Libre/. Scholastic Discount Program rhc Libre* JKbSX'20 N.*cb.->k %ilh 2*> ML Hard l)»a. 4 Mb RAM. MMX'S, 6 2 lb* i* »*•■'* i«itiible t>> wb -M* *«udcnl» faculty irul c JiK*h--ml *uf! it in irk rrdihk pn c 3K6SX/20 $1299 • m », h. - w to, f \ *4 M /•’or More Information Call / (SOO) 766-2V4S *T» «» •• *.* r* « . Faculty. Staff and Students GOOD DEAL -ON SQUARE MEALS 25 meal lunch pass for only $100 During Spi ing Tei m Onl> I Ins is .1 M)% discount from the d.ul\ ______ c .is 11 price._ l’urt base lunch pass at I ni\ orsits Housing or call 44(>-4277 lor more inlormation. Council votes to sanction Libya ('.mined on Tuesday voted In ban flights «iu) arm sales to Lib ya. branding it a terrorist stale (or shielding six men an UMiii of blowing up I’an Am Plight 10 l and a Prenr h airliner Wearing liliii k (or mourning, relatives of Mime of the 270 vir tuns of the 1OHH Pan Am bomb ing w.itched from (he visitors' gallery as the lounill imposed the sarn lions by a loo vole Libya has been indli led. said (oorge Williams whose son Jordv died when the plane blew up ov er Stefland I he finger has been pointed at them as buy Ulg lieen deeply involved in the bombing of Pun Am in I ' The l 'tilled Nat uuis sum lions .tri' scheduled in take effec i April 15, but will In' withheld if ( dI Moammar (iadhafi's gox ern merit surrenders the six sus pisls sought liv Franc :e, flritiim and tin- ! :mteil ‘states and takes steps tu "i ease ill I forms of ter rorist ac tion and all assistant e to terrorist groups The resolution also demands compensation for the victims and calls on riiemtxir stales to expel most Libyan diplomats Hut its impact will In- seven Is limited hoc ause the s.iru lions do not include a broad trade embargo Libya can still earn money from ml sales, w hic h preside ‘)r> percent of its foreign earned me orne It s not nearly enough," said Susan (ailien. whose 20-year old daughter Theodora also died in the Pan Am bombing Wo need on oil embargo Wo won i x1'1 Ihn truth unless a lot mure gnus into this Libyan holders hove their own pianos and a large stoi k pile of weapons Those most af fix ted by tile ban will be mid dle-c loss Libyans seeking to travel The only way to signal a real resolve to end this issue is to boycott Libyan oil exports and ba< k that up with a naval bloc kudo " said Henry Si huler. an analyst with the (Tenter for Strategic and International Studios It w as only the second time the Security 'Council had im posed punitive sum lions on a country lor flouting its de mands- on peace and security The first was after the Iraqi in vasion ol Kuwait ANC rejects bicameral Parliament plan lOHANNKSIHIRC;, South A flu .1 VP fht> Afn c .111 N'littoruil < ongfess cm Tuesdav r<• m'* I*‘<1 .1 guv erhrnenl plan fur .1 bicameral Parliament .iriii pro posed instead thal .1 single r handier assembly be (•!■•. ii (i tic draft .1 ni u i (institution W! 1! v, e m i ii .nr not two In nses .1! > h nth rr s tl.r its I u' 1 single. imiltif.ii eted Univ rep resenting the niltii'.’l ill ill! Its variety. said ttir grm.j Smith Alin . s ,rgi St lit,n k politic .1! Kr°i,P I in A N't s.i: t . Iwi tii iis. Parliament would hr .1 reminder tin- cadaver of apartheid still rules Drspitt. thr dis.igri 1 ‘merit. tin two sides ap prari-ti to making progress on tin- lormation of an inter tit) government and a new constitution end mg w Inti minontv rule The government suggested for the first time M,aid.iv that an . |ri ted two 1 fiamt" i far i lament draft the dn< umeiil. representing a mas r step to ward tin ANti '■ position Previ.aislv tfie govern mt'n! had Mini th«» constitution should hr drafted during negotiations among politicaI parlies But thr government's pi,in would give veto power In thr white dnmin,ili'd upper house oi Parliament The AN( rr|rots special protection fur minor ities and wants a too-member constitution-milk mg budv elected on the Iwisis of one person, one \ ole In .innuimi mg the governments plan Mond.iv, (' Development Minister (lerrit \ lljoen said "It is clear that in accepting tfie prim iple that ail elet ted hixfv should he the ( on stit u!lull making Is id v. we re c It sing the gap with other parties But \ lljoen warned that the government was nut married tu ,u elec ted constitution-miiking tiuiiv and said white interests would have to he guaranteed He said both chambers of the pro posed Parliament would have to approve a new i onstitution ■ 3»'VO^ . 1,! I ) I ——j I*;" ■■K5SClSflKf!!525!?t5itf5!3255BBH| */ 0O i *\* ,V J {MM $ Miw* 'Tn*n r»icn*y r. * wix’&i *i Wx> At IU, rr», rr»r.|* ji ta* $ iWw a# (Ur n^ kKt w*jr*. $ *Nt rr*, rrAiTMM.9 fit*-. <|D up $ *s*ut # ?T*rr*> ft no mu*.** r } ihCHJil I Lit to tJt* •Ktuftlvr 5 How lung a t if Ur* to <#rt m, nKrw, ‘ oof Recycle Tnis 1 paper **srru 'i/ FREE > DELIVERY v* $7 min order WE’RE WHIPPING OUT EUGENE’S BEST PIZZA COME IN ,v AND CATCH ONE! TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1 >;t h r,inkIm HIvd 484-2799 Open 11 am lam Daily