Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page '
grandchildren is I h .11 the v
won t hitvi' !n pm a lot of mon
ev to li'iirn iihont something
thin are interested in Jardinc
said ,it the rum iusiuri of his
Brand had wen harsher
words saving that (frig: n is no
a collision course between
demographic trends that re
quire greater .11 < ess to higher,
educ alion, and . urrent de. ;
stuns that downsize edin atlon
ll.ii k at th.e president's oflii e.
Brand i liangi ii into |eans. a I
shirt and .it It lit n shoes tor his
stint as a student
"I'm going to the bookstore
for von. here's inv mall, he
told Jardme. pointing to a stai k
of about 20 thick file folders
"Have it done by the end of the
While Brand was oil In huv
texlhooks and 1 h.inge a grading
option. President Jnrdine
himded nil to inspet t 1 he
Knight Library expansion with
l 'diversity Vu e ' President Dan
Jiirdme went hai k to Johnson
Hall lo meet w 1th his stall at
ahimit the tune Brand was off lo
his 2 to vocal ja// class Stu
dent' Brand was five inmates
late, tail, to his credit, two stu
dents showed up even later
Brand stood around the pi
ano with the other 11 students
and did voice warm ups, de
s|. '■ ills M’lt admitted . v k of
\\ ‘ : A ■ : S: ,
s. . f;K! Mu i!! the ' r
! !:<■ \ 11.,! 11;>• ■ !' . ' nk : 'a
and li.ld inr to hum. bn .him- !
amIdn't -• .irr% .1 tu 1 ie, Brum!
I hi' i lass moved into impro.
s 1 -■ ,11.. im 1 y i-t isi's a ;i h < . ! i
Mary I .. I! .: iging .1 bar, ! ’
lowed in rai h vludrnl 111 mu
t ession
Kservnne v;ui s i lining
said pointing a! Brand
And Brad i gas .■ .1: .the eld
1 of I ege I rv iii v v -.11 i- f lor t
w..n'l bring him anv rn ord
dials, but In' did gi-i a ilttli'
good nutured laiighii't from thlt
( lass, and sumr applause to
In |ardme s allornoon ttii'el
mgs he w,is hririi'ii on (hi' I'm
sersitv budgrd eommiuiils rv
la I Kills and otbi'f aspet ts n!
Brand's job
I b.id no idl'.l ltl.lt 111' Vs as in
solved in so iiiany things lar
dine said id Ills predei ess. 1
rile pt • -side 111 llllisl lie vers
baiss indeed b' l .iiise Jardine s
menu.i s lade.! him ss ben As ...
laid Vli'e i'les .lent I ill Oliver
svas bringing him up in speed
on the liiliire impart d Aina
/on I-ami Is Housing
Amazon ’ he asked
Amazon I' nulls Housing
W have an Amazon F.imis
I lousing ( .uiipl.'v . M i I’resi
dent, (tliver said
Jardine s das ended .% ith an
4th e ti.juf V\ itli III) i HU'
'■■■■! *. >r 1})• ■ ! i rs! tew 1 ’>
h ,i|i|>oiil!mi-n!s. his oilin'
shift stopped ill 111 Ktvr turn 4
i iriJ 4!h! ,i i i-pv o! in ••.mum
ws phone i umphittO .ibout
hi - bunch of rn-.sd.ies jb-iv inj;
Frisfi.!- .m I line I it. them
! > • \s ' ■ :
N i s. Briitnl j.\ is uiil. enough
In:! he w,is h.iiirtg i gt.ind ti.me
11, {.111- is .if 111. Si; nil V is i ., I il. :
is 'h hirdine's fricfid>*
itr.ind li'i'ij ot! In lilt* steps
e! ifnisiin lli. In! 11in:, sin t; of
• .•.. irk i .
• ( >n I: is m'-.v! !u ril l.ii fill tin
shitue. I'.irnt.iiis .i 'I:
from [uirlruT t iregii: urli .s |
1 ins is so gooei tor him to in
:nitsiili . s.nii uni* u| tjii- lor
hut president s sl.it! ii.- is
t is .! 1 s . u i[ u s i . i [l i it. i..i < ■
t in- group stopped Kuk 1,1 v
Johnson Hull on their is iy to
Rennie s Funding lor ,i t«-> r
t un von guys fs |:hT out
theri' ' j,inilne. sidled out the
V* in.!.ns We ie 11 v : lie. t. ■ .!•
simie bus.n.ess in here
W h it .ire von ill hog '111
is \ eife. | l-.e k
\.irii i:i• • ; iin: seii A\ i • : i ;.i;s
mg tuition s'ii)*) 4 term
So, ii hi you 1 ie.ir out his
k ! ; ke \ , 41 s.lld V . IS. ! '
the j;u\s .iskei!
•nil ot ( ,411 el ..111 :.
MH ;
Modai lliuni HwIhiii in«-H»nj( «*
: .^from •. »<i . t, it) p in i KM!
( j*dni K'-orn \
(irtvki Ai(d»r»*t Kajn- * nh '
? \v '.hr I W ».*!■• ! • • K •*.
j nli-i n at i.*n a I Mud«*nl* A**«Miah«>n «
havw *i> in(i'rruau . .. ’ ^ and pi//a
iiiinnr u*. ii
Hohhv I ff and Karnirn ASi ()
pr«»idnnt and v,-f pr«**:dt>M! andsdatn*
* ’ .»vt- 4 H»-: • ••* ‘ ' ».
-< ■ 1 WS • • , . ' ^ v» . I •
1 - lid y a\ 4 p tn :n !*.»• INK ? .? K m
MudrnU l*» Mx»h«h Sluilrti! (...mimirnl
- 'lay < ,
Slu»i*-nl \ **im ulmn *s
( aim Planning; anti PI<>< t
I ^irn m<m up
\ pmlntrn rti*-*11• mr m « .
• rent it • rent it • rent it •
Laser Karaoke
• Great fun at fxvties1 • Make your reservations early
• 50°° per night for small machine
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board and D.J.
Typewriter ?
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• 39” Sat-Mon
• 49” Fri-Mon
13" and 19" w/ remote control
• Month 50" and 45" • Tern 60" and 90"
• Daily: 4“
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All rentals require a 50' refundable deposit
I \ I VI RSI I ^
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25 meal lunch pass for only
1 Hu 114’ Spi 114’, Tumi Only
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mioi mation.
(ImivT ivwovv'ivr»hip
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Oar ■^nvcialtigs
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• Willi l'\ Viv. V
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• f rvi/vito '•vv-'lK.mof lu».v*
• f :.!! Vivlon of Ii’hxmI* .1
Afifll i & S
DA '21
Oh, this is wonderful. Mr Gruenfeld —
I ve only seen it a couple o( times You have corneal
corruption Evil eye, Mr Gruenteld. evil eye