Filing deadline for elections nearing Students interested in an elected position in student gov eminent nrxt year have until Monday at 5 p m to officially dc< lare their intent and ho in cluded on the twllots later this month. Election packets and filing information are available in the ASUO office in EMU Suite 4 In addition to choosing a new ASUO president ami vt< e presi dent, students will elei I six In i idontal h'eo Oommittoe mem hers (two two year seats and four uno-vour srats). Iwo l.Mt Hoard mrmbcrs (both two-vuar srats), Iwo tnrmlx’rs of tho As six iatod Studrnls I’rrsidpnt s Advisory (loumil (both ono vrar sralsl and I S studrnt srna lors I’r imarv r In I ions will hr hold April 22 and 2d and urn oral rlr< lions, including ballot mrasurrs and any run offs, will hi' hrld April 20 and 110 If ono of I ho liokols for prrsidrnt and vice prrsidrnt wins rnorr than SO porornt of thr votr during !hr |irmur\ that, lit krt .lulu mnt Sea 11 v wins the rim lion All Imllot measures must be approved hv the Constitution Court and turned in to the A St () bv '* p m April 10 The first deflate among I andi datrs for president anil vie e prrsiilrnt is srt tor April 1 ri Bobhv t.rr ami Karmen ('ore, Chris (’hurts and Donald Mur gun. and Don King and (lolls Ferguson arr llir three tickets who have alreuiU .illinium rd thrir ( undidai v ET ALS m? r::S(.:s Im idenlal fw ( ommillrf w r ♦•n' t*-night at tt ir the ) -Mi H ,r.| K. • >n 1. budget* for !?:»* Mi* J: d• I’r gfa*n Singapore Mnduf.U \*% ‘. r .\'f.r*r*!y InterniHi'-nn, PhiK *uphy l iub and the l omm-'.tw f • Mw\; .1 .A'-' KM I Hoanl dI Dimloni h • ••■' at 4 ; •; !?.«• I S' ft <• I,V • Idftani’M' Slutlfnl ( Iryan i/al ton »* today at 4 »(> p m it...KM' ( aido Kt *m K IhHJII i Kill ■) h in KM' C edar K - mi I alin Arnernan ami t-aiiMx-an Student Or^iiiinliaR w n M> m KMt' (-mitury W ”1 ■ Mull n u 11 u 1 a I ( uniiuium t ummillw 1* ill nuM-t r-' • lar Ki» •**:’ A < ipih )H . • \:; iks A I a \ wot k «hup ... ri .1 »?f:t • !.f. »r.uj **• for > S a’ ! t >Twfl-'f; HM* < .• !-»r H. t ( PUnmn^ «ml PLi nnrnl ..i " > S . • H 1 : » . Hi«Mint( lof ihm [nlUm tnq i i>m|utur» v* !l.'! ' ' : • K * r;- r.1 ’. : • . ■ • % • K.». ‘. v..* * «.>•:* ■> . • • \\ .V- : - • .1" ' I • (»«'! <■' -l. V- ■ (>|trn «ij(n up . .-.•••*• ( * f}i <% « t-niay V mlrmi’M **nrk*Jmp « J.iv i.i 4 j •• .191 i KMJUON SluiJrnl >% P a 11< I a I'i4>rr lu ii.nrr »*. • ' . ' ’ » h- \ X I 1 '*'•» • i Jt- it Vf » ■ « •; * -I N«* j- ■ -’/•ipkI t^ampu* jtai '.h -n- u o-'j i-il !*:<* p-u ' . ?.:-■**; , 1 ho K tt-i-i .» -,i mu’dei fft*? f»i(As/ 1 J **■'<11 ! ■{!■ >*v ' „ ‘ i •' -tj; Jf / i • v . •• UNIVERSITY Dozens Of Items At Great Like: rices ELECTRONICS SALE! in Our Store Today: Tom. representing Fuji Reggie, representing Denon (. / Electronics At Your Bookstore OffersT^^/'1 y • Non-profit service • The best possible price • Guaranteed satisfaction • Superior product knowledge 13th & Kincaid • 346-4331 • M-Sat RIGHT ON TARGET! v“ wO'et'"i L>uU, m CALL OUR AD DEPT: M6-3712 Emerald jio% off’anything! i IN THE STORE I i at \mn s i [ POSTERS j CDS ^CLOTHING 57 W Broadway and 957 Willamette Downtown Mall I SHOES ; CARDS J GIFTS J mm mm 2&m mm ®B9D€S REFLECTION IS OUR BUSINESS” SPECIALTY CLOTHING, HATS & BAGS ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTIONS IN THE NORTHWEST ACROSS FROM SOCKEYE'S 524 VALLEY RIVER C S NILR .''45 9431 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Whtle vacationing in Africa. Pinocchio has his longtime wish to be a real boy suddenly and unexpectedly granted