SPORTS Spring means back to the gridiron for Ducks □ Coach Rich Brooks hopes to revive a sluggish offense for the 1992 season By Dave Chartxinneau f marakl '.[xvls Rtrportor The () regon football ton in will rnturn lu the field .is spring pnii Ini’ kn ks oil today .ii the Aul/on Siuriium prat.Hi <’ field Hi .iil i out h K H Ii Brooks hopes more Hum anything his Dm ks i iin regain Ihe i onfi rieni e they oni e hurt "Last m ason we w ere no! a productive offensive football team,'' brooks >11 "We were not the strong offensive football team that we were the previous seven or eight years I'm hoping we can get that production and confidence bar k bast season saw Oregon fol low two straight bowl appear ant es with a painful display of innplness After two convincing victories to start the season, the Dili ks offense flew south, as Oregon lost eight of Its next nine games. Inc luding the. final six games of the season [ hi Dili ks finish! d tie sea son al I It overall and 1-’ In th* I "a! 11 u it) (Ion fere nt t , Iru lud EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS Low Man on the Totem Pole Tour 92 with fIREHOSE DOS HAMMERBOX SPRINKLER Thursday,April 9th WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln Doors open 7:30pm, Showtime 8pm TICKETS: $6 U0. $10 GENERAL AT EMU MAIN DESK CO WORLD. FACT THE MUSIC HOUSE OF RECORDS i RECORD CARDEN 1 (I HIGH! OF FESTIVALS SUNDAY 6 OO Pfl The 5th Of APRIL. 1992 [HU BALLROOM UNIVERSITY OF OREGON fulfil l» DIMM* UNO IHGb Wf ftNV «l * I HI {MU MN:N Dt U HHi H UNO miHwiiiONrti siuttin wia imion oi-:i i«u nodm .•» «cm *6 tlllftlfW thMIOHUUMNHHhOi.'iWiOKW^NHl mg .i humiliating loss In Ore gon Stair in ihr w.ismi finale A tug rrason (or the collapse of ihr Out ks season was the unbelievable numhrr of inju rirs the Irani suffered doing into spring prat tire, there are pros .inti tons to last seasons injuries On the positive side, many players ret rived playing lime who wouldn't have if no! for !fie Injuries However many of the plav ers affei led t>v injuries were young players who losl valu a file e xper i ont e name IV ks Danny O'Neil and Doug Musgrave O'Neil ys as lost lor the season in the fifth game with a broken thiimh, and Musgrave was losl two games litter ys ith a broken hand As a result of the injuries, the question that gave Brooks nightmares Iasi year still looms Wild w ill !»■ '.lie Dm ss starling quarterback' Bui he seems io have a better idea who will lie "the man" lh.m he did al this lime last year "O Neil anti Musgrave did a belter job than the other two (hvle Ornwston anti Brett Sails hurv) Iasi year. Brooks said l imy have the edge going Into spring Here s a look at what Brooks will have to work with position tiv position A! latlbut k. Oregon has a host of candidates lo lie run ning tlie hall tome (all Thn oh vious choice seems to lie Sean Burwell, wlio has started a! the position for tlie past two years when healthy But Burwell Is not a shoo-in at the jiosttion by any means Brooks suld the position is "wide open," with redshirt freshmen Jeremy Fogle and Rn kv Whittle and senior Dono van MtKire all having a reallstlt shtit at earning the darting role *We were not the strong offensive football team that we were the previous seven or eight years. I’m hoping we can get that production and confidence back.' Rich Brooks, Oregon football coach Hri mts did nol seem .is ( onfi ti. nl about tiic j)()M lion Orison used .1 handful of players ,ii (hr position Iasi year hut had Inti.' sin cess from any of them Juan. S h od ri 1 I., D w a \ n .• Jones. and Brandon lumper shared time at file position last season Jumper will not partici p.ite m spring prm in .• hecause of a< udemic problems The Dm ks return virtually ail of a talented receiving crew Brian Brown, Ronnie Harris, Anthony Jones and James Jessie all saw considerable playing time last year A big (oncern of Brooks is the offensive line “It's .1 little lot of u question mark," lie said “I was not pleased with their performance last year Brtxiks said the key is finding u center to replace the gradual ed (.reg Philips and |oe Baguio Tom Curran is the only return ing Irttermun at center To try and help matters at renter. Brooks brought in ju nior college transfer Mike Dll-on/.o Sophomore Heath Howirigton may also move from guard to < enter The rest of the line seems up in the air Among the players Brooks mentioned as possible starters on the line are Steve Hardin. David Collinsworth, Matt Martin and Dave ( uttrell Finding a replac ement for tighl end J<• ff Thomason could be tough for Oregon Going into practice*, it looks as if Vinci* Ferre is the loading candidate to replace Thomason The defensive hack field could Ih- tile strongest us pee I ol the team. Oregon returns three proven talents at the safety positions with all-1’.ii It) safety KrU ('as tie. Chad T.ota and I’.Utl. Rodri quez. At the corners the Ducks are solid with sophomore Her man O'Berry. F.ugene Jackson and Devon Hosov Brooks also spoke highly ot ml shirt freshmen Isaac Walker and Alex Molden At inside linebuc ker. the Ducks seeth to be in good shape "I see this as art area where voting players will he able to push up," Brooks said Kedshirt freshmen Jeremy Asher and Hu h Ruhl yvill cha! lenge senior Joe Harwell and ju nior John Taumoepeau lor a starting position A t outside I inehai ker, the Dut ks are not in as good ol shape as one might expect. Fr nest Jones and Terrell Kdvvards played well last year, but inju ries yvill keep them from prac ticing .it lull speed Brooks expects good compe tition at the defensive line posi tion Gary Williams, who played well last year, is suffering from a knee injury and will not par ticipate in contact drills With Williams on the mend. Brooks will get a chance to look at a talented group of defensive ends that includes Jeff Cum mins. who is returning from a season-long injury. Romeo Bandison, and Mark Slymen Sililu Malepoai will likely be the starter at nose guard Oregon will practice 15 days running through Apr 25 The spring game will be Apr 27 COACH Continued from Page 1 has lApiTicnif in dealing will) liutm I wanted un outstanding liasketball coach and person, some one wiio could rei rull student-athletes and ndati' lo them as well 1 wanted wmimnc who was a gixid pidge of talent After I had been with (errs (Ireen for five min utes. I knew he was the basketball couch for the l 'inversiIv of Ornyn and the person lor us (ireen said that despite tiemg anxious to get started a! Oregon, it wasn’t easi having a pro gram he had helped ai < ompllsh so mut h The most dtlfli till part alum! .it i opting the job ill Oregon is leaving Roy Williams (ireen said He has lieen like a brother to nit; It’s also diffi cult to leave the players and the staff .it Kansas Anyone expecting to see a similar system to what Oregon used under Mon son is dkelv to be surprised. If (Ireen s i ommnnts are to lie believed We would like to average 10(1 points a game, he said We want to entertain and score points We want to recruit players who cun run up and down the court It's not just running It's running within a sys tem Nobody wants to play a 40-point game (Ireen said he has seen only two films of this year's team, and that he saw strengths and weak nesses' among the players He said he looks lor ward to trying to rejuvenate an ailing Oregon team that finished ti-_M this year, its worst record smie 1057 1 would rather come to a place where you go in and the 25 or 2’ wins have not been there and you've got something that hasn't been done for a while, hut that can lx' done," (ireen said (Ireen said rei rutting would lie a main focus for his staff which he is in the prix ess .if pulling to gether On a scale ol one to ft) in rwi rutting elfort, my effort would lie 18b, l.reen said 1 he I diversity **hO*o ,m9 Jerry Green was named the new Oregon men s basketball head coach Tuesday. of Oregon, in my opinion, hits contributed enough money to recruit nationally You can't have a narrow recruiting list Green was hmisell an excellent college basket bull player He was named Spartanburg SCI Methodist College s most valuable player and i upturn two straight years Green received a degree in physical edui ation from Appalachian State in 1‘tnw and finished Ins master's degree in education at Hast Tennessee State In 19/1 after a two-year stint in the Army Green coached throe high schools in North and South Carolina U'fore taking the assistant posi tion at I N( -Asheville