Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1992, Page 11, Image 11

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Women runners look
for Pac-10 title repeat
j Oregon stars differ
ent people but still
strong in javelin and
distance events
By Jake Berg
r.m«K.i d Sports i )! '
Tom Heinonens goal is lor
I ho Oregon wimicn's trai k loam
lo ropoal as tho' winnors of the
|\u ifii 10 Conference ( Ilium
Tho 1C> year head coach's
team will lie strong in tho sumo
events, tint vv ith different poo
pin And unlike last year's con
foreru e win at Tempo. Art/
tho Dm ks w ill get a chance lo
win the title May 22 aiVd 2.t at
Hayward l-'jold. tin' firs! time
the women's championships
will tie held at Oregon's home
"The Pat It) is going to be
our goal." Meinonen said
"That’s our primary goal We
haven't won a lot ol stuff in hu
gene Wo ve won a lot on the
As has heroine expected of
traditional Oregon teams, the
Dm ks should again he strong
i'st in the javelin and longer
distance running events when
competing in their first dual
meet of tile season Saturday at
Ironically, the javelin throw
could he Oregon's strongest
event this season despite the
loss of Paula Berrv Berry. the
1001 NCAA lavelm thump, has
graduated, hut the Ducks
shouldn’t drop a level in the
Senior him Hyatt, who has
been lo the N’t A \ meet ear li of
Iter first three years .it Oregon,
was picked h\ lt.u k all./ iirld
Sr it s to w m the national chain
pionship in the event tins year
And hacking up Hyatt are Wo
of the country's best prep
throwers from a year ago, he!
m i StelIi( k and heri lister
“We'd really like to see the
javelin as being our strongest
event," Hemonen said
The longer distant e events
have also been a strong point of
Heinonen’s past teams, and lfi.it
IS expected to i hange little this
spring Cone are Stephanie
Wessell and cross country
standout Lisa Karnopp. hut ex
pern-rued runners still return
for Meinonen
We've got enough people re
turning where 1 don't think
we re going to miss a step 1,1
all.-' he said.
Senior Lucy Nusralu. an
Kim Hyatt
NCAA qualifier lust Vf.ir. will
likely run in the 1 ,.r>()()-, TOOO
and S,000 meter events this
season Fullow senior Nuole
Woodw.irii. who was also at the
NCAA meet last season, will In.
cus on the 1.000 and has run a
provisional qualifying time and
personal retain! ttj .M -I t In (lit
>.000 this season
Oregon could .list) get help
Irom freshman Melody lair
child who is considered one of
tin’ best prep female runners ol
all time The Boulder, Colo,
native, who holds the prep in
door record in the .1.000, is stif
lermg from a foot injury and
mav he forced to redshirt this
Freshmen Jenna C.irlson and
lill Callero. both standouts dur
mg the cross country season,
will also compete in the longer
d istant e events
Injuries have also st yin led
the progress ol Hell! lien's MOO
meter crew Senior ( amt
liolmnen. the l’a< 10 runner up
m the H00 a year ago, has a
stress frar turn in tier femur and
is expected to he out until late
\pril or early Mav
In addition. MOO runners bn
ka Klein and Kim Hutson .ire
recovering from injuries
Mv whole MOO meter group
is pretty gimpv this winter
Heinonen said
Another weak link in his
team could he the hurdle
events. Heinonen said Oregon
does have freshman Sura Jessie,
who lias posted ttle best time at
the 100 meter hurdles so tar
tJiis year, and litgli jumper I.au
rel Roberts Is trying die event
for tin- first time sou e high
s( hoot.
"The MOO and hurdles are a
little soil right now . hut every
where else were pretty darn
good.” Heinonen said We i an
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