Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Take chamber report
under consideration
The newest victims of the budget ax could to be
Eugene city employees.
Last fall, as part of the Eugene Decisions program.
City Manager Mike Gleason approached the Eugene
Chamber of Commerce and asked them to review the
efficiency of city programs and administration. Cate
lust week, the chamber returned its verdict — lower
wages, do independent reviews and simplify the budg
As can be expected, the chamber's findings kirked
over an ant hill that won't begin to be resolved until
the full report is submitted to the Citv Council later
this month.
The Eugene Decisions program, vvhii h brings peo
ple from the private sector into public planning to find
ways to streamline city costs, is a good one. Eugene is
looking at an SB million budget shortfall Any and till
help should be sought and accepted. What better place
to go than the private sc< tor. where ft si al responsibility
is much more important than it is in government.
Although the chamber's report should be wel
I omed on its merits, it should lie scrutinized i arefullv.
Husinessjieople's opinion
is valuable, but running a
private business is not the
same as running a city
government, and vie e ver
sa A city has a myriad of
financial problems that do
not relate to the private
see tor .Some of what the
chamber reported makes
sense, but other considera
lions must also be exam
Some of what the
chamber reported
makes sense, but
must also be
I'irst ol!. although lowering city wages would hi'
beneficial to thi' bnttnm lino, Iht* iinput t on the families
could offset am gains Cutting wages and benefits just
fur a temporary adjustment in the budget defii it is
shortsighted, misleading and dangerous
In addition, the t handier suggested the c ity would
still be OK. even w hilt' giving less servii es. Kugene lit
i/ens enjoy the various offered programs, and it would
lie a shame to seem them .ill disappear in .1 blot of red
ink However, the 1 utting of servii es might just be net.
essars if a path out of the budget morass is not found.
The chamber's findings should rei eive due t onsid
eration. but the Citv Council should be ver\ careful
about which parts of the report are adopted.
The l-.meruld will attempt lo print .ill letters i out.lining
i ornmenls on lopir s ol interest to the l iniversitv i nmmuniH
( oinments must he l.ntu.illv uiiur.ite iinii relr.nn from per
son.il iitt.ii ks on the i hiir.n ter of others
Letters to the editor must he limited to no more thun -"it)
words, legible, signed and the idenllfir ation ol the writer
must he verified when the letter is submitted
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A Boor 7UE SAM£,
ExcLpr pop that
Students (nr Diversity At
less and Renewal in l.ducation
announces the formation of it
broad based student coalition
committed in building .1 pro
gressiye I'niviTMlv student
government We ire organizing
to insure fii.it i andidates t laim
mg In run as progressives in the
upcoming AS! () election art'
held ai t ountable in promises ol
representing md empowering
W i a d v i) t: a I r a sir n n g
mult»t ullural liberal art’s t urru
ulum and prnrnolion of respect
and lull-runt ■- fur differ tint es m
mir i ommumty \\ < an- dedi
• ili d In pn-serv mg at i i-ss to
higher education Itiruugh pro
gressivr lav reform and keeping
tuition from rising Access
me.ms ensuring the safety id
women on campus, human
rights lor gu\s and lesbians,
i >ilId i art- lor student parents
disabled at l ess, recruitment
and relention programs for stu
denis and fat ully of t ailor
We take seriously the respon
sibility of student government
to maintain student (ontrol
over student run services and
programs Student empower
ment embodies a renewal of at
titudes ret ugrii/ing hard won
sut i esses ol past student move
merits should not be taken for
granted Wc must continue to
at lively orgam/e ami assert out
neetis and rights as students
\n endorsement < ommittee
id stutient leaders has been or
ganized representing the inter
esls ol women, international
students, students of color, stu
deni parents, gavs anil lesbians,
environmentalists, and gradu
ate students Like you, we are
average students who cure
ulxnit lower tuition and quality
edui at ion
[indorsement hearings are
April 7 .md *> .it 7 ill) p m In
I.MU Century Room A A gen
rr.il mlrri'sl meeting is I'hurs
<Io\ April u 7 UO p in., KMC
Walnut KiMim All i undulates
.Hi well umc to MM'k endorse
Brian Hoop
Steven Masat
No wait
Ml neighbor. Mike VVlrber.
i mated a garden on our hast
( fampus «il!i?\ . a pla< e that used
to he hard-put ked i las soil cos
ered with grass Under trails
formed those 7,700 square feel
into a Ix aullful, organic , raised
tied garden It svas a labor of
lose I suss tile hu tld red of
In ais >f ti.ii k breaking ssurk he
put in
l nforlunatels . U seber had to
muse 1 he garden las tallow all
winter. ssailing for a ness ten
der Yesterday, I heard a trai tor
and ss eut out to find Courtney
1.orange from the i hit varsity
muinlenurue i ress about to de
stros VVieber s garden Hut
ssail, I salif, "someone else
might want to use it I thought
of tin- University pre school
and day ; are i enters just half a
him k assas and boss those kids
would enjoy walking her to
plant some seeds and watch
them gross
1 thought of the dorm stu
dents packed into their high
rise concrete cubicles only half
a him k away, and how they
might welcome a c hance to get
out here and garden I thought
of the homeless people stand
mg on the street i orner pist hall
a block away with a sign read
ing "Hungry, will work for
food " Here, they could work
for foixi directly, at no cost to
Hut why grow food when you
can grow grass’ "I need to level
Commentaries should be between 750 and 1,000
words, legible and signed, and the identification of the
writer must be verified upon submission. The Emerald
reserves the right to edit for grammar, style and length
if necessary. __
it so I t.in mow it," Lorange in
ms11’<i Ami tin' plowing trat tot
went tt> work so th.it mowing
triu.tors could return on a regu
lar basis Our tax dollars at
In one afternoon, the Univer
sity destroyed Wielier's gilt to
our community They just
< ouldn't wait
Sharon Teague
To I hi' l in i versit \ ta< u It v.
stall .mil administration
We wanted to take this op
portunity to express our grati
tiuli* and .ipproi iation tor your
involvement in helping to ore
ate a rape-free environment on
our campus
Wr recently returned from
the First Annual Student (Ion
ferem u on Uamptis Sexual As
sault at the t'Diversity of I’enn
sylvania At this conference, we
learned most campus adminis
trations continue to hide infor
mation from students and deny
the problem of rape on < ampus
Not many University students
realize the extent of administra
live involvement and support
tor our programs
Students can he qua k to crit
ic ize instead ot valuing and rei -
ogni/ing what already exists
As students working extensive
ly to educate the campus and
community about issues of rape
and sexual assault, we have
been privileged to work with
you and have personally wit
nessed your contributions
We are proud of the pro
grams at the University They
serve as models tor campuses
across the nation of coopera
tion between students, faculty,
staff, and administrators
Sadly, our campus is still not
completely safe for all students,
but together, with your ongoing
support, we will strive to cruate
a rape-free environment for our
William Brotzman
Saan Fox lay
Erin McCarthy