Witness for Fitness: Don’t duck the challenge! eg ith the winter blahs behind us. it's time to spring into ,u h,i[X' and have non. get in some fun. Q>mc April 27, it's Wit ness For Fitness month 2 b healthy days of fun. fitness .k tivities ranging from team sports and games to workouts and seminars “With this program, »e hope to foster in our cani[xis communttc an awareness and interest in personal fitness,” slid Karla Rice. RIM director. beyond the health fix us, RIM also hopes the five-phase Witness For Fitness activities will encourage a sense of com muni tv among students, staff and faculty and stimulate their involvement in campus activi ties beyond the t, lassroom ex [vrietu e. The first ph.ise is the four day “Team SuperStars Chal lenge" where learns are invited to match skills, strengths, wits and laughs with one another through an obstacle course, a sports trivia challenge, an "aqua splash” competition, a 4 A Side grass volleyball com jvtition and culminating with phase two on May 1 with “Storm The Stairs" at Hay ward Field. IVadline tor entry us April 21 at Span. The tee is $10 for a team of fexn or $6 for each dittonal pi.iver up to .1 maxt mum of eight. "Storm Flic ^t.iirs” h.tpiviv. hdttirn I Iptn. lee is >1S [vr team ot 4 ,’S parta ipants or > i tor in dtviduals. Witness lor I llness I vent ( ".mniinator I Vne Idler Palls "l 'luh ( ardio." the h\ . >nd plus* ot Witness lor litness held \ 1 as 4 \ "a. pilot pto>;ratn v seated to silk it .teedh.uk from students, tac ultv and stall in regards to designing a per manent cardiovax ular fitness i enter .unulls oil catnfxis “Cliven our litness oriented community and our sipnifu ant student |x>pulutton, it is a trap edy that our current facilities rank on the lx it tom to other i.itnpus' nvreattonal facilities v>ur sue, Idler slid. But thintjy may indeed change with this week loop preview of 15 state of tin1 art cardio-fit ness machines m eluding stair climbers and sta tum.try bikes in Flssltnyer's east yytn. “('tub (.iardto" offers 70 free workout hours May 4 2p.m.-12; 50a.m.; May 5-7: (■>:50a.m -1 2:50a m and May ,v 0:50a.m. 12p.m. It’' “Airohic.s” on 5.lay 21 from 4 50pm teOOp.m Stti dents are ins ited to partu ipate in 90 minutes of continuous aerobics incorjxjratmu hiph, low and funk style dance moves It's tree and it takes plate at the 1 -.simper covered Pfc>4k- >nr "*4 S»*lJi> test j lets e\ jwples of cquipnH'nt j\jil.ible duru\£ the "Club l jrdio" phase of the nu from ' I0p m tip m ,it 4 1 sshn^er T he tit ness .issessment includes tlexi hilits and pnp strength rnea suremenis, sit ups and push ups, step endurance, sk infold analysis and cholesterol test tn«. Students v an als* > sipn up kir hydrostatic 'ACiphtnp, uhit h meiisures K»K f.it In submersing tlu' Wxl\ in water li.ill tree In addition, "Witness lot Fitness" nuintli offers these prngrirm: April I h 10. 17. M.iy 4 and II .m,I 1M Student Health (filter Works! top Series: "Women, Weight, IVni\ and 11 * *1 Issues l i, h session runs iri>rn 4p,m V >0p,m. ,ind it's tree ( .ill H6 -HSf, tor del.ills. April I S, 22. 2lJ, May 6 and I I Student Health (.Center Workshop Senes "Smoking t'esvinon" and “Weight Man agement." Ik ah series mn trotn 4p.m. S: 40p.m., and they're tree tool April 24 2n RIM Annual Opting Tennis t llavsu. 1 2 plavets, 5i singles, Si 2 dou hit's I Vadline to sign up is .April 21 IVtatls at RIM or call 446 4IH April 2RIM live on five [Van 1 .mtts Raskethall l las sit Starts I 2pan . sv eat her [vr nutting l ategories include \X omen/Men's division I (ad sauced! and Women/Men's division 2 (intermediate!, lee is $S pet te mi Sign up at the RIM . tfu e In April 22. Ip m April lt< KIS1 Annual I t.u k Meet at I lavwatd I lelvl Starts at I pan t ree Mas 11 hung l u I Vmon sttan. 'll, 1 2 in * >n I Ml t aunt yard lace. Mas I S RIM Actaihu tlein oust tat loll. 12 tli « 'll I Ml ( a'ijrtyatd f ree Mas I/: RIM Rest Rail ( iolt I ournatttent, 1p m l okatee ( k ill ( ..nurse Mas IR RIM Soft Kill Hit t mg ( a mtest l ee is "f I jht per son. May 20: RIM ( i. If lesson I fee Minx Rtnlritfuc'* and S hllcn R.irhtt GET ACTIVE! GET INVOLVEDl GET GOING! GET ACTIVE! GET INVOLVED! GET GOING! GET ACTIVE! GET INVOLVED! GET GOING! I 0 Got Active! Schedule of Activities Spring 1992 IIAGJES SofltxJi Soccer Term Ultimate fnsfcee Gfao A>te>tx* (ft. M-WC M-WC M AC M AC C Cte2A:Lil^ Soccet Scramble M-WC 3*3 Half-Coat BaskettxJ MA TfacK Meet Storm me Stas PEP Swim meet-oper GotfToumcneo! Ajroocs M-WC M-WC M-W M-WC M-WC M-W SPEQA.MM5 Spring Terre Dane team Super Stars Chctenge CJubCado MIN I M-WC M-WC M )-2 48 ENtrA 'S&J& ' -6*r • xmedulng ' 'star * ScnedJng Apr 9 3 pm Apt 23 3 pm Apt 24 3 pm S7AfiT QA?£ Apr 5 Apt 9 Apt '3 Apt 2/ Apt 28 Apt 3 3 pm Apt 6 3pm, Apt 23 3 pm Apt 28 3 pm '-€ Sftxr 9et Under Soom-EM May ’ 3 pm May 8 May!!. 3 PM May 17 May 21 Apt 7 Apt 8 Apt 26 May 3 5ft $35 $!5 $30 $30 l> A NC $10 NC May6NC $15/team I NC Apt 2! 5pm Apt 21. 3 pm; Apt 24 2526 Apt 27 $30 M-W _ 1 May 4-8 NC *MMCM0ttl - MRAMUBAi SOfTlAU and SOCCS N51ANT SCHBXAM* - Monday. Apt 6.230 pm, Gurwrood Boon Ml Ck»Becpfetcnia3Gertrww Regtofttt Api f| 2. hXHpm. Api 3,230-3J0 Ide fegrtrdert Apl 6-10,8arrv5pm Remember to sign up for Recreation Classes! For more information call x4113 or come by 103 Gerlinger Hall to enroll i3AU0V 130 iONlOO 130 iQ3A10ANI 130 i3AU0V 130 iONlOO 130 i03AiQANI 130 I3AI10V130 iONlOO 130 IQ3AT0ANI