Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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Continued from Page 1
Instead, committee mi'inlii'rs bat ked a plan to seek a serial
lew. a renewable propertv tax, dedicated to law onfori e
inent. said Kanden Rasmussen. budget committee chairman
Nobody w anted to do S4 4 mil lion in ( iltbttcks," he said
The serial levs will support some law enforcement pro
grams that weren't among the proposed cutbacks and tree up
mimes to fund programs like the White Bird Medical (.linii s
anonymous HIV testing
White Bird s clinic coordinator Boh Dritz said employees
were upset when they found out about the plan to eliminate
the program's $.’<>,500 of i ountv funding lor HIV leslmg
We were a uimhination of angrs and dismayed.' Dritz
s,ud We were . : , is tn-i ause vs-' weren't informed of the de
cision We found out bom the • ew papers The dismay was
he< ause the demand lor testing is higher than it s ever been."
Dritz said handing the decision of whether the county
should fund White Bed s anonvnums Hl\ testing to voters
makes him fee I ispi.ilK powerless
"It takes it total!V out of our hands, Dritz said "It leaves
me up In the air in a sensi
Jeanette Bnbsl i ountv dins to! of health services, said the
prop ,...c she and a management team made to eliminate Lane
County funding for anonymous testing and counseling ser
ve ex at Wluli [t r i Medical Clinic was not an easy decision
1 was looking at the services we need to provide in the
community' to maintain the integrity *>t our program, Bobst
••aid Lite dei is. ns were not made in a vacuum. The impact
on the community of i u ts in publ i lu a It In is far greater than
the impact of cuts in HIV servir i s
( ountv commissioners now must vote on the proposed se
rial levy Lour of the five comm- a ' 11 said I uesiiay said
they supported the levs. Rasmussen said, adding he believes
tin v will pass it Then the prop I i vy w ould go to voters
ft :dget committee member S, B utlett said commission
ers will he making a grave del -aa ;! they re|ect the hoard's
proposal Cutting funding for U Bird's anonymous HIV
testing is not the answer to the : : in1 n rtfall, he said
It s one lex-. .eritr.il lot at! pa who want to get
testi ,i Bartlett sa .i It take- n! t!.-. legs In the battle
against AIDS
Hob Km kstii t t * 'o' d I : mil human services, said
the proposed - , x- i*. i , \. s told him to make
were more per 1 ap:'a i aii thev w ■ a tor other departments
We took a -lit hit. Koi kstroh s.ud I was not
thrilled thev hit me disproporti' - ate v I’uhlu lv ; understand
it t)is ause thev know we ■ an generate our own funding, hut
pnv ately It does bother me
Lane County I’uhlti Health i .u. fill White Bird's place If its
a’louymi his HIV testing IS i lit Km kstroh sal! However, peo
ple who seek absolute anonymity may not go to Lane County
i’litilii Health, which performs oninlential testing
W tti .uionvtnous HIV testing di tots keen their patients
only by assigned numbers With i iiiil.deutia testing, diiclols
know I!;-- names of patients, hut do not reii ase il ■ in
If we don't have a name, we can't do follow-up on you.
but I can understand the tears of people who don't want to
give their name Kik kstroh said Its a con flit ! of values "
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