LLi_ \W, .It 1-^ c«k li C* Cl I 1 \f . %-' OKU vv g —' v «i r*\fo» v« \ V. ^Uo ^--^1 Wai TE^- edit d *" r //*' C*r ^ 1! EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS Low Man on the Totem Pole Tour 9d with fIREHOSE DOS HAMMERBOX SPRINKLER Thursday,April 9th WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln Doors open 7:30pm, Showtime 8pm TICKETS: $6 UO, $10 GENERAL AT EMU MAIN DESK CD WORLD FACE THE MUSIC HOUSE OF RECORDS & RECORD GARDEN EUGENE BALLET COMPANY TONI PIMBLE ARTISTIC DIRECTOR * \\ 50% fOt »*i ticks;* 1*1 i WJH t*'* ID \CfU.BRAtl°* ‘ 01 TM1 ^ * WOM-M* if Ny APRIL 4 8:00 PM ' APRIL 5 2:30 PM THE EUGENE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ONOUCTED B> i AiSOf HUIT CENTER 687 5000 > Cot •* ■-»- ** **•**«■» N» ..»• 1 m _ ----- '« vi %» 'W1 *» *• »I ►»« r *, •« ■—T nm- r ■■ * * li..- V» * ,r» Men’s track expects strong return jThree of Oregon's Pac-10 title winners are returning this year By Jake Berg Enwalcj Sports r it' v Then should he few sur prises from tin Oregon tnon's (rail, and fluid train this sea son The Duils urn xpi•ctf'dly fin isheil in third plai r at tin Nt.AA Championships last sea son. but Oregon returns most of Its s< ori-rs from that imrl st groat things ss 111 !>• rxpix ted ! tho Dm Is All thrisr of (In gun s f’iu ifii 10 Conference individual (till winners front a w ar ago n-tum In defend their lilies m the i humpinnshtps at Hayward field Mav 22 and It I tin- first time in lo years the f'ai-10 meet will Is- held ait Ha s w ard Six of the men who.si nred 2H of the Duels 0. N( A A points lire also hai l for Oregon's first dual meet Saturday at \\ ashing ton Only hammer thrower Slot! Mlt.ee tile \l A A full nor up. is go nr from 1 h i s spring's lineup 1'he dei altllon mav provide the Dm Is best 1 punch in their arsenal, .is I'edro daSilva and Muhammad Oliver return for their senior years daSilva, who won the fan A men ( .m (.allies dei a III Ion las! summer, is a two-time Par-10 i hump, and Oliver w ho was fourth at the N1 A A s last spring, has already ipi.illfied for the St AA meet this year with a 7.7S 1 point personal record seore Fite pftoto Pedro daSilva Oregon a two-time Pac-10 decathlon champ, returns this season to defend his title Thai mark I wasn't [doused with. Oliver said I did awful in a i ouple of events Hu! (diver alsu <1 iti well in a couple of events, too, setting personal records in the hurdles and long jump Oliver mas also lw tlie l)u< ks' lies! high jumper, as he claimed the l’ac 1(1 title in the event las! spring with a modest 7 () !/r pimp Oliver said ll feels good to get the ijuahfvmg mark out of the w.tv I'.irlv. so hi' c an < om i'!> train on the inilnulu.il nvnnts Hr s.iul Ins prrsuniil goal is to brr.ik the 7,Him point in.irk. tin: Olvmpii Trials qualifying scorn, .mil both hr .inti iliiSilvn fuivr .1 goal to brr.ik the Oregon school rncoril "Wr kind of h.nr .1 compete lion going to brat that." Oliver s.lld Turn to TRACK Page 13 ADVERTISING CORRECTION A typographical error appeared in the Track Town Pi?/a ad on page 6 of the Thursday, Apnl 2 edition of the Emerald The copy should have read ‘Oregon decathlete Muhammad Ower is the first Duck to quality for the NCAA Track and Field Championships so far this season ' The error was unintentional and was the sole responsibility of tire Oregon Daily Emerald We apologize to both Muhammad Oliver and Track Town Pizza for our mistake Judy Riedl, General Manager, OREGON DAILY EMERALD 1 TRACK TOWN PIZZA PRESENTS U of O TRACK ATHLETE _()F THE_ WEEK Muhammad Oliver Oregon decathlete Muhammad Oliver is the first Duck to qualify for the NCAA Track and Field Champ-ionships so far this season. The senior, who finished fourth at the national meet last spring, scored a personal record 7.751 at a decathlon meet in Tempc. Arizona March IX-ld. Oliver also started at cor > nerback for the Oregon football team in ^ the fall. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1 8()9 Franklin B1 vd. • 484-2799 • Open 11 am-1 am Daily