Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 31, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    Duck riders kick off year
in dominating fashion
Washington State hosted
10 loams from schools In Or
egon, Washington, Idaho
and Montana over the work
end by staging a two-day.
three race event to kick off
llm Northwest collegiate cy
cling season.
The Oregon contingent,
consisting of five men and
three women, traveled to
Pullman with high hopes
and a well-prepared, ambi
tious squad
In the opening event, a
short course i riterion in the
center of the Washington
State campus, the Duck
women set the precedent
with senior Jennifer Vendetti
taking first place in the 40
minuto-plus, iwo-lap event
In the hotly contested
men's race, the Oregon rid
ers continued to show their
dominance hy placing three
riders in the top 10. includ
ing junior Jon Brident>augh s
first-place finish in the 55
plus, four lap rue e
Saturday evenings team
time? trial saw the m hools
pilled against each other in .1
rai e ugiiinsl tin1 elm k over a
20-kilometer course This
event is often celled "the
race of truth, and the truth
was told when the Oregon
men s team took lop honors
in convincing fashion over
strong squads from Washing
ton Stall- and Oregon State.
The women s team, lack
ing the numbers of other
schools, rode to a third place
finish After Saturday's
events, Oregon was 2 0
points ahead of its i loses!
competitors, with Washing
Ion St,it(> am) Oregon State
tied for second
On Sunday, the men faced
.1 hilly, windy 00-mile road
race with the women com
peting on the same course in
a ,10-mile event
Vendotti, showing much
improved form from last
year, finished second to last
year's regional champ from
Washington. Newcomers Sa
rah Drown and ('.all Smith,
both racing for their first
time that weekend, finished
l()th and 11th. respec lively,
providing valuable points
for the combined men s and
women s score
In the men's rim;. Oregon
planned lo rid<; defensively,
end the plan worked perfect
ly with all five riders placing
for points
The course ended with the
riders negotiating a 500-ino
ter, 12 percent grade climb
to the finish line with ( limb
ing ai e Myles Light finishing
third. Bridenbeugh in fourth.
Luke I’ingel in fifth, Matt
Fletcher in seventh and Ben
Kaplan in 1 -tth plate
The Ducks finished with
.'(Hi total points to Washing
ton State's 1 f>‘) and Oregon
State's 1(17
With three more races to
come, the Oregon team is
poised to qualify for nation
ids in May lor the first time
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v '.'vm.--- -—
Vidlak takes home MVP honors
Senior Dan Yidluk (upped his collugiate career
hv receiving 1 lie Howard Wicklund Trophy .is ()r
egons most Vidu.ihlf wrestler .it the .inniiiil w res
thug awards h.inquet Sundnv night
Senior Darren {lustufson pit ked up the John
Stiller Memorial Award "to lie the very licst I
< itn senior Si olt Myers was voted the Jed kesey
Lorenzo West Memorial Award ns Ipient for !*•
mg the most improved, and Dory Sonnen was
honored with the Most Valuable Ireshtmtn
I lie awards were voted upon by the couching
Vldluk ended his i.ireer as (iregon s fourth
leading all time w testier yy ith toil victories and
was sixth on the career w inning port outage <i( Or
ogon with in HJO mark Vidlak .1 native ol
(mints l',isV was a two-time Ail American at 11H
pounds In I ‘t'Ml anil 1 '.to 1
\ 11i1.1 k winner of thr Wicklund Irophy in
l't'10, also won the Most Valuable Ireshmun
Award in Wl. the Miller Award in t ***• 1. and
the Higdon Tropin as the outstanding sophomore
scholar athlete
(iustulson. a two time \( AA qualifier Iron)
Kedliiruls ( aid, ».a third on the team in vii to
nes with JO this year and won two mail lies at the
IMHg. N( AA ('hampionships
Myers, a 140 pounder from Newherg, returned
to tiie team after leaving tin- sport two years ago
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