Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, APRIL t, 1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 124 Spiderman Un varsity senior Jennifer LXi.ee .•i-mbs the ,\.ilis outside the EMU Tuesday Davee who has neon .» t >ck climber for orn and .«-'u ' years sa d he tikes to practice ' s spent anywhere on 'jmpus Kansas assistant named Duck basketball coach jJerry Green, who will re place Don Monson, has his work cut out for him, but he says he's ready E3y Jayson Jacoby • l ! _ Oregon athlelii ' ' m: ( 0.11 h position it kiins.ii in loiut li. will rri i-iV". SBO.OOO [iff year tor hw st-.irSBO,000 |li-1 si 1 r ior r.nl 11n 11’I«■ v 1.1,11 ijijir.ir.itic 1 -s .tint t St .0,000 shot 1 : ' ■ .1 i w ith N: k. Green replat . s lion Monson, who w r. firm! Marc'll 1 ’ alter nnif v.'.irs In l-.u gene I found thr in.m I w.inti'd. Bvrnc said "I'm damn glad he s hc-rt• It's good to In here Green said I am i'ii iti’ij about the opportunity to get to work rile I’.ic 10 Conferomat is rer lulnly one of the strongest in all ol 1 ul lege basketball (, i .rii iirrii ( ■ it (); ■ -n wilt: in tin pressll' list o! i:r. Ii'lltials \ftel sis years of high si bool om lung and a two year stint as an assistant at 1 N( Ashe villi', lie took over the then N MA hind in 1070 Green posted two 70 w in seasons in Ills first MX years it t N( Asheville lie foie the si ho..! moved up to N( \A L)ivl stem II status in 10Hr. The Bulldogs went .!» 11 and It IS. with an overall ISO Kill |u >110 winning peri outage) mark lor the mite years (been I lien |oined his longtime Iriomi and Kansas lie.id ( o.u h Koy Williams whom lie helped in elevating the lav hawks lo rial ion a I power status Kansas vs as ranked tilth entering thi N( A A tournament in 1'i‘io and lost to Duke hi the i hamplorislup garni a ve.u ago, before lining upset in the lournev so mill round this season as the nation's so olid rariki-d h am and No I .. I d m the M idw i si K> .• i, ma I Kansas overall rei orrl in I .rei n's four years as an assistant was 111 I III I am very very happy lot |erry (been. Williams -.aid ill a press slate merit I think it's a goal day lot Oregon basketball lorry has Imeii extremely Important lo our program's sura ess ihe last lour years II will he >i tremendous ( hullengu tor inl and my shill lo compensate lor the loss ol one id Ihe most r (impotent basketball people anywhere Hyrne said his scan h for Munson s re piai einelil got r ulisldeiahly easier w h' ii he uni (.reeii When making the decision com ern nig our new basketball coat It. there were a number ol criteria considered. IUrne said I irst and foremost. 1 wanted some one ol absolute integrity, a man who knows and understands N( AA rules and I urn to COACH P.irju 8 Oregon's most isolated communities and desolated stretches of land where sagebrush-covered mountains valleys and prairies stretch beyond the horizon On the road to Eastern Oregon I By Jayson Jacoby [ Ropofitif Editur> nuh■ This is f/re lirsl in a thrrf part si>r;cs ahtiul I ho poufilo and phii os of euslorn Orogim I’arts l\vn and t/iree will run limrsda\ arui Frida i Wo Oregonians .1 r<■ proud of our state and an: ijini k lo point out Its virtues ( loan air, slow paced lifestyle and lack of crime Compared with major met ropulitan areas such us Los Aridities iirul ( dm ago, even Oregon's lew urban (enters are ventahle paradises Hut beiiiuse three-quarters ol the state's population lives west oi the Cascade moun tains only one third ol Ori son's tnlul land area the sparsely populated eastern two thirds is often forgotten How ever, t! is pist that part ol the stale, arid in particular Turn to OREGON Page 6 Wugontire Steen* Mountain o t.r in I Lakeview Frenchglcn • S' ’ 0 i • f *T» »./*» • H--i" » C*Hotrim Graphic by .M1»f’ar.tay ASUO ELECTIONS Students interested in an elected position next year have until Monday at 5 p.m. to officially declare their intent and be in cluded on the ballots. See DEADLINE. Page 3 SPRING INTO ACTION The Duck football team begins spring practice today at the Autzen Stadium practice field while the quarterback ques tion remains unanswered. See SPRING. Page 8 QUEEN IDA A dash of Louisiana culture will hit Eugene when Queen Ida and her band come to town. See DASH, Page 4