Dance show hails women By Layne Lakehsh Emerald Entertainment Editor It's time to celebrate Choreograph Dame Sing Enjoy They're i ailing it "(elebra lion of the Uncommon Worn an" and that's exai tlv what it is not one or two or three women i horeographers and composers, hut five of each It will he i show put togeth it hv women and worked on h\ women, hut w hen it takes to the I lu It Center's Silva Con r ert Hall stag, eii April -! at H p m and Apr; I Sat to p m . the show will lie lor everyone One could sav that the whole idea grew nut ul girl talk We were sitting around' one dov, talking about women (horeographers and rontpos ers and about how hard it is to get vour work seen.' said Toni Kimble, the Kugene Hal let (iimp.iiiv s artistic direi tor, and that's where the whole idea started From there, five choreogra phers were i hnsen I’lmble, las,i de Ktbere, Belli Corning, |ill ltahr and Date Dindonis Then came five composers Hildegard ol Bingen, Ellen Spokane. Carla Bley. Patricia k iln Ness and Cecille Chami nade To tie it all together Marin Alsop. the Eugene Symphonv Orchestra's mush d i rue tor was n a m ed the show s rondui tor Add a levs' danc ers both male and female and the show's cast was ( oiler ted "1 think it's very exciting, even very interesting." Pimble said The composers r over a wide range, from eontempo rarv to Komantu -period to 1 2th-century and the fIve women composers come from Verna Carter takes a leap in the show Celebration ot the Uncommon Woman, which will be performed at the Hull Center this Saturday and Sunday. fiv e 111!' rt-nl w uiks u! hie It w .is pretty hectic hav ing composers : unis in a nd iis * new work .i:i■ i it s i• ri In 111.Hiding on dm darn its. hut it s i onm togiilmr vers well And conn together it has Tim show s dam i- and mil si cal lasts have been rehearsing and rehearsing and tomorrow night this'll show i.ugene how to celebrate it's fantastic .' said Tamara Riches the l.iigelie Ballet (lump mV’s market ten; '■ tree tor The show is fun - li sa lot ol tun It runs the gamut, the vs hole gamu!. and its qu iti- .1 feast Her ause the show features such diverse talents and styles, those involved sav it has something tot everyone '' A u d le nc e in e mber s are bound to find at least one piece that will please them, I’imhle said "But they also need to !«• adventuresome There are some things in the show that are i hallenging, hei aiixe ill il.inu’ In i ha I Irng if.,' uhi 11 w .'. i!rin* -nint t ''I X> » II* Vl . $ >0 '• .I , ! !• ‘ s' k .5 . A' 'uj’l'lll \> nil I . •» ul llu Jlli Nli Ki*n:ie Theatre (> 10 NLim St. t| k •« nl. n ''j'fmslislil) 747-SM*) I Of & EFILL NEW LOCUTION • •••••••••••••« Come see us at our new location on 19th 4 Agate (behind the Hair Loft). Whether you're looking for a quick burger 4 fries or a cozy place for a relaxing dinner. Bubba's Barbecue 4 Grill Is the plxe to be. 1461 '/a G 19th 344-2295 Bubba's BARBECUE B BRILL 1 Opening This Saturday • April 4th ioam pemoll & Freddie Muaic °f Laun Am°ric* 11am Roger Fountain Juggling for Young and Old *>°n Eugene Vocal Arts Ensemble 1pm Tai-kO Drummers Oriental Rhythms 2pm Sacred Harp SingersSacmd wbs/c °(th°Past 3pm Shumba A trican Marimba Rhythms Local Crafts • Great Food • Live Entertainment 10am to 5pm • RAIN OR SHINE • 8th & Oak ‘White Men’ combines sport, state of being * ★ * Vi Ft.M IWirt* Man Csnl Jump to currartty Movto* 12 and Movtoiand Ral •d R • «»»■ I >.»»>«. * • • ••< m» r«r>V • • • ■«!» !*«•• • • • • . • »-•< «M Writer;dinn lor Run Shelton has tint i' again irented ii film t f j.i l gofs to great lengths In i s plain tli<’ impor l ine r u! sports Iti mi'll ll pint es play ground basketball tu .1 nontext vs lli! h ilr.iws parallels between i sport and ■! stall- of being I In' In -.i part is it dot", so with nut bring obvious !: ■ an ■ ■! 1 ■< iru lightning p.i . ! : a ■: ■ u si rui’d V that ex pln.h s , .11!. 1 !! 1. ... ; 1’i-n and st’t’Mis to run ’ii kmetn I’ticrgv alum’ Shortly tl’n 1 tin* mnvir bt’gtns. 1! s.’ftu . a . it it w ruin it suit and all tin dialogue and ,u tii ms happen, nut orally U «dy Ha::. Ison piays Hills llovi*-. 1 ii joking mid VM’sti’nn r who 1:111111s to 1.. •. At ns 1. <►. mg !i 1 mako inoti t’\ In hustling people on tin* . - nut 111 .! • • . bv I S p. 1!mg tlic stereotype that says piaV ! • » 1 j wub the lag boys : t1 la-a : g a l,s VS ho are alter him ior gambling debts, Itis situation is impera live U , sjey Snipes as Sidney Deane, is a sell assured, often arrogant liasketh.ill hustler In bis own right Seeing a unique hook 111 the s. mi that Hilly has, he otters to team up vsilli him to t on some marks together Hut Sidney ( omplii ales mat lers when In jiuts Ins own in terests above those of the team Hilly he. Ins problems as yvel! mine he is a 1 unijjuIstve gam 1 Sidney Deane (Wesley Snipes) is running a last, funny some times risky con game on t A s toughest basketball courts in Whito Mon Can't Jump Wet who is prune lu Inst* any mown hr makes m order tu support his fragile ego At lilt' run of this mm ir is thr spurt ot |>II k U|1 haskrllml! i lion t is in! tu s.,und prclen ttoils In i .ms, this film is any thing hut I lull rill, tin spurt iml its mipiirtutiri’ m thr I M rs lues is elevated tn .1 puint is lu re tin g.lines ,irr ,i dam« .mil the ins:, 'is ,in<| I.iii smi,i>'.i• ire ,i km,! ul poetry It s r\I itlllg 111 Wall'll ,ltlregon l* nter pri so Kmi \ Car roeogm/es imltvulual a* hn\ ement I'rorm dions, only from within, an- based [till on your own } *» rf« >rmani e What does it take to qualify? I he - entry level j*»Mtions require a four degree .1 friendly d»sf*os|fiun and 11w •s illmgm ■ • aiul drive f.» Irani aiul mu * **ed What do you get in return? We offer . ofnplrt.- on the |«*b framing ami rYprrifiu *• in marketing s.ilr^ aislottuT plus .ui rxi client benefits pa. k age I ntiTfifiM1 Kent A ( .ir will IS' on campus in April to interview and answer your cpiestions {see '^1h'v1u1<- N-low i We presently hav *• both ( AK1I K AM) SLMMI K INI I K\ I'OSI HONS AVAIl A Hi I ' 1 isted below are dales a company representative will be available tin campus Aprils 10:00-2:00 Career I air I MU Ballroom April 21 VOO-OAO Presentation IW Straub Mall April 22 All Day Interv iews Career Planning Hendricks Hall It you am ready to use your c«■!I«*j^t' degree as a stepping stone to higher management, visit your ( areer Planning and I'l.Hement Center ill Hendruks Hall today to sign up for a personal interview'