Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued from Page 1
Hon Zahn, publisher of the
Lavender Xetwork. agreed with
tho aim of the agritomont, tint
questioned tho mi'd for tho dis
"If that's what intakes to got
tho Luiveniler Xetwork dislrib
uteri there, then that's Ok. ho
said "I think ttho dis< laimer) is
pretty silly persona 11 \ Hr
don't publish pornography or
erotir a .11 all
Controversy began brewing
early last year vvhrn font Nel
son. who managed the store at
the lime, told the Lavender Yet
work to stop dropping otf bun
dies at the beanery
77ie Lavender Xeiwurk
along with about 10 other pert
odieals. used to just come in
and drop the bundles of ness s
papers on the floor, anv plate
they i hose to," bright said "To
mv knowledge, the lavender
Xetwnrk never really had per
mission to distribute here
The move fueled feelings ot
dist rimination within the gay
and lesbian community
"Some people feel lh.il be
cause Album Bros doesn't car
rv an alternative, ipieer news
paper, that that is discrimina
tion," Fisher said
An art irle that r.m in the ()i
toiler issue of the Lavender Net
work, asked for input from the
gay community about possible
instances of discrimination by
Allann Bros restaurants against
In response to the article and
after reviewing the editorials
and advertisements printed in
the Lavender Network. Allann
Bros officially banned the dis
tribution of the magazine in its
stores. Bright said
"Something I don't under
stand is w hy the gay cornmuni
tv would spend so much ener
gy organizing a boycott and
Hay community
members, through
our open forum,
have expressed
dissatisfaction with
Allann Bros.'
Ron .Yinn
writing the articles when then
had h •- r n h o r r (inrU <> I
horno[jhob ic hnha v i or I b s
Allann Bros j,:' Bright sard
On llif : ornmrnt .• .inis ti.11 I
gel drill.iiidiiijj thal ! t'ar'rv the
/..I l rrulf't \i'! H I ■; *, : i ’ .nr ■ >1
therti ( imi[i 1 .til!-- .tl'.nl .in kiliil
ot homophobi. behavior from
the management or (hr einplnv
Z.ihn said l..i\i-ruliT Xrlivnrk
readers del respond to the arti
c.lr with reports id discrtmina
"Guv < ommumU members,
through our open forum, have
UXprt'SM’li djsSUtlsfiH tion with
Allunn Bros. Zuhn sard
Whirl is ( leur is tfi.it the per
c: <• p t ion o I disc r i m i nil I i on
dg.imst homusrvtiiils by All.inn
Bros dors exist within the lo
i .11 guv community I1 isher
sensed it wfirn fir movrd to fill
grnr from Sun l-ruru isi o lust
()i lober
"I hud hoard th.it them was
homophobia firrr (.it thr
Beanery) when I first curnr
around," Fisher said (arming
from a group tfiat tuts fiem op
pressed, immediately you want
to jump up and say. I’m not
getting my rights '
After the Lavender Nftwurk
ran another article about the
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controversy In IK 1-Thruary is
sue. (he ga\ community was
ready to boycott the Beanery
fisher movcd to av ert the
boycott by organizing a once a
Avw'k gathering of gay torn mu
nilv members anil supporters at
the >!h street fle.irw.rv "ailed
Queer Sight Out. t h o
\Y t tinesthn night event normal
l\ attracts atmiil ’>(> people
"I thought maybe the proh
• ■m vvas that Bright I .1 111! I
snow turn many tpieer sup
port-tv people come to the
Beanery fisher sai.il "The ap
proat h was io g* t the /.uvem/ef
Sen*. >rk ir tie re thrt nigh tm
thing positive' rather than
through Kivttitling
.l-'isher also used the vseek.lv
event to collet l signatures from
Hennery t ustomers in support
of their tause Since tin’ event
began in iehruarv tin- petition
'drive has t oilet ted more than
JtK) signatures
Bright said he values hts g.tv
t lientnle. hut needs to provide
lor the interests of the majority
o! Ills t ustomers vv Ini are holer
'One customer evpressed
very mut h that she was not
(timing in again. Bright said
And every customer 1 lose
t tint erns me
Bright said distributing the
.' .it t’/u/er VefivorA with a ills
claimer may satisfy the major
itV of Ills i ustomers. hut fie still
feels stung by the .irlit les [flat
vv ere run in the magazine
The artit les m the /../vender
.VetworA, I feel, have caused a
lot ol damage." Bright said
They have caused a rift fie
tween Allann Bros and the gay
community And to me I feel
tfi.il tfi.it s irreparable
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