Oregon Daily Student Myles Brand entertains junior Elizabeth Conner by warming up with some improvisational etercisos in Brian Jardine s Vocal Jazz ensemble class Brand and Jardine traded places in honor ot April f ools Day President ! Brand is student for a day — no foolin’ j After trading places with Brian Jardine, 'real' University Presi dent buys books, sings and tees off By Came Dennett ire**>i 1 Are- a'o ; d University President itriun Jardme siii) iii- Weiinesdav about tin efftK ts ul Measure 5 at a luncheon meeting of the (.reater Oregon Chapter of tile Publn Relations Society of America April Inols' Brian Jonline did speak hut utilv as an afternoon stint as president trading places with the rvul University president. Styles Brand l or the prii e id a raffle tic kel. Jurdine bought liimseli passage into another life Jurdine told the lunc h c rowd that fie wished fit* could speak on a positive note. Ini! that Measure S has had a negative* effec ! on me "My hope for my future Turn to BRAND Pago 3 fry .o'* ’ 4««l|r Presidont-tor-thoday Brian Jardino inghl) survoys the expansion ol the Knight l ibrary THE WAITING GAME Why do Oregon State University stu dents get their diplomas at graduation while University students have to wait for theirs? See SENIORS, Page 6 OUCH Learning of the match just hours before, the Oregon men's tennis team fell to Portland, 6-1. See PILOTS. Page 7 NIXON *92 Radio listeners got a scare Wednesday when the ex-president, as played by comedian Rich Little, announced his comeback plans See NIXON. Page 12 Coffee shop, magazine reach accord j Magazine disclaimer to ease tensions between Queer Nation supporters and the Beanery. By Tim Nefl f ff } Av* >< i.l’O ! ! •! ■■ it Urn ga\ rights group (Jueer Nation am! the Brunrrv have reached .1 tentative agreement to resume distribution ot 0 gas oriented magazine through tin1 Ku grnr i < dire \tori' The mtivr toward resuming ilislrthu turn ot tin- l..n iiulfr Xrtwurk. .1 l.ugrnr based g4.1v anil lesbian news magazine. is .mill'd ,1! rasing triiMoir. la-twerii til.- lo i al guv community and thr tvs., Kugrm Beanery stores Allann Bros Colter ( otnpanv, whii h owns ta >tti sto! I'S harmed tljr / .0 rrn/rr Veinsnk from all Its ston-s last (JrUoU r amid 1 uslomrr complaints about thr tll.lg.l/mr s 1 onlrnt Most ol thr i urn plaints wrrr about thr ptiolir srv .idvrr tisrmrtils run in thr puhih atiun ! bidrr thr new agl re men t. ttir mga /1nr vs 11 i n-tiirn to distribution rai ks at thr Hi atirrv storr at 1'..' VY I dth St with a prinlrd dts< laimri about its potentially offensive i onlrnt I hr i ornproniisr w as hammered out Mondav night during nrgoliations hr twrrn (Jlirrr Nation mrmhrr llliitnv Pislirr and Kantdy Bright, manager id thr I-dth Slrrrl Branrrv storr The agrrr mrnt hinges on approval from Allann Bros hr.idipiartrrs in Corvallis At press time, no dn tsion had hern made I really like the disi laimri idea and I will ir\ in push it through. Bright said Mv dn Is111n IS that It Would tie file best thing tor the restaurant It s something that's positive tor Both ol us Turn to BEANERY P.icjh Southeastern Oregon vast, foreign jThis corner known as 'Big Country' offers different, rich landscapes and sights Oregonians may not be accus tomed to seeing By Jayson Jacoby t mof.tid ftepofter On the road to Eastern Oregon To tIn* mujoritv of ()r egon s population, whit li lives i sl ul the C.isi ,ide mount.mis. the sliite's southe.islern ( or net he.irs little resem blunt e to tin- (fregon the majority is ,n i.us toflied to With Its V.ist streti lies ol seeming nothingness devoid of houses, high vs.ivs .mil other s\mhols of urh.m life. Oregon's "Big Country" t un seem foreign to those living in th<* inorr cjrnsely populated western side (l| Tjrr to OREGON Page 4 ff » i Steens Mountain is one of the unique geographical tonnations in southeastern Oregon