Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 31, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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Panel can’t clarify abortion policy
WASHINGTON (AI’) The official who
wrote the guidelines for what can ami can’t be
viiici ,(front afrortion in federally supported fnm
il\ planning (llnits spent hours Monday Irving
to explain The congressmen listening weren't
"It's deceptive., it's .1 hoax and voti n’ not
playing straight with the women of this mini
try, said Rep Ron Wvden. l)-Ore
l)r William K Archer III. a deputy assistant
health secretary, was peppered With some
times hostile questions h\ Dimim rats who
wanted to pin him down on whether people
wiio work m family planning (hints lii.it re
ceive federal money can counsel women on
At issue was a regulation dutitied a "gag
rule" by opponents that restricts what peo
pie in the i linn s cum sav
On Man h 20, the Department of Health and
Human N.tv k es sent out guidelines that were
supposed to explain how the rules governing
tills are to Ih applied The guidance can he
In one paragraph, for example it savs a preg
nant woman at one of these ( Holes 1 an lie sent
for medical (are elsewhere ifiat may result in
"the termination of tier pregnant v Hut in the
next sentence, it says Tills referral seeks to
provide a pregnant woman with tile hest modi
1 al management of her pregnant \ and to en
Mire Ixilh tier health and the health of tier un
born i hi 1(1
! just think. Dim tor. with ore sentence, you
could (le.ir this up. Wvden said
There was no one senteru e explanation
Archer said the administration was not try
Ing to restrict what a doctor could tell a pa
tlent, leaving that up to the phvsu i.in s modi
cal judgment Hut whatever was said, it had to
he done in person and it had to lie done hv a
Rep Henry Waxinan. D-Calif, chairman of
the Knergv and (ommerte subcommittee on
health that was holding a hearing on the mat
ter. said that part in the.rule alone is enough to
i hoke oil dis( usslon ol alxirtion in many of the
i linlr s
"In most family planning ( Unit s there aren't
dot tors there, and you know there aren't doc
tors there.' W uvman said
The administration is trying to walk a fine
line between its often stated opposition to
abortion and the political storm from groups
that see the counseling regulation as censor
ship and a restriction of a woman's coristitu
lional rights
While the dor tor i an advise a woman on the
option of abortion, he can I tell her precisely
where to get one. at < ording to Art her All dm
tors can do is tell them to r ail the clinics an t
N imetimcs
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A' A’ [V * • ,»4 -\ 4'f . * *«v1
,!W. *'l'
One dead, 2
wounded after
(AP) Uim; ntiin was killed
nnd two were wounded in a
gunfigh! early Monday .it a do
pli;\ in .1 suburban bugunti
neigh borhcxid near tbi’ Willam
ette River
Lane County sheriffs doj*u
ties arriving on the m ene short
ly after 1 10 a in found two
men lying in the yard, one dead
and one wounded, and a third
man ii.irru uded inside After
nearly five hours ol talking. j>o
Ih e persuaded Robert Norm.in
Shepard. .18, to surrender
Poll! e idenlifit'll tbe dead
man as Archie Willie Churchill,
•10. of iiugene
The second man in the yard
was Michael Dean brown. -lr>
III pleasant Hill, poll! e said He
was in critical condition at Ha
ired Heart tleneraI HospitaI
with bullet w oil nils to the chest
and abdomen
Shepard suffered .1 penetral
1! 1^; im Hint I u> the right kiur Hi
ssas listed 111 serious condition
at Sol mi Heart, hut was sched
uled to Im- arraigned at tin- Inis
pita! Monday afternoon on
diaries of iiiuriier nmi attempt
cil murder
It appears to ii.ive heen .1 so
i 1.11 occasion lor five individu
als inside tile house. Sheriff
Rotx-rt Mi Manus said Then
Mr Shepard showed up
Polite said the tx :< upant of
tin- duplex apartment. Kristi
l.ou (lihson, was home
when the shooting broke out,
fin! she escaped without injurs
After the incident begun, po
lice evacuated ,1 number of resi
dents to a nearby howling idles
Some neighbors said the du
plex had lieen the site of nu
merous retent shouting match
es and lights
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