Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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    IFC allocates to eight groups
By Kirsten l ucas and Daralyn Trappe
t me' u.1 Stall
The Incidental Fee Commiilir allocated
100.: 'll budgets to eight student groups this
w eek, giving ini reuses tu fmir. dei n uses lo three
.md first time funding to one Over SIOTOOO in
total was budgeted out
At Wednesday s meeting, the li t aihx ateii a
IJ7 percent increase to the Mediation Program
for a new budget id 57J,()'#> 'Hus sear. Mediation
is receiv ing 510.007 I he budget passed '» 10
with IF( 1 (Ihalrwomnn Lvdiu hernia opposed
Most of that increase will tie used to supple
merit the pay of Direr lor Jar quid C.lhson. because
.1 mandated salary mi reuse for state employees is
expected to go into effer t soon
Additional funds were also allot uted to in
t rease the work studs line item (iibson said the
work load in her office i ontinues to mi rease even
though enrollment is dropping The stress of
higher tuition is putting an extra burden tin'stu
dents and some are less aide to resolv e a (inflicts
as a result, (libson said
The Singapore Students Avsix , ition was alio
cated S2.S0H, a det rease over this year's budget ol
S2,5«m The group requested Stl.47-1
Although the line item for the group \ (Tiltural
Show was increased slightly, the S‘‘ " potlui k line
item Was eliminated by the Il f ' hernia-suggested
the group hold th.it event off-campus instead ..I in
the I'.'M'D. thereby eliminating tin lost of l.Mt'
SSA members disagreed vv ill; that and also
w ith the small me rease given the Cultural Show
event I(•'(: Member Robert (Til/ also volt ed his
opposition and annotini ed Ins intent to bring the
SS A budget hack before the li-C for reconsidera
Amneslv International rei eived first time fund
ing of S.ioo. the usual amount fa new groups
hernia suggested not binding any new groups to
keep fees down, lint the uilin.lt! a: passed I J !,
with l.erm.i and (Tu/ opposed -md Sara Dodge
The Philosophy (Hub wu-. unanimously ilhw at
ed S7H4. down from this year s Imdget .! SHJ i
The !F( reduced administralive line items
The ll*( allocated 51 lift,001 to lour student
groups at Tuesday night's meeting, wInch lasted
nearly six hours All hut one ol the groups re
ceived lilt Teases in their 1007 'I I !> idgets
The largest budget la.ml i ms lay was the (lo
gon U.iil\ limt'r.iltl. which ro em I SlT’hooo, ,i t
pen ent in( rease over this year’s budget I he vote
was .1 J 0. w ith hernia and ( : a/ opposing the
S4 1 Hit in( rease
The l.miTilld request. d Still. 1 111. repr'-sentllig
a T pen ent Ink. to , over increased j;: mling . ost
The AM '() budget analyst rn ommended th.it t! «
!F( gr.mtthe f.Tnera/d's reipiest However, Iff
budget analyst Steve Masat dis.igr.e.-i reiom
mending a n percent cud to relict t the expected
enrollment drop
A budget note was attached to the l iw r.ihi ••
budget stipulating that if decreased enrollment
causes tl (o in! hark circulation the Si 1 rtii
would lie returned to the II ( . surj . . n xt .ear
Hmrnilil editors pies, riled ev lei. that the
peri erilage ol the h.mrntlti's butg. ! tun.led hv the
irti ^ i^' JJ
f ( lutv
'wngaporv Sli*l Asaoc
Awwly QOmMoral
> >r»^on Oafy i rrwraki
W1 S/M
2 59* 250*
124 a 129 •<
1L7M 1SJS2
12 14* 13 22'4
4 5
♦ 12.7 S£
3 5
♦ 300 0
. 30
•§ mm
. 90
m-; mjdm «un u»- imn
IF( hiis decreased over the past three v t-.ir*.. dur
mg whit h lime the newspaper b.i's retetved no
significant IF'G increases
The budget gnmli'd by the IFG will
rover 1’ 7 percent of the total operating costs for
the student publication I he money will rover
o t r> pemmI of the I'miY.ilifs printing t osts
|‘ro|e( t S,deride, the nighttime shuttle servue
for women, received a 1 percent itit reuse of St»*♦«
The A.SI () recommendation tor S,deride was
The 1FG linummousiv approved S.deride s re
quest of S ! n,u.'.' Alter the vole l.erm.i said, this
is the firs! increase | have voted Ini all year
Ihe loo.’ it budget increase will allow
S,deride to operate during the summet and will
aid its efforts In purchase an additional van
Nateiide i d:rei t re Madeira Kodgers and Mona
Gentry told lie lit. that its ridership tripled last
year and has already doubled this \ear
"Fiverv night we have to turn down about lit
vvinmti. ’ Kodgers said
I he Native \inri ii an Student in n got a o
peri nnt in< reuse from the li t Tuesday utter a ten
sion Idled hearing that lasted about tw hours
The lit voted I 7 1 to give N A.SI • sn.’.’H |M
an unusual move, hernia abstained Irom the vote
Dodge and Anne I eig dissented
Ne\t year wilt he an important \e.ir lor the
group because it is the 500th anmvervarv ol
Ghristopher ( .dumbos' arrival in tie United
States lies; nbed bv NASI due. is tie
50()th year of oppression
In me mortal of ibis hlstOf it al event. N \,M will
bust the Indigenous People's ( ae: tef em e which
will culminate at the annual Fell Few wow
N A NI appealed til the til tii grail' in ire lease ni
light it-, sjea i ii pi.ins, vvhu h ir.< . . u- tun gun;
indigenous spi iki-rs trom al eve ** ■ w a ,|
the i iiiv eisitv
(liven the timing and past history. I leel this
iiur• is I Ins is a drop m the hi; > , ' enpan-d to
ev etything w w 1 N un.i A • n th
Mi-.t is A ll. . ile: (.In ue, student unem. wa
tie i i V l.' . t to take a b, i;! ge! , ,! , e ■ t i v
High! Ml.GhA v ihmiardv tu! its iwi: budge! te
qae-ting Vi.U-S 1, a it) pert ent di. tease lean this
ve il s 511.041 budget The AS! () ret ummendu
turn w.e. 1 ! uit! th, li t time auav.lv i n
t urretl
8 p.*11*
Tickets on sa ^ ^
T'cketn^ts *15* General
*10’ UO Students^ cai( ASU0 346-3724
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