Brown coming on strong, Clinton changes strategy NATIONAL Nl-;w Y( IKK (Al») Nuv it mind that lopsided dele guii' count ll'» nulling hard nr and liardor to lull who's ahead as the Uomocratlc presidential campaign un folds In Now York Bill Clinton is Ihu runaway leader in thu men for thu party's nomination, near tho halfway point in thu delegate ( base But It's |urrv Brown, just off the starting blocks In the delegate tally, who's been driving the dynnmii s So much so that Clinton has tossed out the front-runner’s manual and is seeking almost daily debates with Brown leading up to next week's primaries in New York. Wisconsin and Kansas The two staged ii New York debate doubleheader 7 u e sd ii v and had a not hi* r on tap Wednesday at th«■ Apollo Theater in Hur I i’m Clinton is lasting his i halienge in the host possible light. saying ho wonts .is many opportunities as possihlo to speak directly to Now York voters, t utting out the rough and tumble local media as middlemen Hut just last week, Clinton was frown ing on debates Why the shift ' lo fmrrow one of Clinton s favorite phrases, this isn't fix ket si teru e "This Is an effort lo reverse the tide, which right now is flowing against him, .said.-. Democratic strategist Ann l ew is There are times in i< campaign when you really dun l need polls lo know what thecandidate is hearing Oni* of those times is vs hen the .n 1 limned lender 1 hal lengns the Other guv to || series of de flates Brown sees it that vs .iv loo "There's a little rule in poliln s you never deflate a challenger until you’re a loser, Brown said Tuesday "That's the i alcgory lie s In now 1'hat's a hit of an exaggeration (Hinton had 1.01S delegates to Brown's 1 fd heading into Tuesday's Vermont cam vis es Still, the front-runner .dearly sees (rouble l.arlier in (he r,i( 1 Brown vs as 1 onsid rrt'd jusl barely oil the fringe. his anti politics message clashing with Ins life long political career Hut now Drown is seen as a serious i untender he has y ir tuallv no ( hom e of winning enough del egates to claim the nomination, hut < mild deny it to ( Hinton by battering him in the late primaries The best wuv for (Hinton to end such talk, is to beat Drown in New York, a state more like Illinois or Michigan, where Clinton won lug than Connecti cut. "The elbows are flying." says Lee Miringoff, a pollster .it Murist College New York lias Income very competi tive." EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 3 LINES ❖ 3 DAYS 3 BUCKS! For Sale items under $100! (see ads for details) Ha pfyy April Fools! Fake Ad Contest Look lor 2 FAKf > ’ha c taaaifiada today' Find 1 and rm ra I ixm» I ova ytx> j n Chris' l>aacjlina for Graanfiald Mi«y rc 'o'.' * A|>r • ‘ 1300 p*»ia' DotA 5 tO | r\gi»nh 4«r*onf on you/ p*rwng' Tha Gantiaman of Cta Pai XU_X* 11 s TYPING SERVICES l ac.i I t v| TYPING COITUNG By o i par «Kx;a(J arms* 1^0 i)v.urM'i Groans A ’kvdai)** (attorns ttit'AMii i uga >p*ng. 4rt4 ’v*l M*> ' < I ASMUH) COMI’l I KMS All n ✓ t at* m.'i > t »l It) Oll’l S < ON\M I IOV i >r Pmil* t /nr i mU Md i:n:i m TYPING SERVICES A 144 Q/W ftOtMN a QRAO SCHOOl Al'WOVfD »<*-> • «»* '.Mv. N* * y. •• l«r- ’,*ap4»--1 Mr . I • -¥ l aw OH CAMPUS' P*ggy • ! yp*rtg *>4»fVK « I • i* • ' j; «< -, * *#• *»*. 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Please bring to meeting CHEERLEADING TRYOUT MEETING April 2, 4 00 PM Len Casanova Center Tryouts April 6-9. Girls 1 minute dance routine 20S OPPORTUNITIES DUCK MASCOT TRYOUT MEETING April 2, 3 45 PM Len Casanova Canter I AUNG AWA1UNI SS WORKSHOP a ' *■»*«»* group to hop poop** devwop .» ■ xjb* toward lood and i .» < i< .■nirfing mar* 14t. t;>j»' I Ht f INI O M I tv *»„;♦> f< S ' Mr. I* O {u,» 4 •••..*» M .i • f ( ■ '.-4 ' WMJTl H -i Ay Rock Radio Craatrvaty wacky, mullt talantad w*niad for comady writing and ganaral radio stuff for /HOCK kAisi hava blatant dtsragard for normalcy and monetary compensation Hava fun. aarn soma cradrts mayba gat an unsightly rash Call Conns 6*6 ft*>30 Hoosavslt kfcctdt# School •* g w>..Xi t*4 in !f-« Aswoom ar t?' S*t*r arf-OO pro**'s o# * '*■ ii.joani* or vna gro,. pa Cat *> lot ’ *0 Thi* ■* fi>j' Cha/K* '0 m&tui .1 d't«r«*rH u ■ ou< Mur*. today SI CONOAHY SHI C LAI I OUCAIION PROGRAM f earn p 5 monf*viy r.’ pa**.} lot q.,a .’ «o ■ uyaatuo • t*i” »g a m*v»r s <>**,/«*» a d rt wd.vca*»or ;*v’ 'hA'^’ lor *r 1* ‘o Sitnti l)n*> \ ' '*■ I (Ji a! ^jr U* .ivv’* £>* < '•ugtv Sophomorss !’« A.-"y i- ?> »»*.«. 1 *•>' •,>% l an*! ti a Ap» il < .4 «4|. HOI U of O Mulhar a Ondsrgraduat* Schoiarsh^> ' •'-■4 avd ai>«* at h 4 StuOO"! A'St'4 and ;>«»;*** £>**.{.*ri. I>t*td '« A,.- **> l I NO Ml YOUH { AMS' LlStl N UR "-vu :» *5*v ' C> ■«» .r •.*■•• Sta" wants you ' o ' *<*" **>«aKV • *-J i»w S' .Ik*-' •» !o UO ft ymot* "*i 'J. • *»'"a! vV o* fAClNG YOUH HJJUfU hf by wskroming n*w stud ant a answering quaationa and imptamantrng tha Naw Studant Or isolation actrvilwa 25 LOOKING ARC AD. this opportunity offsr* many rawarda You wHI gam a graatar knowladga of campus, taka satisfaction m haiping naw atudanta ad fust 10 campus kfa. and racahra a ft a# T ahirt So. FACE UP lo Ihia fantastic opportunity and pick 14} mora information at tha Oaan of Studanta Offica. 104 Or agon Hall _Sign up April 10_ 205 OPPORTUNITIES FUNDRAISER l oo*.ng to* top ■ frji!o»*>iiy soronty o» S OfQAr-iH:>Of‘ !fvi! ’wouW M» JO ttil" l‘‘ SCX H* OfW VMW )• camp./* • t'*** g p-oj«*‘> ''iihr'•".f \ sopftomoto* arx! Qf.»J >tudaots i 800 8,r2 i??t o*t 2400 MONt Y fOR COU E Gf GUARANI11 D F -»m< • • W'Mh today C 6 I rto'p >,«»-. P O Po« 4 • • *»;*». Mr- Ft 3324 ■ NON TRADITIONAL STUDE NTS A*w yo . a tfw .nr.o"’« v o» ’ ■j/*- <>n y t>© u giDk* 'O' «*".» VjppOrl •. Tty g cOv.r‘MP,ng iWvvng advocacy n a , ■ I •'»* i duca’» v'- «i *,po. 14 avtpdfim though w».» ia(MKI to NWCfc Our gou soon Si op mant program ca Studam E n pioy fT»#Ol SurVKJM a! ATTENTION AMATEUR COMEDIANS Wa want you •( tha RID ROOSTER' Call ua lor an audition appointment today' 34 S 3606 Childcare wanted lor ? y' on! 24th a Maxtor 10 7 p m , Mor- d'V3 F • occiiVAjfMB* Wad 4»*> 4003 Cruise Line Entry lavei on board land a*da avail . yaar rnd aummar 6124M3-4333 EARN MONEY Haad-ng DooAi 130 OOC >r ncoma poMb'-'ki Owta --i* iBOD) 962 8000 ad Y 0642 Faat. Fundraiatng Program F raanflae vo* o'la* student ciuDs t arn wp to l1000 r on# ww Pfcja 'auwva a $! 000 Donut youwtff And a FREE WATCH ,utt ky oamng ' 80C 9320S?8 FuHpt tana Graa! ^cnay ’Wpng 3rd World ■narcfwn Good Donut • irava* D^^iMa i«OCi4tM90C; Coda 6004 CALL 3 4 6 4 3 4 3 FOR ADS Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU B&tCAUX, itf'Kt 7AUQNG ID OUR TfAM 9USHCWHU6N IS ,W‘ SiVHtP tfV O-t-r TAP TCRTWCH ( J nt opfosi if M*t ‘ ■ AN YTHIN61 fJ\Ol !ABU \ THfATA ybf$e JPW? mu HNvrr, x*?r rut ms> 'lt ■ hxjn: ' nhiue hlickn school CKA'}* ANP 005JOh lAftOCR '—t; n *"98e THIS ft BVZfiWER. hmpof pff&yw ANOMtUfS. A Vfrt StCWHUtACCfV JUST THIS YEAH .. PtfftONAi anoHAuesy \ &Rl% &Rl&, 6HHA! RJGHT, m / RIGHT, CHttf M'VB RLOCW a &vp owsr me 5TATt Of AffrAHWb