Faculty, Staff and Students GOOD DEAL -ON SQUARE MEALS 25 meal lunch pass for only $100 During Spring Term Only 1 his is .i .40% disc mini from the- Daily _c ash pric e._ Purchase lunch pass at i Iniv ei sity Housing or call 44(> 4277 (or more information. My Fiddle Strang and (juitar Strings (lx*«t price in town) &C Gectars & Flutes Sc C ongas 'ifi. t»nnw*nnnnnnnnnnnnn^ n?ee t^mbog^nc WITH A HI RCIIASi; OF $10 OR MORK(THRl' MAY) P* Buy 6 Sell Center .if>i \V« »i r.t It U740I A I* K I \ t I I* I IS of SOI \ I) K I I I K I MINI I \ \ I S I I \ WHY TOU SHOULD STMT PLANNING FOR RETIREMENT WITH TOUR EYES CLOSED. I^or iriirrmnil In l»r t hr nmr of \«>ur 1»f«* wu, have to drrani a lit t Ir about t he t hin^\ \ mi \ r a I vs a \ s wanted to do ti.nrl • \ j»1«> r » Mail .» liuiinrsH .Just imagine With a tir rain an.i a plan v »*u « all make ;l happen 'tom pension ami St n lal Set m it\ should pi o\ idr a tfood imsu irlnrmriK tm omr lull w K.*t ail l In •• » r \[I 4S l ha! fll.iki \ out dream* {»i«is«l>!r ' Vim li prolmMs nml *»niu* addittonal '.n nu: tini am is Yoi r cm n. wi c an iif:i i* Yen with mi pi \ v 1 I \A t Kl‘ I Supplemental Rrtunnrni \munlir' | SK As I, tax ileferteil annuities foi people like v on in eilut at ton a ml irsrait ft, at« .1 giKHl vv a \ it* sate for ret u cm rut ami sax e on (axe* novx SR As are eas\ \ou make < on tnhutinns through \ t*ui institution before your taxes aie t alt uiateti. so son pax less tax noxx I ou pa\ nt* la \ on \ mil SR A t on11 iluition* anti rai nm^s until vmi rc« riN r thrm as imomr \n»i sa\ uig i r^ului l\ means vour amii ihu lions anti their rarninp Ensuring the future for those who shape it.“ I ! > .in u«l*l up «|tii». k!\ \\ hat rise inaki • SK \s Mi M»rc i a I ’ \ hi »>.«< i i.iiip of uJLm A!ion t hoiv ev from (hr safrlN of l I \ \ to fhr invest merit .u « ount x of (, KI \ > \ .ii lublr anfUilt % no sale* n run pv*. .1 \ ar ret \ »»! w a\ * In 1 r v r 1 \ r income mt Imhnc* annuities [i.u menh o\cr a irxetl pet uui «»r « ash Vhi fini\ also hr a hie to hiirr o'.s .^4msi \ out SK \ jo uitiulat ion hr lor r \ 1 >u 1 i*l ir e* # Ml this plus the top investment nun.^’c mrnt that has hriprti make ! I \ \ C Rl I the largest retirement * v stem in the 1 ount r \ No star t lireaminjU ami planning lor the time oi vour Itle Hn ausr t he sooner vou start voui SKA. the greater vour •..tnnp ami \ oui irtire mrnt \s ill he ?* /> SI \ R I PI \NMN(» I OR llll I1M» C>» VOl K I II I . IOI)\V. ! I *>f v owl trrr II \\ r. HI I Supj4c firm ji» V » ' r■ \ ' ! > K '■ ** 1 1 \ \ ( Ml M lr,.! VH * «1 rti.i.l VrriL,, Nr. N.-.k SN ■" • I )■ . 1 NIKI H-I'J J7.N.N I «i MOW. I '"••• [ ^_ ! if "! WtarM»i>nf *«* *-• ■ * • I i i ij.' yf: . ' *. jj*-« *—! i * j - «MMt . *00 »M2 .*:*u » », . rfw 1 ' ' i Hi I liwi1 A ilk*i V .. «> I 'V llf*^ iHt I t-'fi-jil If!-. It . >*.» .»«•*< ■--- ifn I O' (hiy Ortf i'n l Vi, Emerald WOMEN Continued from FJage 11 go it trams strongly in most rv cry event The Ducks may espet Lilly be altar king with .1 solid sprint corps, despite the graduation of m hool-rer orii holder Rosie Wil hams Sophomore Camara lories, an NCAA qualifier in the 400 her freshman year, has already set personal records in both the 100- and 200-meter dashes with l’a< -10 qualifying times Also helping out in the sprints will he freshman LaRema Woods, the first Ore gon high school athlete to ever win State titles m two events (the UK) and 200) all four years Woods has already qualified for tile Put -10 meet in the 100 "(Jones) and LaKeina together giyes us so much latitude," Heinonon said The two are also part of the 400 relay team whose 40.00 time Heinonon said was the fastest in the last three years In the jumps, Oregon returns NCAA high Jump qualifier l.au rel Roberts The, senior (ould also he the Ducks’ top long jumper Jessie should also compete in the long jump, and both she and si elor Kim Carlisle have already qualified lor the Pat -10 triple jump Another shot tn the arm for Oregon should be ui the shot put and ilist us throw events where sophomore julm liei k has assured herself of a spot at the Pac-fO meet in both events June Him k is f.1 r ahead of where she yvas last year. Heinonen said Hemonen said the thrower t hanged her lech tuque ami is seeing greater sue (he person the Ducks will surely miss is heptathlele Kelly Blair vs lui vs 111 rndshirt this season The junior was the only Oregon scorer other than Berry .it List year’s \l A A meet Stellit k w ill likely compete in the heptathlon for Oregon this spring Though Oregon lost people key to its contemner title last year. Heinonen said his team should he fas ored to repeat I’m not suit- ryerybody has the firepower across the board like us, Heinonen said 2°1 Rent one movie and second rental of equal of lesser value is free • Special Coupon Offer • 1888 Franklin Blvd. to 7-11 on Vitertf* SlVfkSW. \ HfO - ± 344-2691