Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1992, Supplement, Page 2B and 3B, Image 14

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Editor: Mike Freeman
Contributors: Sarah Pagliasotti, S.
Ellen Ratliff, Ming Rodrigues
Photographer: Sol Neelman
Advertising Sales Scott Dana,
Jennifer Huckins. Randon Riley,
Catherine Royle, Vicki Tobin
Production Kristine Granger,
Ingrid White
Spring Blowout
.21 k i f l)is« ounl
I ij;hts • l eos • Aerobic Bras •
Socks • Lejy’ings • Swimsuits •
100% C otton Sweats •
Stirrup Pants and much more!
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Anderson's -
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199 W 8th St *484-7344
■ISlfrlirtSBwith Recre a t i o n and Infra mu rals
New aerobics class will really shake and shape things up
akc .1 minute ti)
think aKnjt exercise:
No, iii it th.it every -
one should <ki
it we already kni>w that
Think about the kind id ex
ert iv you t .in get in Eugene.
Advent un no. i xittii x irss
ti>!ks take advantage of the
many mountain hike and hik
ing trails, or they opt fiir a lit
tie rixk climbing, a little ka
yaking or maylx* a hit ot high
energy ultimate frisbce
hut let's t.u e fas Is Most of
us want to exeri tse init hearts,
our lungs and out not so ught
etuis atui we’d like it to he
convenient, 'inexpensive and
captivating enough to keep us
coming bat k
\\ c'd like to lx- able to
wear whatever we want when
we exercise atui not hasv to
teei like the fashion police are
w .in lung as we ixx - >me sweats
and dishes eled
1.>r |v>>p!e !ike us. KIM iias
utx ■'verexl the perfect si>lu
Beginning this term, KIM
si ill lx' offering a new fitness
i iass v ailed "Ikxiy Sculpting
and Aerobic l ondit inning,
which promises tti expand
soar appreciation tor exerciv
while shrinking sour Ixxlv tat
I his class will lx- heki three
times |\*r week ind runs tot 'K'
minutes, which is 40 minutes
longer than most aerobic class
i-s ofTetod by KIM
Instructor lube Miyanxito,
who has I veil with KIM since
September, sass that the extra
40 minutes makes ,t|l the si it
fcrvfk c.
Mint aerobic classes spend
20 to 2S minutes on cardio
vascular work, ,i short warm
up period and then IS to 20
rntnuti-s of toning and
strengthening exercises
Miyamoto says she will start
the i lass with a sltglnh longer
warm up period and gradually
increase the cardio section as
the i lasses progress.
Beginning the normal 20 to
2S minute aerobic section, stu
dents of Miyamoto's vull sun
find themselves ikitng a 40 to
Si' minute cardio workout.
In addition, the class will
fix i.s on sculpting the mus ks
via a section of weight-Ivaring
exeri isos
I Vstgned to strengthen .inti
tone student’s muscles, the
weight see turn will ix' longer
th;in the token ten ot IS mm
utes th.it most t l.isses me luties.
Ik\ ,hih' ■ t tin'. Miyumi -u )’s
t Isis** siu«jhi appeal to jxsipie
who would ivittnalU attend an
aerohies t iuss two or three
time' a week and spend their
oft days in the weight mom.
"dins t last, says Miya
rnoto, "is a complete work
out." She explains that a [X'r
son tan tone, sha[X' and Ixiild
strength while increasing ear
dioeaxular fitness and lung
s ap.it itv
"A kit ot students diin’t
know aixiut tire Ivnehts ot a
t ardto working," Miyamoto
says They think it's Ix-tter to
do 100 squats and then they're
in pain the next day. You
tkm't leave to lx- in pam to
Get Dueled up, Ducks!
We'll help you create
any I.M. duds you need ...
caps, baseball shirts, T's,
sweats, jams or boxers.
Anything personalized
for your team.
Or you.
239 E. 14th • 344-1034
11-5 M-F • Noon-4 Saturdays
have a gcxxi workixit.”
The extended time in the
class will also enable students
to spend more time stretching
and warming up to prevent in
But. Miyamoto Tx's warn
that because of the length and
intensity of the class, it is not
ideal tor beginners, but rather
for "[xsiple who have been ex
erasing tor at least a year."
It you are one of those peo
ple and want an exercise pro
gram that involves total Kxly
fitness as well as an enthusias
tic instructor and what she
sails "high-energy"' music tii
accompany you, then
Miyamoto's hxh sculpting
class is just what you’re l,»ok
mg for.
The c lass is inexpensive at
>1H tor the eight week session
and there is no need to buy
any fancy workout gear, says
"People should wear vchat
ever they're comfortable work
mg out in," the enthusiastic
instnu tor suggests, "hut gcXM
sh,K‘s are important in pre
venting injuries "
Registration tor the class,
which meets Mon lav,
Wedncsdav and I riday t om
V ?0 to a pm. will lx- -his
week at tlu KIM office, 10?
(. lerhngcr
April 1 and 1, students can
register between 1:?0 and 4
pan,, and from .MC to ? ?0
p m. on April ?
bor more info call the RIM
ottic e at ?46 415?
Sara/1 /’.ig/tax >rci
lUgh-ctetty' jerid'u- combined v-nh hand weight* j>-i/re- bi>d\ -eulplinn 'indent- of .1 mn— le budding, t.il burning
w orkitu'.
28 Days of Fitness Fun
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April 25 - May 21
Buy Any Remaining 1991 Mountain,
Road or Hybrid Bicycle and
10% of the Purchase (
Towards Accessories ~
Second Nature
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Offer Good While 1991 Models Last
Sometimes You Just
Have to
- i- m&A
4 foot surf waves, giant mnertubes
136 foot waterslide. hydro jet spa.
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6100 Thurston Rd.
Call 74 / 9?83 for
schedule information
Catch-A-Wave Coupon
$1 OFF an Individual or $2 OFF a
Family Admission to the Lively Park
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Russell Attiletk Factory Seconds
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Mtarfc tops... $499
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K rvrrtng rfxirCi _ $7 98
R crw» neck *«mnNrts $8 98
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R hooded nwouMm $1198
$498 M
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B«t Buy
in Town'
Every Day
Sidewalk Sale
wituruay v..__../ '.un<i«iy
9 6 30 Mon ttifU Frtdity 9 30 6 00 11-5
94 W Hroadw.iy. Euy«n«. OH 97401 • 343 1288
________ Downtown t unwi«
Outdoor Adventures
Start At
Visit Our Rental Department at
79 W. Broadway
1 sternal Frame (Jathport). * 1 <r* 4dav->
'?tr [XT wk
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i iTtgory) .M5* ; day $ .<
*2V [XT VS k
Tents from Eureka:
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Climbing Shoes from 5.10:
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Ice Axe:
*5*7 3 days, Mir per w k
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Outdoor Videos Available for’^/day
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f AX V, i 773 0 ^>7