a runner on
third base in the second inning
by striking out Kim Duckett
and getting Smith to pop out
The Heavers came out in the
six ond game try ing to quickly
end any thoughts Oregon may
have had about a second shut
The Heavers used two singles
and a sacrifice hit in the first
inning to move Kaquel Trujillo
to third fuse with two outs Hut
Taylor defused the threat by
getting Angel Miller to ground
out to third base
In the second Inning, the
Beavers loaded the bases on an
error, a base hit and an inton
tional walk, but Taylor again
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i'm aped unscathed bv putting
Trujillo to linn out to second
Oregon St.itn again had two
b.ISlTUtUIITv 111 till' top ot till'
tliirtl tail was unable to w:o|n
Oregon. howi'vrr; was more
than able
When it was all over, the
L)u( ks had sent 10 hitlers to the
plate and scored five runs on
six hits
All that offense T ame, iront
i ally, with two outs
After Laurie I'lrisc hauer and
Ann Godwin had lieen retired.
Oregon's leading hitter, Mamie
McCall. singled down the third
base line
Pyles follow ill with another
single moving Mi ( all down to
sn olid
Then Oregon s senior short
stop kun Manning, scored
faith runners with a drive oil
the center field wall that was
nearly the Due ks' sis ond home
run of the day Manning lerf Or
egotl 111 tile second game with a
three lor three two Kill perlor
mam e
Simmons followed Manning
with a run scoring double of
her own. and the rout was on
lenmier Smith replaced
Turner on the mound for the
Heavers, hut she didn't fare any
better against the suddenly
awakened Oregon hats
Simmons stole third base,
and Piper walked Then Laura
Schmidt and Sana Poore
c losed out the two out rally
with consecutive run scoring
Dumoski replaced Taylor to
start the fifth inning, and the
Heavers managed (list two hits
the rest of tfie wav
This can he a turning point
in our season. Drown said ol
I-rides s sweep
Oregon State coach Vickie
Dugan said she was happy with
the way the Heavers played, de
spite the two losses
We had certain goals lor
these games. Dugan said
One of them was lotting, and
we had solid c ontac t almost all
ol the time Tie real happy with
our hitting "
Ducks on right track
with big Husky win
The onh tiling typical
about the Oregon women s
track and field team’s dual
meet at Washington was the
It was wet and cold, ordi
nary conditions for early
spring in the Northwest
What wasn't run-ol the
mill was the women's team's
OH ,18 blasting of Washing
ton, tying Oregon’s biggest
margin of vic tory ever over
the Huskies and avenging
the Dm ks' loss at Husky Stu
dlum two years ago
For the Oregon men’s
team; though, it was busi
ness as usual In their first
scoring meet since plac tng
ihird at the- NC.AA Ohum
pionships hist spring, the
Duc ks held off the Huskies.
Konnie Morris was twice a
winner for Oregon, taking
first in Ivith the tot) and 200
Fellow senior Hob Oniv also
won two events, polling out
v i- 1 -a - in both the 100 and
■too hurdles
(fiber ki-vs to the tIregnn
w ins inc hided a surprise
win , the H00 and a swc-cp
in tie t,5oo
Oregon's Kandy Lamm
sneaked by the competition
on the final stretch of tins
800 and won a light rare
with his 1 f>2 t>0 time Wash
ington's Dwight Wheaton
finished second in 152 70
The 1,500 proved to he all
Oregon’s, us Shannon
Letnora led the charge with a
winning effort of .1.f>*» HI
Alan Foster was sec one) in
;1 50 00. and Duck freshman
Tracy Hollister took third
with a t f>7 ‘Sc
Javelin thrower Art Skip
per easily outdistanced Ins
competition with a 2.12 10
throw Washington’s Tony
1’arsley was second with a
201 8
Other Oregon winners in
cluded I’al Haller in the'
5.000, the Ouck 1 meter
relay to uni. and I'odd
Uleaknoy in iho triple jump,
i’edro daSilva and Muhain
nuui Olivur wore lirsl and
second in the high jump
Heath Mowington finished
si’tonil in tti<» discus litrnw
anti hammor tlirt>w and was
third in the shot pul
Tho wouuin’s toam was
nothing but dominant in
their dual moot, winning all
but ono of Saturday s nvonls.
Of tiio nvonls, 15 of Hi hn
longed lo Oregon uthlotos
Two of those wore all l.uu
ml Roberts, as tho senior
won both the high jump and
long jump Roberts led a 1-2
Oregon finish in the high
jump with Amo Olson and
won the long jump by one
half inch
Sophomore julie Heck
won a pair of events, too,
taking first in the discus and
shot put
In another field event. jav
olln thrower Kirn Hyatt was
belter than 20 feel ahead of
her nearest competition with
tier winning ttiti-2 hurl
Nicole Woodw,ini ran to a
first in the .1,000. and team
mate Lu< v Nusrnla finished
set ond ill the race
brika Klein, who is still re
covering from an injury dur
ing the cross country season,
hsl an Oregon sweep in the
HIM) Kim Hutson and Tyr/a
Hunt finished second and
third, respectively, behind
Other Oregon winners in
cluded Kim Carlisle in the
triple jump, freshman Kegi
na Wiirriin in t he 100,
Camara Jones in the 200.
l.isa Medwell in the 400, Sal
ly Maier in the 1,500, Jenni
fer Neitling in tire 400 hur
dles, and both relay teams
Claudine Robinson was
Washington’s only winner,
taking first in the 100 bur
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