Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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    They're Taking Appointments for
Some Woman-to-Woman Talk.
Pii-c; it- F> i-u‘1. jifiys-' ur ' iv. art md Jijiin- Hamilton. t et tificd nurse
nndvv (CNMl Beit1 1.1 a w» n ■■ I a " t• s ■ nd k ■ ■ a t a v .-n< ••ms.
tii it stand hei feats T t • , i v i -as. t : . c is> t t>«• 4l .in*- a tt
A .1 [i'!v !• ■ ( r l a ■ • ' < It 1 He- ■
■ . . f ’M ’ r ' \ P : ’ y t | ' » . ' ■ * * ' ' ' ' 'U SSI'S ' ' * ' S I 1 * '' ' t ’ >
g, ■ .(< »v t' teenage* nci <,!!,■ thi ' ’ r S’ ■ » ! ■
A-. ,i i s. ■ ; a *. Ju ' ' m • i: tr .i app- m ' • ; • ep i
for c'"'.dbirtl S> t . ■ > Sir’s a,i!> e*p> um pan- ", ■ • the • vcy first office v sit
thi ougn tlu delivery in ’ after A.Kds
M. importantly ! -c the )o:: i s they -Am l witf bi :h laurn- and Judic arc
committed tii giving a. >mi'ii i ’ t* -nfi >i mat ■ ,1 rt ey need i., make s>.mud dec isions
about their health car e
$► died doctor s A unrig envi'onment And now. Laurie tnd Judie Good
reasons for making your ru-*t appointment at the Clime foi Women
I 75 West B Street
Suite I
Springfield, Ot egon 97477
1200 Hilyard Street
Suite S-200
Eugene. Oregon 97401
Clinic for Women
Richard Beyertem. M D and David Poweli. M D
(iiu* vour resume a
professional look l)\ hav ing
it t\ peset at l etter Pertei t
(.jraphii. s suite J(M) [ Ml .
U6-4 J81 9-3 Mon-Fri
Dan’s man to speak
11,IV Hi Be< kv. th press mi rrl,ir\ f.ir \ i< *■ President Dan Quavle.
w ili sjH .tk a' .iiiij-.-.is ' >dav as jnir! of the ongoing law school pro
gram ailed Dissent umi Domo<r.it \ Be< kwith will bo in Koom
U’<i -f tin law st bool at t in
■ tie program sponsored in part by the Student Bar Association,
ts an effort by gt' t.p t.: present speakers who will address the
real lift side ‘ the dissenting \ ra ( in demnerac \ said SB A
mi tuber David Hollister
Sen Paul Simon Dili spoke h iring fall term about supporting
issues that'are unpopular, and Hollister said Urn kwith will be able
10 give the Other side it the spot Iruttl
Bet kwith is .1 graduate of the I'niversitv of Texas School of Law
and the Columbia I 'niversitv School of journalism Hi' worked as a
correspondent lor Timr magazine and covered President Bush's
10HH i ampaigr: Hollister said
I understand that he’s regarded as one of the top (fogs on Capi
tol Hill and was one of the people spec du allv assigned to help Dan
Quavle along," Hollister said
Continued from Page 1
; he i enter will tic .1 i leuring
house on <ili Chemoby I * rela ted
information and .1 place where
K ;-.sian citizens can learn how
r.niiation contamination afreets
their homes and their fields
(ompuler animation, color
maps and multi-media cupubil
'a s make the (.IS program tin
m rflec live was to explain
tins kind id information said
Mike Hamiiiton. a professor a!
■die f'diversity ol California and
an environmental multi-media
Baldwin (lie projis 1 adminis
trator said people can visit the
1:! irmatinn center, sit down at
w t;at looks like a big si refin tel
re s on and jiress a series ol
k--v s lo find out what their run
tammalinn risk is, sav. If they
w fleets and drink milk from
• . w*n tows
member* \% ill
: w < r hook a
it! n , gabite laptop Com
• ■ 1,tains a modem
* 1 ik‘ them to mdi
in! 1 l.irm.hieises m the area.
1 wi. tvt-r a glass of vodka
; 'at dish and show
tin .-it ■ million.' Baid ■
■ ■ v a!. show them vs here
' ol, tile c ompuler
i/ed ni(ips) and whai is contain
mated," ho said.
Baldwin said loam members
will advise people in the con
tjiminaied area on which crops
are safor lo grow l or example,
wheal is freer from radiation
than potatoes, beets or other
roots which grow in the
ground where much o! the t on
lamination has settled
Hopes are high that the Rus
sian people will believe and
take to heart this information
Information released by the for
mer Soviet government carried
little credibility and was not
About 100.000 people have
already been evacuated from
the Chernobyl region, hut sev
eral st lentists contend that the
health and safety of as many as
15 million more are a! risk
Now. Russians yvlio remain
unconvinced of long-term
health hazards are beginning to
return to homes near the nude
ar real tor or to engage in dan
gerous practices
Gennady Vagodm, former So
y let education minister under
Gorbachev and initiator of the
Chernobyl project, said the
Russian researchers are lucky
to have the help of the Oregon
team, bet ause information gath
ered by an international team
vs i H he holies able
\M () ( umtilulion C uurl w . 1 .
• .*• ^ *■ LV; ■ -uty ... H
Mr* an MuiJfftU \ »mm 14I i»»n »* ««
lay «' 4 hi »; •• : S* 4 • • > M ..,sm 1)
I Ml Hoard ol l)ir*<lui» «% .1 *
y *?. * * .»?*,.• i • ■ «• : ?• l»> a
i-abi; * *?e ' k ' : • K "-*• f*I ■ J
KM. ' . !*<*•' 4 ' V< • ; •• '!'» t Ml
ht k.~ m
06PIIU. <*•.. . .‘ui» c a i' . ■ i j: ' j
'«•«»•• : ’’a • .h • g :■ ildV • ' *
l-r *• inlottnaUf • a. »
p m in KM!. Siut* i>n*
mjso i: ankcm s
A memorial iwmoBt ded; at» a f>.‘ »
il m ■ ! i of Kmmtnuni
){«i£*nu>ru* :at» i r^vejaity pf.. !e*n.ir of
Italian » - i be ' day a: 4 j rr: at the
» uthwvv: ■*.«: ' fr»«n-.Jiy Hi-.
Sludrnti fur Diversity \ci *11 end
Kc«irM«l in fduiaDon m 1 jv# a sir a lofty
retreat Saturday at ISv Mr«*iide Inn ir
Y*t Sj'.» A a: t- * ^ave a lU • rr.
f: .nr. the KML‘ l uuftyax d
f-.»r mt'tr.iiu r;A- M A/» r rfce
.‘ •**••.1 : !r,itu >t*nA Suit# *«' i» ru> >n
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