Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 31, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
on making tilings short, tight and t loan I hey
want to make sum you don I take any extra
spat e "
Abu-Jaber said that one time she was so host
tant to make some changes that imr editor bribed
her with a c an- pat kagi' of Arabian foods
To those that know her. Abu-Jalier s good for
tuna at finding a publisher is not surprising She
lias always been an overnchiover
After skipping a couple of grades, she entered
State University of New York at Oswego at age
15 By age 2t>, she bad completed a master s de
gree at the thiiversity of Windsor m ( an.ida and a
doctoral degree at State l niversitv of New \orx
in Binghamton
Since then, she has taught at a variety of col
leges around the country, joining the University
faculty in SeptemU r !<*<»(>
While A rabbin /a// will be Abu-Jaber s first
published work, it is not her first novel She at
tempted her first book as a seventh grader and has
written "at least three or four" since then
She got the idea for Arabian /.»//, whii h is
based loosely on her own experient es growing up
in an Aral) American family from a professor she
knew as a dix torul student.
"It took me a long time to w rite about my expo
rience." she said "It never occurred to me that
people would he interested in hearing about
Arabs "
Although Abu-Jaliers blond hair and fair com
plexion suggests an ethnic heritage other than Ar
aim , she is a member of a prominent Jordanian
family Her uncle. Kamil Abu-Jaber is the Jordani
an secretary of state and many of her other rela
lives are involved in Middle kuslern politics and
Abu-Jaber acknowledges that balancing her
writing with teaching responsibilities was often
dibit ult
As a creative writing professor at the Universi
ty, she reviews about 100 manusi riptx a term
from students applying to get into her writing
workshops and si mens applicants to her depart
merit s master s of fine arts program
Fortunately, she w as able to take month long
breaks from her tear hing duties to work ext lu
Diana Abu-Jaber
stvely on the novel
Some!mu", shr go! an artist resident \ .1 type
of |>r,ml m which a literary orgam/ation paid tier
room, fxiard and salary for her to write full lime
!!ut although Abu Jaber said she enjoys full
lime writing, she said she has no plans to give up
leal lung
I think there's something very good about has
mg eon I ai I with other writers, she said
Abu labor is also interested in developing more
courses atunit Middle bastern < ulture and lltera
ture at the lImversitv
In the future. Abu lal.HT plans to i ontmue writ
log novels and possibly si reenplavs d things go
well, she may even gel a ( bailee to write a si reen
play for Arabian iazr her agent lias talked to
several Hollywood bigwigs that are very ex
1 ited” about turning the novel into a movie
Ahu-Jaixtr will have to wait until after the book
is distributed for tin- final word on sue h a deal
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