Autos collide as 1-5 oil spill cleanup continues | 1. I-’ I !-. K SON (AT) Traffic i),u Ium! up four lo five miles unci Iwo minor ai t i denis were reported Monday morning on Interstate f> as mo torists gawked .it line c le.inup of a gasoline spill along line road way. stale poltc e said Highwayoffic lals s.nd a c rew of about five people using a hue khoe and two true ks c ontln ued cleaning up the 1-tMI gill Ions of gasoline spilled Sunday when a Truiix (ill Ini tanker truck was win ked near Jeffer son "And in the process we're getting people going both north and soulhlxnind that are rule iiernec king and having fender bonders, l.t Andrew Olson said "()f {.nurse It cloesn t help that the Santiam Bridge' in tin southbound limes north of the wreck is being worked on. he said The bridge construe lion site K jus! mu’ milr north of the wrecked truck along I ri. the stale's main north-south .irti-rv Both ai i icli-nls Monday wen1 minor and no tinn was Injured Olson said "No, Us |ust slow movi'im-nl of traffic and then someone else isn't jiavmg attention to the rear of the ear in front of them and that's when von get your minor funder la-nders," he said The freeway was closed for almut 12 hours following the ai cidenl at r> a in Sunday with traffic hacked up seven to eight ill i les I he 1 rU( k w as headed from Portland to Mil le r sb u r g when it struck a guardrail and a small ( ernont bridge, then ran off the road The imp.u t punt lured one of the fuel tanks The amount spilled was only a small portion id the 10,000 gallons the trui k carried said Don jordan, assistant district maiidgcrr with the Oregon Tran sport at ton Depart merit Roberts as Clinton’s running mate? SALEM (Ai*) (*ov Barlwrn Kolierts said Monday she finds it flattering that she's 1km-n mention!*! hv some as a possible running mate if Arkansas Gov Hill Clinton ciiwiios the pres idential nomination Hut Roberts said she has u full slate of prob terns to deal with in Oregon and doesn't expect that she ll m tually get the nod "Nobody ever says 'never ' Hut it's certainly not anything that I'm seeking or that 1 even think is realistic," she said in an interview On n related subject, the Democratic gover nor said she doesn't think Clinton has been hurt politically by hi* disclosure that he tried marijuana once or twice while attending col lege in Britain in 1W18-60 "It would probably lie very hard to find a large number of [ample who went to college in the lWiOs who could say with honesty that they had not partic ipate*! in the use of marijua na," Huberts said 1 don't think it's a major is sue." Kolierts has lieen mentioned in rre ent weeks by some Democratic leaders and political con sellouts ns someone Clinton could choose as his running mate if he wanted to balance the ticket on the basis of gender Even so, Roberts said she isn't putting muc h stock into what she called idle chatter by poli tical observers "It's always nice and flattering to be suggest ml as I have by some for this position." she said "But it’s very early in the cards We don't even have a nominee yet Rolierts. who as governor will he an auto matit delegate to the Democratic National Con vention in July, has been chosen as co-chair of the convention's credentials committee. Roberts said she hasn't committed to any candidate yet. hut likely will support Clinton. Roberts said she doubts that Clinton and his advisors would pit k a running mate from a rel atively small stale like Oregon "I think they're going to look for a stale that has more electoral votes and a larger numlier of voters,” she said. At any rate, Roberts said she's having to deal with too many issues in Oregon to give much thought to the possibility of ending up on the Democratic presidential ticket "Oregon has never had more difficult prob lems on its plate than it does right now with Measure 5. the spotted owl timber crisis, the salmon and fishing issue and the drought in has tern and Central Oregon," she said Koiierls also noted that she's the target of a recall campaign that's being pushed by people who blame her for various ills facing the state. EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS §; ^ 3 LINES ♦> 3 DAYS ♦> 3 BUCKS! For Sale items under $100! 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A J<> f.\Cfu.‘.ir v/r«. ww xhai ujtoeu&iATi nexe s PATA, INFORMATION ON ;iW SiNOU ASPECT Of- THE PjBcC ANP PRIVATE U'.fS Of ONE 3tL l CLINTON' MhflrS 1HAT SHea* ujcrf. not sjn Yf T ut. THIN* ITS FROM HIS FIRST TFRtf.