Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1992, Page 13, Image 13

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    Ducks fly home for softball game
By Jayson Jacoby
Oh how pi iii homo must
look to tlir Oregon softball
team right about now
l iu' 1 tin ks Din i’ ranked .1 s
high as ltVth in the nation
art' : oiTimg nl! .1 -two »n k road
trip tn.it saw thorn lost- 1. nl ! I
gami's 1 ni Itnlmg the last 111
Oregon (I t !' overall, 1 t
I’uOfu.-U) Conferente) returns
to a i t ion t h 1 s a fin moon a t
How e Field w ith a 1 p m ilou
bleheader against rival Oregon
Stall'(912. 1 i)
i ami Brow n, Oregon's lnm.il
softball 1:0.n il. said she s glad
to Im1 but k homo
bvervone learned a lot,
she saui W hat w e did , ai that
road trip was bin exponent e
Next time I think W e'i: p-a. 5
differently in those types of sit
I he l)ll(ks started, the road
swing well fin igh. downing
Southeast Louisiana 1 1 -
March 20 lor their tourth
straight win But Oregon won
just one of its next 1 I games 1
Rachelle Taylor
S O \ it torv over Ti-vis S.m An
Ion.. Mart h J )
I’.ir: nl (Irr^nii s diilu ull\
W..»s thf li'Vrl ii! : nrn|)i-tilnm
11 . • : - 1: DA i, ■ ' ■■■
i ! ;All ro:k■ O : '1 An S' t ■
lilih ». .! . \ \ ■ i:i
ihvs t)f(U :1 o in tin- «*■'.,sn.*:
opiTi.'t f-nb -lit ou< suffered
'vs 11 Icf.-als .I '\i.
->0 (:,|I S;,Hr Nurili; his;.'
Ur.O >H OurO As Yh.nensOur
vx ! 1\ ': s! .U,, s ; .
a i ,.. x. . : ■ , ; i v
ii i- U r t: .| i: n! i; \
.' . ' 1 .s
;:. . | ; ;!r sixth lti
..... ‘
Ii..; K,i. . .iv iii; vv . !
psh !. .! fin-, w in mm; fur:
!:. a. sfr- it: v ; r,! V • v. : s soph
iijTiiT h ! 5 r ii..; ' In:! se\ <■ n! h
Iir.ivv!i Nil; : ■: ; ■.1 : :sit x\ s .
VS ti.it .'•> till' ' ■ i.: t i. u.x t, ifV ! ii>
in: s : ■ I : h.i' w
W : x hull! : : ■ ■ X «|-1 i
,mii i think it w :: i ; ;nj)f. ii <•
it s up tu '.hr hitters tu gi-l
r uns U si;! tu. it ;: I thr p;t
hmi the comfort
,ii)ii*. iitui then tiu’ ili’Sciisi- h i-,
to pi.i V \vti |C:in-r
rchtv Brim n -..mi
hfladt-r w.il ( ; S' i1
!: : i tii :; t . *
in fin-;:ip'-mru; .; : • :.!hr;r
( )rt kton vv ; : i, ■ u t i’o:!
: I : ■ ifiiilV t ’ i ; .
not i i < 11 -1
. i it * i *" S’t if li.ui.! 'St.ill'*
Oregon rugby gears up for playoffs
By Steve M ms
tmetaici C -
It's plavoff time lor the Oregon rugby team as
the UlH ks fill I' Southern Oregon oil S, 1111 r < i. i \ with
the winner advancing to the region.i champion
"! like our chances, thev re in ,liable said
coach Hob Snvdet U • i an t ertamU heat them
Oregon finished second in the Northwest
League with a K re, rd. quahlvn g lor post.se,■
son play
Southern Oregon has n entiv rei noted several
members of the lo ithal! team to join their spuad.
so SUVdt'P 1 \ ; a ■. ' . i,ig team hut .! ■ es11 t k I
how smart tie Ka. h-rs w dl play
The flu «. • an- ..rren’iv suiter;: ; Irom in..: :•
to Sean Monts an 1 Hr id Ni Is a. hut .in .I. ..
the depth to maki U{ !; -:
Oregon will relv on a strong perlormam e Iron,
thi’ front line of Bon ihen e Ian \\ lhams and
Steve Knaust 1 hat line, considered hv many to
be tie- ill's! ill li. ie.ig.ie will be . inif.l ;■ !•
counter b.tl.un e !ie- big Southern Oregon bin
Sn! u i. 1 .1 v '•> v;.i:i ■ k.. ■ k ■ ilf.it 11 id ii! S, i ,;: >
i■ 11•!; i ! h' ■ winner .el v.im i :u ' '': \\ .
( oust Championships in l.hi \ngeies
In liber f}r• j.; a. i k s;.as ■.
• i>
in!.i I. ;;iin s\ g n. ■ .s • ».> ; i
t h* ■ 1 I . ►. : .1 . ■ : i 1
follow e.l .1 ' 1. :n \\
Sun.l is i! ip::. : '* :
ifie i|inng season is i fjt*• ji-1r,i: .■ i I the ini.
! ! I * : I j ■ - 1 \ ! . I “ . I -.1
til games hiring die s;n • ■ ig i " --r "r. • •
Oregon lost .1 i i...ji!e u! }ii.i\''| . i.i gfiiiiii i’uir:
the :: >t . :i ji : 'a’ i! w *: i ss -i - ■ ■ . W.
the teams lu.nilng sc t*rt-r m tin tail I In on ■!
:: .i > \ •. ! \
tile I) . Ik-. !! M ii. !’: : I
l\ • : w: ! - g is i
pr. king s i i expiv ' go ■ ! r!
Continued from Page 12
\:i. •:!: : il id!’. ombmii
; io;y f i '!:■; ; '■: k.s Will be ill
the '. ■ ; '■ i -■■■ w here sc
rn k V i three
Sun.' A Ve-r .ill. .itiii I've
Vic s ' : i 1 .si: I'etii
runner •• . • r• i .il lilt* St A A
meet ,i veto 4Ro, pl.u in.K fifth
it nil sckctll!’. tespil tivelv
Senior hurdec Hub ('.ruv
should .tNo he i sl.tmintil ml
Uu- ftvi.ni tins sc isttn (.r.i\
own* ill.- f.tsic-.i ,iu!om,iti(
lime in (!n>;.•:: hishtr\ in the
t fO tnr.lio ■ :; ! w .is stv unit
if. the e: i! m :lie SI V \s
lijSl Ve.tr He shtiuitl .list!
compete in lilt* 400 hurdles
till' spring
!.n■ hr throw. : V! Sk ;>
!>*• t is die. iin.i! ’ etstrinng
\i \ \ !,Me- 1 ) .. .c
t he settlor w lu i t n ish oil
tain <• i orps !'!:■• senior won
the 1’itc 10 111 11- in 1 he
1 o.iHMi meter run and com
[H'lini at tin- N( A A meet
Seniors Shannon l.emorn
m oo d in tin HIM) and Alan
!• • m the 1 i00 ill the
i1 -ti lit meet last season
S; nh.■;<. .in- ( .ih \ (landaele
will S'. hop out in the
middle distant es
()threturnIng I’at -1 0
hide senior Nick
\ n ■ I : nil's in the ham -
'1 : o'.s -. i|ihoinore I'odd
Mil isi’i's in the triple jump,
Km; o : e liar M s and Devon
id.is. v m tin loo meter re
! i V ;: id l.a \ all I’leri e and
Itrv O U al!-. III tile HUM) me
ter relay
i i i h i I o w i nip on will
p; i. 11 e in inith I.Milt.all and
> this spring ini t I he
■ : : more should he the
i) > ■. a! pm |; a mer
... hedna se. ills to fa
U . the I lie s
. :;rp i, a' !;■ lui' tor I lie
lashion with
an h'j/mir h'/air
Because it J* 't'Mi t havr t»> Jirt\ t. > In- ^ «• !
llu ana 5 larpst m-L-v ti*»n »»f qua! it
tor the discerning adult
ally owi» J vSt [x-rafed tor over 1
Mon Sat
. pell - 4 111 ’Ul
idam miJmght
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Oregon Daily Emerald 346-37 1 2