WHITE MEN Continued from Page 7 brilliant in a star making performenre Mar character, (dorm. is mom than a spa s Latin bnmbshi'll She lows Hilly but refuses to ac cent bis shortcomings ur stand back when ho allows bis problems to overwhelm b:::i Another hallmark of Shelton films is sex In his movie's, sex is fun and important It's natu ral and healths It helps to make the relation ship 1stlween Bills and ('dors seem so right Their partnership mas go further to promote the acceptance of interracial i ouples than /un e/e / over or Afiss/ssip/)/ SI.i--.iLi be< ause. ho one makes a big deal of it Whitt' sti-n r ,1/1 r lump is a film;.of enor nuuis energy arid warmth The situations aren't forced anil the life lessons that each person learns aren't preached It's a film where sou ssalk out llas.ilg lin-ii labulousls enterleined and also feeling as though voii'se learned Sidney (Wesley Snipes, right) and Billy (Woody Harrelson) team up in While Men Can t Jump something important. By Lucas J Gutman . s™, : I Video Picks Knmblintf Kttsr This is a heaitilul i omit tragedy with Laura Durn in her inns! satisfying role vi'l Shi' is a .misunderstood' young woman who tails in love too haril anil too easil y (lorn ing to a Southrrn lamilv to i arc lor the pulx-s cent hoy. she ends up falling tor his lather The hoy. well-played hy Lukas Haas, discovers Ills hormones while she's there It balani es humor with the sadness ol unrei iprot ated lave Thr /'r.s/ier Arng' Although somewhat over rated this nightmarish modern bears vp-a mg Kubin Williams is least . i ompelling in his perfurmatu ,1 !.« w.\i> \^v_v j» v- w “We support and respectyour reproductive choices" Free Pregnancy Tests Gynecological Fare • • Birth Conti Cervical Caps Abortion Services Feminist Womens Health Cenfcr Mi t r»st I 1th Avenue • Fuqene. Oregon V/401 342 - 5940 RECORDING Continued from Page 8 not .ill though \dd .1 couple hours more t>e< ause the Sun ITancisi n-hused Sir.infers .mil L.igene -based Kenegath SiiiriN u ill also lie pl.ivine. Little Women isn't taking chances on just one recording They also ret unit'd live in Port Lind's Koseland Ballroom i.u gene shouldn't take offense though " That's why they're on Saturday night.' said Jason Miller id the University s ( ul tural liirum, which is sponsor mg the show Little Women inis traveled the nation lint remains smitten with the WOW Hull, where l! lias played lor years "It re minds us of visits ago whim we were louring up ihu roast.'' Jo seph said Somii pliii.i.'s weren't espe i iiiliy cordial, but iheru were sorm* places tIn- band members i .inn’ lo lik* \\ i w • ri* .i \ s looking forward to tin WOW Hull." In1 s.mi Pci p • were al v\.ivs rriiilv nil i being 111! ll uhllnusH [null's i onsidering tli.it tin- li.tuii l-Uthi W uiiii!ii w is hikfin from ins , . siioutild .it (hr long halted mu ..Ills h\ ,i Ml a ll i ." Mu! that was then ;:11. Woilu'Il has I- I s i'll pari i.! ill Mili-r (.* uni::" Diaft Hand Network although tin group look whal mam s.mi w o. a career gamble in luivi in leaving (lie network and mm ing lo Portland The torporate thing doesn't i r »k with \\ ? i ■ i! vv r do, ' joseph said C nirponite style .iImi n-t tun lr,ended w ailing !. n I mi' 1 thiTt* was I’mm;gh ii■ i ! r !iir best ipj,illl\ possible t ► . ■ ph ! « ■ ■ i1' v '' - s a : !,tkv Living in the Northwest, with its independent scene i,night me th.il t! I'm not going to hr signed h v \\ i r m*r, should di luunt in urd what . v«-r thr money.' hr said Over tin- nest year or vu o 1 Lilt ii U :i:I•! I 11 ; linn ti nttisic as ll i an sets are .IV .nl.lhlr Inr S I ad v am r at tti : V Ma; n lLa or !. if Sn it tiii ii. » ir l a more tit ki■! informal inn ail tin- tv M l Cultural I . 11 1! Ill at t-it. -t 17 I SPECTACULAR1 A WILDLY IMAGINATIVE THRILLER FESTIVAL i\Al -U f Ai-*.. rtf | A \ , Ai. i*< jj:J'( >•' J v)XXj( JIM.Ail k»ve lwt»l 41 *<1 rmifito# I 'vl*.ii l. ii «*r"l. 'i-'rtiz T-n > d ■■i'l'mjio .l>vU.UJ».m r *<