Nixon for pres, new Chicago top April Fools’ Jokes 1 NATIONAL WASHINGTON (AP) Pot Nixon huli'rv il ihr m I) til r II I 111 (' V ' t) been dreading lor 18 years l or fans of the former president, il was a (imam < ome I rue Thousands of listeners on National Public Radio's "Talk of I h (i Nation'' program Wednesday tuned in to hear Richard Nixon as played by impersonator Rich Little an nounce Ids candidacy for the Republican presidential nomi nation "People rushed out to tell their mailmen. some were ) \\vi I nine to ( hit ago That's what passengers arriv mg at Los Angeles International Airport saw April Fools' D.iv You've Needed For School All Year Is Now On Sale! ^ ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITERS brother cx 7000 • S6 000 worn dictionary • Bokl print* kj centering underbntng 'f md" feature locates errors ^|LE l05 Reg S0P*^S 169 96 LAST 14a C anon Typestar 110 • Vanabte Ultra Quiet Printing System • 4KB text memory • ? line correction memory 179” Reg 199 9S More "One Onfys & Closeouts In Store brother Powemote PN4400 • Bijift in spn?acKne«s • Complete orgarmet • Standard 3 S floppy disk • 72.000 word spell dictionarv 95 Reg 449 9S FINANCIAL AND SCIENTIFIC CALCULATORS M hpio§ FINANCIAL CALCULATOR b • NgttrM ontrv • Ur*-*-.-. jtk! r»uC’ Kjfxttjrr. • ^Tirti/jar n: jr-r 'iw 29” IVl mal p* a ml; MP42S SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR • tm(r> *yv?«*rT • froujtfof wMng torture • urr%taai rxtrt**^ «WU '08 9S 09** ivjilssid SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR • 14/ \jrxtkjrn • ' V't r+t* • *iyr xJiai trr\i ua*yt> 1!>» 12®* ivi; i*..Vn' Npi9i ii FINANCIAL CALCULATOR • rdamutlun '’ur • 6 500 Dylan v/ar "«r>ury kfcy *9 9S 1 49** M I£V: ”, HP17B FINANCIAL CALCULATOR • IAkho ,jtx*r*. jr aJ v * m*v* •2 m# dKpov Kw; 99SS 09®* M ;.i"hp48sx SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR • i \lMm • fQuiOon ***** 4WJ*G«0cn • Qmpfirs r«#grjt#o a takum «»,) s»»s 297” brother wordprocessor WP2400 • J b ftOWV C** ClmA? • ScfwdUjr, catencW • 70 000 word spell dKtioriarv AAQ^S Reg mWmW^ 499 9b 70S OFF Itocter FMd TF010C WtOl pu iiUH O4 WP3400 Conalr phone Designer Telephone 19.95 miiMillCJJ -d 1_ 15% OFF all Computer Disks PORTABLE STEREO/ CASSETTE RECORDERS MUMI XL II 90 BLANK TAPES 1.89 Reg 2 1S AIWA HSJ-505 • AM % M autc rwv*\§ • scam:-rutting • . toy B V* »,»« 199” AIWA HST102 • Up* umecitar • Supw ban was 29*’ SONY TCS4J0 • /jrtjt i)• t tntna • tljft in ’-^nMxrx* • S4f>*.r • 99” * SAfiYO ss43 MICROCASSETTE •; *<***! up# • i ex*! or noxtfng • jLAll 'AMP* *,•« 39” SAfiYO M1018 • suncwa w cjLwtu* • SfVW* • 1 OUT or r*a*T3ny »ss 24®* i owe to Chicago That'■> what passengers arm mg at l>os Angeles international Airport saw April I ools Dav vvhi’H they looked out thr win dow s ol their airplanes An Bfi-foot-iong yellow ban ner with 20 fool-high red letters was hoisted alxive the pavilion at Hollywood 1’ark rare track about three miles from the air port "It was something we always wanted to do,'' said park spokesman Brock Sheridan We thought it would lie kind of funnv and our new manage ment thought it would be a great prartii al joke Sheridan said the sign would be up two days DJ for a day COLUMBUS, Ohio (AT) Hundmls of listeners called .1 morning talk, show on April Fools' Day wondering why ra dio personality Boh Conners had been replaced by the host Conners had replaced more than a year ago WTVN-AM s one-day substi tute was Jim Bleikump, .1 for mer station host who quit in January 1‘JWl after managers said he ysas rude during an in terview with a congressman He works for another station in the city Bobby Hatfield, operations manager, said Dlrikamp gorxf nelurediv agreed to the spoid But some listeners didn't think It y\ as funny "'Thank Cod it's not true, ' Hatfield quoted one listener as say mg What about jelly? WASHINGTON (A**) With tongues firmly m cheeks or perhaps stu< k to iht* roofs of Uunr mouths un April Fools panel of peanut butler lovers tr.u i'il the history of the noble legume Wednesday, from its roots in the Ini an empire to the gums ol television's talking hotse Mr l.d In a vx 111\ wandering that mixed lai t and fiction, the ex perts examined the peanut and peanut butler from every per specliVe at the Second Annual Smithsonian Gonference on Stuff hast \ ear's c onlereni e was on the history ol Jell-O. anil they're talking about lawn art lor next year Why peanut butter this year7 Perhaps bet ause it is embed ded in the culture of middle Amerii a "Who cun imagine middle America without peanut hut ter'1 said Kavna Green, direc tor of the Smithsonian Institu tion’s American Indian Pro gram at the National Museum of American History "It is pea nut butter on w hu h the empire of Ward and June and Heaver (Heaver was built Create your own £ FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS '•m PHOIOS»ARTWORK M 1CM QUALITY IMACIS a mriut cirr ***• >*wr • kinko's i i)>\ iwlrf •M (AM IITM AVI IUIINI 0« 11401