Hell can wait . ■. •—————— - Photo.f*i «'■ i' i| University Bookstore employee Richard Hines Normxtd,stops s'udt -w. >n ■ • < floor from entering upstairs to the book section due to overt'-'. .ut ng The o'r > ut line gets too long and soon students arc standing near Ancre ott e- . ,v s need to get books." f fines-Nor'wrxx1 s.nd REPUBLICAN Continued from Page 1 King, it IMi year-old politic al si inn e major said In1 chose Ferguson, h 20 vear-old (ourn.ilisrn m.i jor, because In' believes she is in lunch with the student tnidy "Holly " ill m,ike ,1 gre.it VII e president liei ails, she has a gre.it sense of wh.it the students want and vvh.it the students' desires are he said, and there's nobodv in the ASt!() right now who's rep resenting that 1 think students feel that student government is a clique and that they're lot.ills isolated from the average student,' King said Ferguson agreed "Because we re not en trem hed (in student government!, we don't have tile politii al baggage other ( andid.ites tnav have she said 'We are bringing new and fresh ideas Cl the exec utive King and Ferguson's i ampaign plans combined with a joint ballot measure initiative, reflei t their desire to respond to students and lower fens Along with their i ampaign, King and I erguson have proposed a ballot measure to lower tout ut student Ilfs In ah. eit 10 | ii n fill With the hdj 1 t in; i grt W I Ison (|| till' ( i )| lege Kepi I 1)11i ,U|S K ■ . .1: id I er guson s,i!ii thi'V w 1;] be 1 ontai ling rvm student group they < an think, nl. including student |>,ir ents iiiiil dorm resiilntlts to tmd it wh.it they want from student no1-eminent They vs III a Iso be n aid 1; 1 11 tig 1 !i is • student interests whit h they jihm t. sh-ire with other 1 .Hided.ites .mil 1 urrenl ASt t ) ■ t!u mis II eieited. King and Ferguson . ! they wd! continue to stay m tom h vs ith stmt. : ;■. host ing .1 weekly \SI'() 1 oflee hum. r 1. >-d:: g Hie e hours at tables m the I.Mi . md 1 aking tie \ S I ( ) 1 dill e more i 0111 tof table and apple a I. ible kilifl also said lie would like to mvolvi stu dents in ASI'() decision making by ; .! . /.■: major Issues that the \Si ( ) i. < 1 ies l or king and I erguson. being resju usive nn ails not only listening to and acting on students wishes hut aggtessivelv ip|iruai lung students to find out their i uni erns Instead of wailing lot an orgum/at a a. to as .■ to us and say y\ e need help on tills, '-rgus a. urn to REPUBLICAN P 1 j. ' FREE TOPPING WITH , LARGE rA cup , J VCX.CRT S ' y - « i V* It 11 4 14". I I Iff TC0V I hi l mmlryV knjuri . :! •! I Itk M.Hk-tpU. WiM 1SN1' 11.11 Alin I11 , Ir.mklin \ \ tiLiu 1 I I AREYOU INTERESTED? The l diversity of Oregon Athletic Department is offering a student internship program that develops skills in Public Relations, Personnel and Marketing \ Communications as a representative of the I’niversity of' () recoil. Acceptilit: applications now 1 I i :. ! e Mil', ixii.it o li v all S t If. .. I •; ( .. a; \ a < cidci . a M, \i t ht:j t sat I >iu' \ pi iI (>, I *>*>2 CUT Continued from Page 1 in .i written statement King anil ! ergus.>n