Oregon Daily TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 123 The sky was crying '... " " PtntDtiy Jmf tr., • .\ ( i .• ..it .tiernoof with Stormy Monday" in trotti of the University BiX'Ks: -tc in t i'.ir* p.hs r , d campu ; a d downtown Eugene on a regular basis and at .v” - t : Ht i, ('<■ die \cd come ! ’> ar his band play because it's 90s music to dance and ‘'Sten to Writer faces publisher’s particulars j Editor gives English pro fessor bribes to cut novel down to size By l isa M'Hogan i o e' a '.1 Ass. u’e ’ 1.‘ c Whi'ii University English Professor !h •mu Aim laber Mild her lirsl novel In ,i publishing emnpunv l-isi Septenilier. slit' thought shi' was selling i finished j J r m i in I Ar.ihhm hi// which It* uses on the life of .in At.ih A in* ■ r 11 .m fitmily in up slate \i u 'i irk ii.nl taken Abu l.ilmr nearly four years of rewriting in porfei i Hut lie editor .il ll.ircourt, Hr.u e K In vuiiovu h puhlisliing liiid other ide.is Sin- wanted \hu (iifit r to cut llie lirsl chapter and tr mi tin -100 page menu script, which is scheduled for puldiia linn in Januarv. down In somewhere lie tween >0 and tSO pages So. instead of i elebrating the cnutple linn of her novel. Aim -|uber has Ih i ii re lie lands reorganizing her words (nr the past six months Making the (ills was one of tile muxl diffir ull lasks Atm Jaher lias had In do ll s a horrible, painful exponent e. Aim luber said There's a real emphasis 1 urn to WRITER Page 3 Republican, Democrat unite for ASUO Executive jDon King and Holly Fergu son. candidates for ASUO president and vice presi dent, promise to represent average students By Kirsten 1 ucas \/\ etc on corpus i omutj; troni ut HI per cent. Turn to CUT. Page 5 ACADEMY FOR DINNER? 'Silence of the Lambs' swept the five top Oscars by winning best film, best director, best actor, best actress and best screen play. Sm AWARDS. Pag* 4 GUNFIGHT One man was killed and two were wounded in a gunfight early Monday at a duplex in a suburban Eugene neighbor hood near the Willamette River. See SHOOTING. Page 12 MVP HONORS Dan Vidlak capped his collegiate career by winning team MVP honors. See SPORTS. Page 9