GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugana, Oregon 97403 I - I Otter good with I selected stylists inly iimmiN by Don ILLUSIONS 15111 inov.n irr i • •. ' ,v ' : i PERMS $29.95 LOOP RODS SPIRALS Siifltng cjl $ 39.95 HAIRCUTS $8.00 Illusions • 345-1810 .« uph April 11 1‘Jtt'.! • Must present rou|xui| INTI ILLIMANI I lie if fluff s i 'i .■ the ^ truls »<1 lhr \iuJr' .till! I he n> h sh.ulm^ <'( thru hloniloi vours hint-. ( <»t .»«. hoii in .1 Sp.mtxh » aihctlral I he Wn. ■•■.{ lnqu>te' *•-- Mu — .''u i .*.«! it t.»? Hun- i t \<.. ht I • \ Computer Products & Supplies Inc. ■ !Hy~» >wn Co«ifiyur»tk>n' - Intel 380 486 CPU - 1.2MB FD - 40MB HD - - 2MB HAM - VGA Color - 14" VGA Monitor - - 2 S, P/Game • 101 KB - MS DOS 5.0 - AST Wi '•! 4t-\ H Premium II W4S\ ^OMh* Ili4*u 4K4* 25Mhi \ IhraUr Twin Mead 386SX 16 Note book Leading Edge 386SX Nolo book M-ll Ai .4 O : r • rvoc fT J • . t* • f. ■ 1 ■Jt * *. \ 1034 !>W T •**<>» Portland om trm Ptvoo# 723-W91 * U ? .'U OM t AJOi * l i>gen*. Oft t '40J f’Tvorv* J*S 1314 34% 13/4 Moo hn 10 ft V«| I I 4 r r. i' p jr ! jo,! j't .1 g r .* - ; J» ji jp r OREGON Confirmed bom Page ' Orison ' southeastern i ornoT, xs h e h vx emplifies those qualities Oregonians are sn proud of Thai MHillii'iixIiTi) (orwT mugi !v tlx* region south of I s H:gtrw.av -’<) '■ i t><-r.J' i ■ . ‘ I S Highway 1't'i from Kilex . ('.itlilornui txirder, contains tii• m, ’ Ifdi'd of OrogottVi (immunities ,e- ss the stall's most ilrsi>s,1 ic sin :. ! Apt!v.< -iSI*-.t On .■ it;, < . i , iti-nd geographer r i a , aid Hatton. this n o !ms;, • am stiUHfe mill's as people i:u . .-1• i,t Harm s ( 'mints On , -■ - • r : (lopui'.tii'.d with 1 o -i' ■;i. i!- 1 i only 7.1 (mi residents it Is a ri’rim m •' . an d!i !■ >! ’ s . mat) intervention, sshef,-'si re is n'ii,- ir.m, pollution or tralfii lint ss max I" ox en m< .n > ousls alls, lit Iron. Or,arm's s, uthe.istem i nriii'I Is :a ■. \\ ' ■ • ■ is .is ■ r :; a! precipitation rear in s more than 100 inr ti es m parts . ! tin i , as! Range mil is ! ypi alls tietss. ■ :. r, i . 1 a :: \\ 1 it,' \ : |! i ‘ , ! e SS e ' I tile i ' e 1 region receive more than !5 inches She \Is rd i I, s, :: e, : , !* d pletr's devoid n! any Vegetation U a! reminisrent ol Utah's itonn, s die Sai: Hals, is Oregon s driest spot, averaging only seven inches of pr, t iptt.ition p, : year Southeastern Oregon IS also a region , ! dramalli leinperature extremes He,, the < asi ade mo oil.iins hint k tutu li ol t! - moistuie and mild vs mils blowing iniand from the far ifIt ()i ran the eastern !Ss thirds ol the stale is gennrallx holter m the summer and (older in the winter limn on the ssi st side ol the mountains Summer temperatures above too de grees are common in Oregon *. Hlg f nun try. as is helms zero ss ■ at her in the ss , liter months \ i a} u n:: k i 11, ■ Willamette \ ii-s . southeastern Oregon is a region dominat ed hs d islain i-s rile less popu latton i , n ters i akes lew. ii..ri;s arid Ontario are ; cat,si !ar apart and on the region's hinges 1 :s 111 sin i- tiling a- a ip, > in; lossii throughout iiiosl of the s, .is',, in (orner. the vast gulfs of open spate has, turned even tiie tiniest communities into six lal and i onmiert i.ll hubs Southeastern Oregon is also the home ►*Hdto b*■ *>*'V The • st office general store (below) is the commercial and social center for Frenchglen, population 10 The tiny town is the gateway to Steens Mountain in southeastern Oregon of i f.Hit- High Sthoiil, ont of the (nun tr\ s few txhireling high hoofs Crane's students most of them live on the iso filled i.tin lie-, m .tilered throughout tfn• re gton t time from .in tire.i more than one fiumireti miles long ffet ause of the long distant i s from their homes to the si hoof, students st.iv in dormitories during the s. Ini. . wet k anti return home onlv ■ n W1 . S . !id S I lit re Is ,1 cotlSjlk lions sense ol friend Imess throughout tlregnn's iiig (lountn ind in must i ities Must |o< 11* :] on tin' thousands ol mill's ot lone l\ roads make .1 pond of Wiiving, almost as j| ihi’v feel a nfrd properly greet the few people they do em ounter \.' p. Hig! the Ins!' rv of human settle ment in southeastern Oregon contains t's share ol broke dreams and heartbreak, the Iesilients u! today seem to !* lit pear '■ with the nature they have tamed just enough to plant fm• ■ nl rotils Few ev press .mv discontent with their chiefly solitary lives Instead thev praise the vir lues id lilt' region :: ! la; k o! people, pollution ,imi ; ai t ustomufl to the welter ••nvii : ! w> sirrn Oregon its .a. K iil r.ii II In wav •• (If'.; . southeastern t.timer is one ■ d ounlrv's lew remain pi it kels : ihe ()..| Wesl ' kills is still vei v in . h i dwImis country, where tlie most nnpi industry is livestock, ranching Bui karoos still herd cattle on horses, often driving them right down the middle of the area s levs major highways on the wav to winter or summer pastures, although phkup trm ks with gun rat ks and (111 radio antennas have mostly re placed the other symbols of a i entury ago But perhaps the vomding finding of Oregon's Big (lountrv is its sense of space Mere It Is possible to drive .'•() miles without passing a single dwelling This is the home of wild animats more than it is of people il ! a t, it is llkelv that the v isitor w ill see more spei ies of animals and birds than people The region IS home to thou sands ol mule deer and pronghorn ante .j Although the sagebrush desert seems desolate, it is home to countless spe es of small animals, birds and rep tiles Here die vips and yowls of the coyote, pn.h.iblv the most widespread ammai in !hr r■ i<.: .re nlli,n heard than the noise frum ■ ,irs ,ind other man-made sours i s \ !, is : ■ ': : \ ih*‘ w iliii'Sl i ori!<• r of (fregnri liven tic is ! ! rins are different Imni tli<- rest Although Oregon's snulhtMsIn!; ni -r has been like much ! state created mostly through tie i‘\|ilosf, e of voli unism and tin ' tve tooi „( wind. water .mil Ire. tin g> ...oh jjr.• ’ss of faulting h,is pushed ,md pulled the hind here into forms unique in t)regon Steens Mountain .it U.(•?() feel south eastern Oregon’s highest point, was i re Ilted b\ one of these ' ills, wlllih Ira: lured the earth’s crust and pushed up a blot k of the i rust, forming the mountain These fuult-hkx k mountains are found throughout tfie region, and along with the valleys that often form between them make up what geologists < .dl the basin arid Range, a region that Includes most of Nevada and ! tah and parts id other southwestern stales Vet for all its rugged terrain and harsh climate. Oregon’s southeastern corner Is a land lor exploring and lor explorers who aren’t abaci to veer off the beaten p.ith, m some instant > • a long vvay oil And whether tfit- visitor enjoys tic re gion enough to return, (Iregon’s Big ( nun try seldom lads to he at least impressive, and often awe-inspiring to thus, who ex pcritrnce it JansportBackpacks Sturt inf* $109S ( r .t stiHlrnb. Hut it you still ,i irluiht. i omr to tbr I Mil Mum Desk tliniiki no/iiul btisinrss boms M.uiii JO ApnlJ Also .iv.uLibk' .it tbr l IP Custonwi Srivn r Crntn iIiihihj noniul business boms April 4 8 (loll 08/ V>.V> toi mote in fin motion Express four sell! LanelYansit District AvniLible to.ill Uot 0students itu IihIiihj Liu student■■ i i m: ■ ’ i 1 . - s « *r*} r*'«l rrt*. i«tr '4 *nvr ■ . » - - ' . . ‘A **4 / m \ *: '1W- 'f,* ftr»4rfir i 4 M. *>' Berkeley 1992 University of California