INTERNATIONA!. BRIEFS Saudis gave away secrets, report says LONDON (AP) The Pentagon nvulonro China received l S Patriot missile tei hnologv from Saudi Arabia ratfu-r ihan Israel as previously suspected, a newspaper reported Sunday Israel radio, in an unaltributed report, said Saturday that U S in vesligalors apparently found no ey idem e Israel sold the missile technology to ('hina Patriot missiles were used during the (Lull War to intercept Iraq mi Lets Defense Set rotary Dick Ohenev said Sunday he didn't believe the Saudis passed the missile technology, hut had not y et heard from the insper tors, who returned Sunday after a week-long visit All the Patriots that are in Saudi Arabia .ire manned by Amort c ans There are no Patriots manned by Saudis, he said on ABC' s World News Tonight" program Washington must approve all foreign sales or transfers of It S technology. The Sunday Telegraph in London said Mossad. Israel's intelli gence agency , lias evidence that Patriot le< hnologv was given to Chinese teehnii ians working in Saudi Arabia The newspaper said the 1' S inspectors were told that a Saudi minister made a deal in 1 BHH to supply llu- tec hnologv Asked about the report, Israeli Defense Ministry spokesman Dan Naveh said, "We have no information alxmt that The newspaper attributed its report to umdetitibed Peniagon sOurc es It did not ini hide c omntent from Saudi 'Arabia and there was no answer al the Saudi Ivnihassv in London on Sunday Allegations of illegal Israeli transfers of l' S weapons have fur their strained the tradit ion a 11 y friendly In-s tint ween the United States and Israel Court requests American’s extradition BHOPAL. India (AIM Amur! on l-riday recpiesleci the extradi tmnof a retired Americ an exec utive to fac e hornli ide charges for the 1 Ull-l Bliopai gas disaster that killed thousands of people Ills c omp.iny condemned the action In addition to the extradition request, which must he approved by India s govern men! he I ore Is ng lorwardi'd to the Drilled Stall's, the court in arrest w irrant L ■ U oreri Amierson. formerly of I,'nion < larbide ( orp Union Carbide responded tLai Amierson. the i omp.iny's chief exec ill I y e it I h ■ tone c.: the >;as i a k had m .thing !1 < do with the op oration of Its Indian subsidiary in Bhopal yvlm It it sac i is |U 1 per cent Indian-owned \! least 1,0 1’ people have do i Irom inhaling ihe poisonous methyl I sot y .mate etas that was n — a - c 'd . i u t mg I he a. i ; dent a I the BhopaI posttt ide plant, ai c ordtng to Madhya Pradesh stale s minis I or for gas rebel, Bahu Cant About i , at HI of tiie deaths o ■ urn .1 w i I h i n til roe .lay ■ u! the ac < dent, the res! in intervening years \t-o .m ono p. >p:♦ wore in j tired in the a< c idenl. th. world's wots! irid ustr ia ! d isaster Faber-Castell Roller Hall Uni Ball e t *11101 finr l 111 20 mi,Tofinr Kry I Papermate Stick Pens riOtf Office Products c/i/BOX Kull t*>t ft tv t trwn | Mtw » Hd> k K*'K l M> 4 N» t»>i ► Pilot Highlighter Spot l iter ► Dennison Marker \farks-A-lAit lip TV*n t >tl. « k I Hji »1 tr mill* Parker Ballpens Jotter KrhlI.»M«- rrlrotUbtc I>l4 k l>urxun«l> -t l>r •**d h«irrrll Ur K- 4 • Senator Fountain Pens 27 95 Kinr (iwirnin, r !>» >.»•! 11K*« It .« Iwnrrl Krj( i*. <■ > 1 13th & Kincaid * 346-4331 ♦ M-Sat It can’t do laundry or find you a date, but it can help you find more time for both. I hr ' ew \|>p,r M.i IP,!' is'. ( lassu ’ II i ;!r' l( iMMf! !'>r V< >U to JlJi^tc ..isso rr.";rs i•> (n ami term |U|h.ts .inti vm.i tii. I time :> ii w!ut makes College file rail hte It s .1 (implete snei affordable Mat intosh ( las'-: wsti'ii! that’s reads to help\< hi eet vourw >rk finished la*'! it s a snap to set up at ! .isi■ It 'us a powerful ini> n > p: h cssoi which means\ou can run even the nil ist si>phiMuated applications with rase \: : :ts internal \pp'e su;>erl)nve'* irk drive reads from and writes :■ ■ Mai ;nf. si: and MS-IK)S tormatted disks allow tin; \ou t > cvihange information cjmK vuth almost am other kind u! o >mp;itn \jil inti'll lint- will Iv tun In addition to its hmlt m i apabiliiies, the M.h inn>sh ( lassu II t .in Ik.- a|inp|>ed with up fn Hi meiialnu-s 11| RAM mi vou II lx- able n i iun several .1 p|iIk .nilms .i! ihrc .iniI work wuh larije amounts iil il.ti.t It vou ulreath own ,i M.h mtosli Classic .iful warn the speed am! flevibilitv ol a Macintosh Classic || ask us aiiout an upgrade il ■ an Ik- installed in |iis[ minutes and it s aff