REGIONAL BRIEFS 'Let s see some I.D.’ PORTLAND (AIM Beginning July l,lnirtond crs and liquor servers must check lilt’ identifica tion of any customer who appears to fie under 2h years old. the ()regon l.upinr ('.pnlrul (aim mission decided "Teen-age drinking is a very serious problem OLCC assistant administrator Mike Keed said in announcing the rule change 'The amendment should make it mui h harder for minors to buy al cohol." Husband sentenced for igniting wife ALBANY (Al’) A man convicted of setting his wife on fire in an attempt to kill tier has been sentenced to IH years in prison Linn (County Circuit fudge Jackson Trust as sessed the term .'-Monday against I te ids beun Wildman Wildman, 4b, was c onvu ted in December of a May 1, 1001, attack on l'liye Wildman. Ml. at her rural Lebanon homo lave VVildman testified (hat ho throw hor to the ground, grabbed a )i)g of gasoline. splashed it over hor ami ignited it w ith his cigarotto llglitor Portland college losing accreditation PORTLAND (AP) Columbia Christian tail logo, which lias operated in Portland since 1UM. will lose its accreditation luiv 1 boi uuse of finan cial problems, college officials sav However. lhe\ ftopo to keep tho institution in full operation and to regain a < < reditation in loot The decision to withdraw the college s uecred itation was made in Dih ember alter Onan< ial in stability begun to erode the quality ol several aca demu programs. |oe Malik said Malik is execu five dilector of the Commission on Col leges of the Seattle based Northwest Association o! Si bools and Colleges f ree said Columbia ( htistian has about J~0 students this spring JREMEMBER! RECYCLE CORRECTLY! COMPLETELY REMOVE Pee/ and Stick Label*, windows, glues, tape, post-its! OK TO LEAVE ON Lick and Stick envelopes, stamps' U of o Recycling #1 WON CAMPUS ♦ 400 cantrallfad locations for fvapa*' 30 loading dock locations for cardboard' 4 EMU locations tor glut bavarags rocycling' Alto avaitaWo at tho EMU Ratillabls mugs'(t rsplaca* 1000 • ol pa par cups) Vi9it Baan Parking Lot for alt your houashokl recycling noods I or additional papar recycling. Wayarhauaar \K)r0 Cross St t ugan# off Garflsid bsloo 1st) accapta mag annas. glossy, punfc mail caraatcracfca# boiaa and all housabokl i o TOUCH OF CLASS CLOTHING A fm4rg*t j H.'mnmg Hirnitn & ( hildrrn’t (Mhlng ('or,!OTfwr») 1 tihnic Niiuril Fihm New i005 Colton CUntiing (or Children New Oolhmj; from Sm Krinusio Mon Krl 10-5:30 ♦ Sal 10 5 We Bur, I w'nn 1 Tf»de Bj Nppl. 2650 W1LLAMK ri K 343-0095 o OydiiUi Kate huttg nr IttilC woi| o CASH FOR BOOKS Two ComffMT* l oc tons TUf lHh 525 WllsmtB* (campus) ;downtown) MS-US1 141-471 7 BUYING HOURS KMf n.JMif *2. 3* Smith Family Bookstore © C • HIOOCN CIOSCT IOUII H 4 SUPf R S4/IS ONI Yf (Si* iiiupi BVY > SKU. ♦( omtGN Sri» < I'rfhinR b f orm0/ llriir Tw#* fri t lam S Mprr>„ Sat 1’am Him >1 10 Mate* IfN iPirimowKi 4q> 741 7424 Guide to Eugene's . FASHIONABLE RECYCLING \ River I Road Eugene I I I Springfield 0 GEHTJiY USED TljKJrr SljOP 1 1149 Willamette OPEN: TUESDAY - SATURDAY 11 am - 5 pm Quality clothing for men, women and children, books, housewares, collectibles and small appliances ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF EUGENE • U**d (Mmi m to* Qponi'bop hooi Ml Qp#fiitK>n Mug 4 B«>*» a- K V a r g .1 <1 I <}■..* 0».' tn*. ' DarwiUv* *i'i» g-jV , f AxtiD'w: 0 ^ | Great Clothes j 1 Great Prices | now for Men & Women I AM 1597 122 E Broadway I § l'»•< >in I f l.ttuf ( /« >lh i v Call Mornings lor Ap|H>intmeni | 344-7039 | 10-6 Mon-Sat. & 360 E. 11th (between M i High) X/s~s/ /y /*'*&•* % S j WJTIW ON-int Ml/ VINTAGE CLOTHING ♦ ACCESSORIES JEWELRY♦ LINENS♦ COLLECTIBLES Monday-Saturday, 11:00-5:30 420 Pearl St. 686-9240 STORE Specializing In Used Paperback Fiction OVER 150,000 USED PAPERBACKS 10,000 NEW A USED COMICS 10 AM -6 PM, MON-SAT 688-1080 555 River Road Kugene V7404 BUY 6 SKLL CENTER: Acoustic & Electric Guitars at real bargains! ,l6i Wcsl ''ill huwcnc * ><> WE BUY USED LEVI 501 JEANS WAIST SIZES 2/ 40 UP TO $8 E ACH' (depending on r.i/d condition; Variety Is Our Specialty! Make Oilers' • (Juaniit) Discounts' LOR IE’S AS IS PLUS 585 River Road ❖ Eugene •> 689-1203 o THE BOOK FAIR BUYING: Science Flction»Mystory»Art Literature* Philosophy • Mu sic /’a nidi si TWI N ! V-SIX I II ANNIVKRSAKY o OLD ttl€MD9 \i nucc u cormrsow* C i O i mimc 1029 WIIIAMCTtC 2 4 5-1 4 14 W* BUY & Sill MIM!/)C< ClOTHiriG F6( IP 70 S SUF1MV 12 .1 tt 6 M — ' ■■ _