FASCISM(S) SCHEDULE 5-7:30 p m. 7:30 p.m 9 • 10 am. 10:15- 11 45am Noon Thursday. April 2 :'6m. 15 - 2:45 p m 15 - 5 45 p.m. 30 p m 9- 10:30 am 10:45 • 12:15 p m. 2:45-4:15 pm. 4:30 - 5:45 p.m . Ra^straAonBalmam Lobby • Eknor Langar *Soma Rartacbons on Nao-Na»am.* EMU Gumwood Room • Raoapton Coilar Hooaa _ Friday. April 3 • Eva Sadgwick. ‘Quaar and Now' EMU Gumwood Room. • Panai "Saxuafc&as." EMU Mapla Room • Panai "Fascism and Ularatura I * EMU Oak Room • Brownbag lunch and acnaaning ot Nao-Nab vidaoa Gumwood Room • ’Famaia Subjacttvity ' Mapla Room • 'Thoutfit Control In Acadamta." Oak Room • 'Faaciam and Scianca * Mapla Floom • 'Aasthabcs' Oak Room. • Kaynota Addraaa. Enc Rantachlar, UC Irvma 'Tha Mm ttry of Emotion How Nazi Cmama Flacart Hollywood" Saturday. April 4 • 'Fascial F4m?" Mapla Room. • 'Port-Col on isliam' Oak Room • 'Oatming Fascism." Mapla Room • "Fascism and Idaology." Oak Floom. • 'Fascism and tha IntaHactuals " Mapla Room • "Daganarata Art' Oak Room • 'Factam and Lrtaratura II.* Mapla Floom. • "Tha Far Right." Oak Floom Fascism talks kick off By Carrie Dennett Emerald Assooaie Ed'tor Fascism is the subject of an interdisciplinary graduate stu dent conference i)eginning Thursday nigiit in the EMI " Fa scistn(s): roots/ ex ten sions/' rep lavs" brings together local and national speakers to explore tile wavs that Fast ism extends beyond the l')30s and 1040s in Germany and Italy The opening speaker is Ell nor Lunger, a widely published journalist who is currently .it work on a hook on tile killing of Ethiopian Mulugete Seraw by Portland skinheads two years ago hanger s address, Some Ke flections on Non Nazism, vs ill he followed by a reception at tile Collier House at ! Itii Ave nui' and 1 'niversltv Street Among Friday's events are "Queer and Now," a talk by Duke University's politically cornu I si holur hve .Sodgw u k "Thought Control in Aca demia” also addresses political correctness, and includes a short, live play The evening s featured event is I'iie Ministry of Emotion How Na/i Cinema Kec.isl Ho! lywood I Hi' !.1.K :s in I.ru Kontschler from tin: University of California Ir vln r Ki*ntsc hIr will discuss how Hollywood films of the World War II era resemble N.i/.i film techniques Saturday’s events include Degenerate art. a panel that will include Mu hue! Kaplan id Whittle Communications pro ducers of Channel 1. the com mere mi news program broad cast in s< bools nnIu mw uie The f ar Right' will disi u-.s (esse Helms, morality in art and the Oregon ( lll/ens Alliance The conferetu e is the lirst in tordisciplinary graduate stu dent innferenc e at the I MU er sit\ , and was organized In graduate students m the l.ng !ish, Cerman and Comparative Literature departments "(liven the participation id David Duke in the Oregon prt man . Hush's calling Sudani Hussein Hitler, the rei ent press coverage of degenerate art and political correctness the conference seems to he well timed." said ( onferenc e ( o chairman Allen Carey Wnhh, a graduate student in compara live literature Unlimited LTD has service. option.il student ten Hi.it me.iris refunds, .nr ovdiLible in mind however ld.it your student IP non en.ibles you to ndr the tms .my hmr. .mywtirnr .ill trrm' Also remember th.it by supporting unlrmitnl tms service you re hrlpini] .illevute ti.itfa redix. r .in pollution, eose ttm campus (MrkiiHj problem .mil (mivide tr,ins(H>rt,ition tor thOus.inds ot students Hut it you still w.mt .1 letund. come to the I Mt J Mini Desk during nor null business boms Much JO April 3 Also available .it the L ID Customer Service Center during norm.il business boms Afinl 4 3 Gill 037 5500 tor more mtorm.ition Express four sell! 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