Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Eugene protesters
march for choice
j Abortion rights rally draws 2,000 supporters,
joins nationwide effort
By Hope Nealson
: •• .1 1 Re;» /!(*
< hunting We d>; i ir. our hotly •. faff’ m : hureh, not the
stall- and other slogans. an estimated g.Outi protesters man hed
from tin- EM-l) (aiurly.ini to live l-edend Budding Sunday jilvm.i!
ing a woman's right tochooSft ubf»rtinn
Even a pro-choice dog trotted in the inarch with a sign that n ad.
Another spayed dog for choice
At the same time, protesters around the ( ountrv mad hi d m sup
port of abortion rights
In Washington, l)( SUO.OOO marchers turned out lor th«* first
abortion rights protest in three years at the nation's capitol Patrii la
Ireland National Organization t Women president, < died it the
largest ever ot any kind in the nation's i apilol
In the Eugene area, prominent leaders and political < andidates !
Oregort took turns volt mg their support o! reproductive freedom d
the Federal Building
The group included Springfield Mayor Hill Mo:; , :m |)emo« rat
i( Senate Candidates Marry Lonsdale and I.es \u( .an ( in got) Si .
retary of State I’hil Keishng and his Democrata opponents Boh
kholos and Mary Wendy Roberts
AuCum spoke to a highly eriergi o I t road saying I In- tie, do.-:
Turn to RALLY P,«>. 4
>'*- ' ' r '• Siwt vu
Protesters gather to hear pro < hoice speeches by Democratic Senate candidates Harry t onsdale and t os
AuCotn among others
Three visit El Salvador, return with message
j Sister University
Project members
want to tell of stu
dents' peace struggle
By Daralyn Trappe
> " ef.l ‘ Ai'J .I1.! ! ).! J
1 mviTMlv students Jeft Met
man. Grelchen Koffler and Jen
nv Knot met a man over spring
break who sent them home
with a message to deliver And
they're doing their liest to give
that message to everyone who
will listen
The man's name is Juan, a
mixiUjii student .i( the thiiver
sits (it hi Salvador hian and (ns
friend were walking home |.in
Hi from .1 i elebratinn (or the
ceasefire agr(Hiinent .inning
AKKNA. ihe country's govern
meiit. iind the leaders of the
I'Mi.N. (tin u[)|«islhon t;r<mj|>
limb were supporters of the
opposition They encountunnl
two mt'ii w(io Hi re supporters
of thf government ,inii a ills
agreement on surd l! ended
with Juan and his friend being
shot Jo.in survived hut spent
two months in a hospital and is
paralyzed from the waist down
Mis friend died
Juan's message to Heiman,
Roffler and Ron! is th <1 !H<
struggle for jiiMu cunfimirs
i hr peat i* tr«•.»!\ went into of
fet t 1 of) ], hut wtsiSf thf 1
v f ir i iv 11 w .i.*■ in iff tiny ( Vn
tr.ii American muntr* may be
officially nvi.T. ti.irinoio, is not
v«*t .i reality
Hfirnan said Juan was happy
to mm: American students m l.l
Salvador, to sff that the* prub
joins fac ing Salv-nfi i ins in
t fueling widfspread { w rrt y
and peat f agreement violations
have not Ix on forgotten or
ignored by «• v eryonr
' I asked him if In* fiad any
Turn to SALVADOR Page b
’ '' ' -*i i fry M • * <•« - -?«w
Gretchen Rottler, Jenny Root and Jell Reiman, members ol the
Sister University Project, spent spring break in El Salvador, learning
hrst-hand about student struggles there
In loving memory
**¥>«> fry B« *4oG*r%or
Friends of the late Professor Emmanuel Hat/antonis. a
romance languages professor, gather Friday afternoon
to plant a tree m his memory at the southwest corner of
Friendly Hall
L The Excelsior Cafe,
celebrating its 20th
| anniversary, caters to
a varied clientele.
Today is the last day to drop a class,
change grade options or change credits
in courses with variable creait without a
$10 fee.
The first contact
scrimmage for the
Oregon football team
was dominated by
defense, not QBs.
See SPORTS, Page 13
prompts seminar
j Student groups organize
event about U.S/Japan
trade relations to inform,
ease tension
By Carrie Dennett
• n -if.PA A; a IO f ■;Mi '
An i-xanilnatinn of thu ivsurs .imi
myths on Imth suh-s ol tin- Pal ifn dhout
Ami-i K.iii .irul Japani-si. Ir.nli' relations
will In- tin- fin us of ,i m'w *.1 in 1 t-ni-ur>;.in
i/irii i onfeninta
Tin liiii-niiiimn.il Assiw miion o( Stu
ili-nts in Economics and Comnmrt c mid
tin- |.i(Mm-si- Students Organization have
i omhined efforts In [ml together On• Ini
d.i> "l- S -Japan Business Seminar."
starting tonight in lln- I-..Ml
Tin- inlnnt of tin- si-miniir is in itis
pense with the nation-hashing from both
tin- lulled Status and Japan that has
gaini-d suhstantial media attention, said
Tin (iordnn, AI1-.SIT s exis utivn i ninniit
Turn to SEMINAR P.iqo 7