SPORTS It’s not hard to ignore March madness in Sequim FROM THE SIDELINES ti OAVI CHABSOMMtAU I spent most of mv spring break in Sequim. Wash , basieally out in th<• hoonii's. about two hours west of Seat tle I was visiting mv girlfriend. who list s in a housit that overlooks tlm Straits of Juan iff i in .1 A beautiful setting, but a ■.filing deprived of fable I’V. a tug ( its iifWspapi'r and ms jot k frirnds 1 hit lat k of all tin'M’ aspeets that am usually so pros a lent in ms lift' led to one thing 1 did not know a damn thing about what going on in the world of sports In soars past, mv spring break lor svati hing thf NCAA lournamnit and playing g.uni's of three on-three svitfi my friends Tins year was ti different story, and I'm not t omplalnmg one fat ( a insider these fat Is I learned about the Mike I yson sen tencing from my girlfriend's mom I s.iw Christian I.aetners last-second bu/ver-heater against Kcntui kv t*i*< aiw I just happened lo turn on thi> TV with 19 seconds' It*It in overtime ns ! was getting ready to go out As a sportswrlter. 1 sometimes feel oh lig.iteii to follow sports whether I want to or not Hut I figured I was on a break, so I mill as well t.ike a break from sports as well Hut being in Seipnm didn't leave me much of a i nolo' am wav As vour base i itv bov from Portland, I'm used to getting mv dailv serv ing of sjiorts shoved down mv throat liven in Hugene, It's easy to stav atop the happen ings in sports But in Setpilm, where half of the lot .11 television stations are Canadian, you really have to make an effort to find out what's going on in sports I didn't make that effort Instead of watching Indiana run all over Pin It) champ UCLA at the West Regional, I watched my girlfriend at < 1 dentally run over a cat at 40 miles per hour Instead of watc hing Mike- I vson go to the slammer, I watched a giant yak slob her all oyer my window at a game (arm In See)uim When 1 returned to Portland and then Kugene, my friends filled me In as to what fug events I had missed Tor in stance. I know the Pinal Four is Indiana. Duke. Mm htgan and the Reds or. I mean Cincinnati My point is that ms trip to Sequtm showed me that (list because I am a sports writer, doesn't mean my life has to revolve around sports, as king as there's something lietter to do Iiut believe me, now that I’m hack .it si hoed, you can lie sure that mv IV will be tuned to P.SPN, TN V. 'I'US or CHS And don't worry, the cat liv is I One c at who didn't survive was men's basketball com h Don Munson Does anyone really think athletic; di rot tor Hill Hv rne is going to lie able to get anyone in here with any sort of reputa tion7 laiok at Munson He c ante in as one of the most highly regarded coaches iirmiml and nn» will tie lui kv to land a job at tho !<>« al junior high This is not a knock on Monson. it's a knock on history Oregon has not been looked upon as a winning basketball school for more than 20 years No t om h can expect to build a solid program out of Oregon high si hool standouts Monson gave it a whirl with Terrell Brandon, Jordv Lyden, Orlando Wil I i a in s , j e r r s' Key n o Ids, A n t o i n e Stoudamire and others But the problem is, no blue chip player from another state is going to come to Oregon because it's no fun being the star of a (i-21 team Don't expect Oregon to get a widely known com h The only coach that's go ing to i onii’ here is one who has nothing to lose In coaching the worst team in the I’ac 10 Basii ally . a no-name Firing Monson silences the boosters for a i ouple of years until the next couch falls to make something out of nothing Din t' C.harbonnt'nu is it spnrt.s reporter for the Emerald KODAK TrvX 136-24 *2.69 KODAK Trv X 136-36 *389 KODAK TrvX 136-36— 789 KODAK TMax 40024 *2 79 KODAK TWai 400-:« *3.99 KODAK TVax 320036 ‘4.89 KODAK TrvX 5(7 '14.99 !■■■■■■■■■■■ KODAK Trv-X 10CT 1399 KODAK TMax 400100 14.99 KODAK Etaacfirome 50-24 '4.99 KODAK Etocfrome 100-36 169 KODAK Bdacfrore 20036 779 KODAK EUacfrome 400-36 199 KODAK Bdatfrane 160T-36 7.99 g KOOAK Pdyftef DW 8x10(25! 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Ducks drop 10th straight, record dips below .500 mark The Oregon softball team dropped its 10th consecutive game with an H-2 loss Sunday to Ohio State at the I'onv Tour nament in Fullerton, C-alif The loss knocked the Dur ks out of the tournament with an 0 ') record Orison's season re 1 ord falls to It 17 The Buckeyes scored five of their runs in the first inning, and two Oregon pitchers could do little to stop tile attai k Ten halters came to tin- plate In the inning and pli ked up four hits to go along with four walks him Manning provided the offensive power for the Ducks pounding her fourth home run of the season On tlie opening day of the tournament, Oregon dropped its sixth and seventh con sec u live games, a 10-0 loss to fifth ranked I’NtA and a 4-1 doci sion to t tail later in the dev t he losses dipped Oregon s re cord to below atH) tor the first time tins season file Dm ks proved to lie no malt li for tile Retails, as ! NLA w .is able to jump on Oregon right from tlie start All nine l \I.V hatters look .1 shut at tie plate in both the third and fourth innings filings were a little closer for the Dm ks against l Mail, but the extra inning game finally- ended in the 1 nth inning when tlie in ternalional run rule went into efftx t Mamie McCall provided tin lone bright spot for Oregon, go mg four for five with four sin gles against l ’I.ill Oregon dropped its eighth straight game the next day ill a .i-2 loss to Western Illinois in the tourney Westerwinds pitcher Veroni in Wilson had a perfect game going until the bottom of the sixth Inning when the Due ks got their only hit ol the game Anna I’oore lixi off the bottom of the sixth lor the I Jut ks with .1 double With two outs the next four halters would receive four free passes that enabled the Ducks to si ore their two runs, and Or egon entered the seventh in ning with a one run lead l hifortunatelv for the Ducks, though, a mistake turned the tide After Western Illinois tied the game in the final inning, a wild pitch by Kachelln Taylor allowed the vs Inning run to score l av lor, w ho i arne in on relief in the game, has lost her last sevon dei lsions fourth ranked Fresno State played with the Ducks lor sev en full innings before burying them with eight runs In the eighth inning of Oregon's 8-1 loss Freshman Angie Barnes, who scored the Bulldogs first run, hit a two-out, three-run home run later in the inning, the first ol her career. The Ducks hope to end their losing streak Friday in a 1 p rn doubleheader against Oregon State at Howe Field. M*■<*<) ,1 break* Chech out the EMTERTAIMMEMI section in the ODE Sexual Assault Support Services Volunteer Training Orientation April 1st, 7 p.m. Offers 24-hour emit intervention servuo for turvivort of sexual assault as well as their friends and family. ( risis intervention and referral skills training as they relate to sexual assault will Ise taught: In April 10. ' 9pm • Sat Si Sun , all day • April I V 14 & IS evening, K>r info sail Erin 484-‘>‘*9 I W J