Gay stereotypes prompt protests LOS ANCKUvS (Al’) Du/ ens of whistling and chanting demonstrators protested what they i (insider negative guy ster eotvpmg by Hollywood in a noisy confrontation' police Monday outside the A( ademy Awards ceremony At 1 I people were ar rested, including two protesters who threw ohjnr ts at the red carpeted entrance to the Doro tin Chandler 1’avilion where the Oscars ceremony was to be held, said 1,1 John 1 l.unkin We see ourselves (in mov ics) as freaks, killers,."psycho paths and perverts We see Our selves as lonely victims We see ourselves made to reflect straight anxieties about sexuali ty and gender.” said Kate Sor ensen, spokeswoman lor the at livist group Queer Nation The ixiokirig counts weren't immediately known. Donkin said Hut five protesters yvere arrested after sitting in a street interser lion and refusing police orders to move More than 100 police offii ers in riot gear and on horseback formed a shield between the pavilion and the demonstrators. Minn* of whom 11■ *i'i»v .it 1 usi-il of 1 onspir.u \ in llic Pri-siiiiini krnnrdv .iss.issi nilt ion 1 n 11 k i In- dr iirshimu/ing" from fin- origin, 1! ndvrl of two i om p.nitons in l-'ried (Irrtsn Tomiilors On Mom!.iv somr drmnn slr.itors oillrd on .i jirommi-nl in tri-ss to 1; snow!. d>;r sin is gay . i'roti sti-rs .1K0 s.ivvrd .1 pi ts In in! .1111! h.ind-d out nv. if is to tin- holms of st.trs ttins s.nd I1.1v i-n t promoti-ti "qiu'cr v islhilifv itv f ilm 11 K si,it ki'Vill ( osim r s.n.l hr h.11I mixrii i-nioiioris .ihout llic protest It s h.ini 1’roplr .m- f’rtiu inelv upsrl," hr s.nd You ll.isr to hr svillpllthrlii to thrill Thrv Irrl vrrv sironglv iilmiil it Hut wr'rr out hrrr lor .1 niyiht tfuit vvr'vr vvorkrd vrrv li.ud for REPUBLICAN Continued from Page 5 said. "the executive should hr going nround to groups und s,lying, K there anything you nruil' Is there anything we tan help you with' " king anti Ferguson also said they want to strengthen ASCII relationships with the l 'niversi tv administration and the me (i 1.1 Although iminv of their i on i t-rns, 11k<■ campus safely. .lit often lint subjects til i mnpus pal it ic a I rhetorti , kin^.iml ler Justin said they htivii (.din rflf iiii*iis about how in address them I bn i and id a t ns proposed working with the administr.i lion to tiring night i I.ihsi s into .i well lit i entrul lo< .itmu 8M4ddd ® ^ PMtUdH ORIENTAL BUFFET I*’.vt*r\da> low prices M I h 10:30-7 • h i III Ml f> Nji II;.Ml 4: Ml 1275 Alder 6K3-KKK6 If all it took was a half a second to help save a tree, would you do it? iXiftfxj < ' «.ia> '•to**' if a ;* '■ .-»■ >,*k". >' i“Hil {«;» • a!* : l&Aii *l ' 'fes Jia! fis;> *'>•• ;oj»*r wr S» ale ’ » «-»v., i»-v ’ ' 1 V**< H ‘.s. ' ffw ?*-»./«! Ait *-T»V V.r.V4 1 1 40 M I j , v ^ f ; *a;• • • %<*•«*'. Li. ■(:! yv*i !»,.(,* ' I ■» ' - '« v m\r.. , * ■»«! ,1 V *v • ' ' vr.» V. " 1. ’ V Or »*}«><; fh.\ . <’ n ii'4'i ' Mb ir.2‘1 6 RECYCLING l ot O Kci v t It s r GRAD STUDENTS! call For our SPECIALS On THESES dissertations ' WE HAVE THE BEST i PRICES > IN TOWN! FULL-SERVE VOLUME COPIES: 8/4x11:20# White aC Color Paper - 5$ self-serve Astro0rite-60* 6* PLUS It SELF-SERVICE ALL DAY! Tttc Copy Skop 539 E. 13th Ave. 485-6253 FLYERS & HANDOUTS, TOO! RIGHTflN TARGET ^ ,/wv-Emerald ADVERTISING DEPT. 346-3712 UNIVERSITY U J1 J L) j J 5Mb6 ■ Mar SO ■ *pr 11 Dozens Of items At Great Prices ^ /\ Like: r-_ /\__ go £ e \ • in Our Store Today: Jason, representing Pioneer Electronics At Your Bookstore Offers: • Non-profit service • The best possible price • Guaranteed satisfaction Superior product knowledge 13th & Kincaid • 346-4331 • M-Sat