Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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    My Fiddle Strands
and (juitar Strings
(In-nt price in town)
Sc ( jeetarH Sc Mutes Sc C oilgas
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nee Tiwaouwie
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Cou*«» y P»w*o
Own Ida »nd her ton My nek Freeze Guillory will »dd tom* Cajun tptce to Eugan* a mghtlite when the
and her band the Bon Tempt Zydeco play their energetic mutic at the Community Center for the
Performing Arts Thursday at 8:30 p m
1 A little dash of Louisiana culture
By l ayne l aketish
[ e ’ I l '<* he* I i!'l ■'
No unr would dare call the si 10vs dirts laundry.
hul don't lie surprised when washboards make mi
'his is the Queen hi., show . ,111 d anything goes
In .1 , nut ert th.it vs ill hike plfH e Thursday night
.it H to m the Community ( enter for the Perform
ing Arts jot VY l.ighth Ave . Queen ld.i and her
hand will fuse everything from blues to rock 'n'
roll to country to Texas swing to rhythm and
Anything goes, and it will
Queen Ida and the Hon Temps Zydeio Band
play a mixture of all types of Southern Louisiana
luusii . said Bob lennessy, (.ommunlty (Tinier
lot the Performing Arts publti 1st She plays mu
sii of tfie southern United States ft's kind a like a
jumhuiay u vs fieri y ou mix all the different kinds
of loud together
And mix they will The hand has gained a rep
utation of bringing com ort crowds to their feet
with a (omhination of saxophone, violin guitar,
washboard and >u i ordion sounds
i his is dance musir ' l ennessy said Listen
mg to this type ol music on n‘< nrdmg is different.
tiul whan listening to it in concert, it Iinumrs get
up-on-your-feet. move around music ”
Thanks to tin* way in whii h .ill the band mem
bers work together, the music they play, known
.Is zvdec o. has made a name for itsell "Few other
forms of music are so energetic as zydeco," re
ported /be Dfinrr /’os/ "The music roc ks, hut
the heat comes from the combined efforts of the
music iatis and not from a bass turned up to 10
and a heavy footed drummer ”
Opening tin1 show will tie Queen Ida's son, My
ric k "I ree/e" Guillory. who recently released his
first recording He'll not only open the show, hut
yvill also join Queen Ida and her bund when they
take to the stage*
Guillory's vocals, song writing skills and .ic cor
dion talents are also featured oil Queen Ida's c ur
rent album Queen Ida and tier son whip up a
storm with their wild, dueling accordions," re
ported tfie .S'vc/nev Morning Hfr.ilri
tins whole show is a dance show.'' ITnnessy
said "Its an all-ages type of event bee ause of it s
resits, fedk music
Advance tickets selling for $14. can tie pur
ohasc-ei at the I.MG Mam Desk or by calling the
txis office at tat" T/Ml. l ie kets y\ ill also fie avail
able at the- door for S1 -1 Doors will open at H and
till* lac lilts is yy heel-c hair ac c esslble
It s zany It s fun Meet new
people with our Party Mixer
Game I ‘retry Interesting Guys
(PIGS)" cast your vote for tonight's
Best Guy1 Music, dancing, door prizes
all night long!
The Party Above The Rest!”
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