Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1992, Page 10, Image 10

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To or From NTSC PAL SEC AM $20 per 2-hour tape
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S|fM r I9fW) Si lrnllll( Su|>j»Jhr* h«t jumiilril a lo« al mu nli.n i»|
(»««!« laboratory i hrmii «U «rul %U|i|illr« foi tluilmU jind butl
nr%%r* \W «.llf i a « ommlrnl I*m afion i om^irfillvr j»r»< r* *n<l a ilr%ltr |o
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Sornr l*ropouils for thr Stuiiy of < .ay t ulturr i* / a tin \ mrrn a
1‘ublu l r»1ufr b% I >a% »tl V* I "% i r t •%«> 1 <■> p m 1 h» » f* i <
Ktii r ami (.t-'uirr l fitr^orir *. in (>au anti I r^htan stuJirs
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( >r<rr* (tmui s’ i msorshtp arut 0/7»rr*»w<>n Iryal ( ulturat,
( mitt it \t turns
I’jnrl v«.i»h t ' 4 v iii \N loiter Vii>rtn< Yari>n' Kejaranu jfiil Mar> Punlap
* Wi V<*> j< m U«» V\illamHtr
Touani* a Ikfuutton of Pay aiui l r^lnan l itrraturr in l atm \mrma
Sfminif' Workshop *% tih I >«vtd VV I • WW li> W p m IU* I rirndlt
(*<iv iirut l rshtatt Rights tit thr \tnrttrs.
I'uMu Inturr ht Mar y Pun lap • 11 <*• 11. V) p m 1 I a** S« h< * •!
l>f f b* 44 Ir*hr» alt.t w»i»r« aU-ut fp\ * *»15n*.: mrt.iR W'.e mu
Uw j«»’> r *» tlf i rtn( 4y*»m ur> . i* il » y'hta
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S^iriv am! ifw ( i>nijv«f.ti:\» ! nrraiuro l’f\*gr4rfv
Get Your Spring Break
Photos Developed at
Color Prints, Slides,
Black And White
Processing In Just
18th & Willamette
Equestrian quest
/ A
PhoU) !>f M
Ai ::.t Haxlane urges on My Chauffeur to win the mini jumper and equitation over
'a,n ■ (\enis at the equestrian end: schooling show on Sunday
I hi following incidents were reported to thi'
()ff it r of ihihlit S.ifi ts and tlir Kugene polit e de
partment from Mart It 1 ri J‘i
• Iwo unkiuniiftad man t?omm Iliad a burglary at
tin- Sigma Nu fraternity house. 7.i*» I. lltli Aviv,
on March .!() at cording to polur reports I’olire.
ItoVi i t i■ r. rt't overed most of the stolen Items
A to year-old fraternity nicmlii'r said fit' was m
Ins room when fn- hoard noises turning from the
room next door, attortiing to polit i- lilt' room's
rcsiflfrit was gone Hie fraternity member walked
into tlif man s room to investigate anti fount! an
opt'ti window ami properly on thi- roof
'1 hi man h am d out the window and saw thf
hrst suspi t I running through thf backyard hut
soon lost sight ol him A stolon hat It'll from the
suspiit t s head .is In- ran \nothrr fraternity mem
her suit! hf saw a second suspit t also running
from the building
The suspit Is alli-mptiti to sti al S'110 in hut
t handisf mi lulling a kt-yhoartl, a video t asselle
nt order, a video c amera anti a (sidy hoard, at
tooling lo polite 1‘tdlt e retovereti all ol tile
items evt epl for an alarm t lot k y allied al SSO l‘o
lit e have no suspit t information
• An uudenlllied man stole a pool t ne Irom the
l.Ml' ret re.it i mi t etilet Mart h act or ding to po
lice reports
The t i-nti Is manager salt! a man tame 111 and
asketf her if he < ouiti try tint some ol the r ues she
oflered lor sale, uncording to police Hie man
took two t ties rented some halls and fx-gan piu\
hi(4 pool Tlx* manager said she loll the urea l>e
{iiusr oilier employees were 111 the front area
Later an employee handed the manager one of
the ears the man had taken The manager asked
him where the other cue was and he said only
one had been returned Ke< million renter employ
ees searched for the missing pool cue and the
man, w ith no sut t ess
Another employee said a man who was stand
ing behind the suspect when lie paid for his pool
games returned one ol the pool cues and returned
the balls I bis other man held a pool cue, but the
employee thought the pool cue belonged to the
•( omputer and related hardware valued at
SI.IKK) was reported stolen from the KMl Com
puter Lounge sometime between March and
2h. according to police reports
The susper l or suspei ts either used a key or
jammed the southeast double doors to gain entry .
according to police There wen no obvious signs
of force hut the southeast doors had recent
st rati h marks on lx>th sides
According to police, some kind of tool could
possibly have been used to rear h through the t en
ter ( rut S betw een the doors and push the release
T.M! computer lounge employees believe an
employee may have been involved ill the burgla
ry according to polic e I he suspect or suspects
turned off the alarm system, which requires a
Continued from Page 5
to students lucultv. Liine Coun
ty and the state in general,
Hrund said
Though this year more peo
ple will graduate from high
school in Oregon than last year,
the University has received
fewer applications for enroll
ment than lust year
"We re entering a new phase
in Oregon where besides ex
porting raw logs and wheat, we
also export our best and bright
rsi. Brand said
With the inevitable tuition
incriMM'. Brand said that only
tin- wcalthv and tin- poor will
bn able to go to college in Ore
"Those who can afford it will
have access and those w ho n-al
|y need it will get financial aid.
and it will be the middle class
that will tie affected," Brand
With a widening gap in the
earning potential between col
lege and high school graduates,
this does not txwie well for the
future, Brand said
We're entering a
new phase in
Oregon where
besides exporting
raw logs and
wheat, we also
export our best and
Myles Brand.
University president
. .- w-Kmcrald