Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 31, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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    Alpine Import Service
The Volvo Specialists
. J f
I«i Nic i -; i ( » v'< >i ik
X Pressure Teet X Thermostat Check
X Hose Inspection X Radiator Power Flushed coo'jrl
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ft One day servce
(moil mjt*)
ft One tuM year guaranty
(on *1 wof\)
ft UPS parts service to
out of town VCH VO
i on Af»r*oiN r rvti rsi t
12th and MAIN in SPRINGFIELD, OR. 97477
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University wins grant
The Henry Luce Foundation Inc . of New York
awarded I ho IiiivitmIv ii SttS.OOO grant for tho
dovolopmonl of its Southeast Asian library mllca
lion and for aludent fellowships related lo the
study of Southeast Asia
Henry Luce III. the foundation's c hnlrman and
i hief exec utive officer, said tile grant is part of an
overall award of S2tt0,(X)0 to the Northwest Re
gional Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies
from the Line Fund for Southeast Asian Studies
The t:S Department of Ldueation has desig
nated the consortium, which consists of the uni
versities of Oregon. Washington and British Co
lumhia. as one of only five National Kesourt e
( enters for Southeast Asian Studies
The designation hv the Department of Lduca
lion gives us rei ognltion as a national leader In
Southeast Asian Studies, and the Lute Founda
tion grant further confirms that reputation," said
Ceroid Fry. director of the University's Interna
tional Studies and Southeast Asian Studies pro
Of the SOS.OOO grant. $(15,000 is designated for
the Southeast Aslan collection in the University's
knight Library and $10,000 is for student fellow
Kathleen How man. Universitv vice provost for
international aff.nrs, said that sue ii grants have
also allowed the University to expand the numl>cr
of Southeast Asian studies courses available to
both graduate and undergraduate students
Student wins ad contest
t niversilv junior Jennifer Huckins won first
pri/c in .1 nationii! contest for advertising stu
dents sponsored by the Alliam e tor Knvtronmen
tal ^duration
Hiu luns. a journalism major, competed against
tt regional winners for the national honor, will
receive 5500 and expense-paid trips for herself
and her academic adviser to the national conven
tion of the American Academy of Advertising,
one of the contest coordinators
At tfie convention, assoc i.ite professor of adver
tising Hill Rvan. Huckins' adviser, will accept a
$500 grant to the University School of Journal
The contest drew 4,200 contestants in It re
gional contests around the country A panel of ad
vertising professionals and academies judged stu
dents' entries
Huckins' winning entry, prepared for the ad
copywriting course taught by Rvan, is a newspa
per public servile advertising campaign urging
readers to show greater respect for forests hv re
i v< ling paper products It includes three separate
advertising layouts with photos and copy:
Rvan said Hut kins' ads will be printed and d is
tnbuted to newspapers nationwide, which may
de< ide to publish one or more of them as publii
service messages
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___ Looking for a good deal?
_ Read section 130 in the classifieds.
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J»3 *T