NEW Meets 4*1, i?.S. and >>V2 A seminar etplonng all types of abusive and'of addictive behaviors in either yourself or someone you rare about. DIRECTIONS (DIM “New IXnxU,«iv’ CRN 2tn4 21tP U 1^00-21.20, 155 [ Jix jtur l ik'l Davenport, 1 credit P/N or Audit Tins course does not rrquirr prior approval. My Kiddle Strands find (juitar Strings (IkkI price in town) ( xftlars &£ Mutes &Z ( ou(»a« >>nnnnnnn»vnnnn*»n»vnnntyN Ft^ee Tf^MSoaRiNe: with a pi kciiasi; < >i sio ] <)K M< )Ki: (IIIKI MAY) ' Buy 6 Sell Center Avon) l(HH) ! Hr . 11 It'll • ()<)••! offn *• Buy stamps at the . UO Bookstore. ' V Reporters allowed into secret city’ jTour of Russian nu clear research site underscores fears that scientists will take their skills else where for more pay AKZAMAS It. Kussl.i M’) ! Ins ( It v o! H 1 0 0 0 whrr.i' A n ilrci S.tkh.i rov Imlppfi i r i' ,i! i' ! h i' Soviet hvdrogen bum!) is sur rounded bv llm k forests and appears un no map There are V1 rtllil11V no telephone lines to the outside ill 194ti, it vs .is deslimited ,i i enter ti >r nut tear vs rap.ins re senri.h and sealed 11 off vs 11 h barbed vs ire and guards last month. Sei r e t a r v of St,ite lames A Maker HI vs e- di rtied permission to visit Ar/arnas in But eight Western animalists, at i onipanving a group of Nor vsegians bringing in H tons ol tmmamlana!i aid. vsere allowed las! week to pass the double rovs s o! barln d vs ire and sol diets into the , its l (1(1 miles east i.! M, ea i,vs Townspeople -■ irrounded the W i sterner . lor .m!• .graph-- and handshakes This is a historic moment, said Slav o: V.ib tv Iakov ev Aim would not be 11 e v e how dllfn ull it vs-is to arr.inge this visit But for all tin- hospitalitv, the aura of sis rci v remained The mu Jimr, l.ii 1111 ns vs i re (iff 11 in : I s I (7 ! hr v IS ill if s .uni lily officials llis'.slrd I In- ill'll gallon sin k lu .1 slrit l program o! sightseeing: Hu als ,«n , II 0 O p e o pie vs it r k .1 ! \r/ in's hir It*,ir i i-nli-is, l m lud mg in ill :, ■ 1.000 si ten tlsls There are ! 0 set ret atom it ; I! i e s I\ Russia a n it Western governments that si leritists or nut tear materials from them might go astray perhaps reat h mg terrorists or developing t oilntries wanting to join tin nut leaf t ltd) One of the set ret l i I V s top st jontlsts at know letlgeti the till lit u Ities ol try mg to work in these c< onomit hard times and salt) some of his colleagues might consider leaving Russia if the government i anno! sup port their rescan ti "The hrst thing ft>r a st lentisl is the possibility to realize his ideas and is often i loselv i mints led to the i onditions for fruitful work, said Nlexanihr I’uvlovskii, a senior researt.her at the nuclear i enter Hut h e a n d others 1 n Ar/• 1 ti s.tid Western w ir ries about the nut lear experts lea v mg w ere exaggerated W e t annul exi hide the pc sihiiilv completely, hut I don't **S*CU 'f, FREE \ DELIVERY « $7 min order WE’RE WHIPPING v OUT EUGENE’S ) BEST PIZZA COME IN AND CATCH ONE! - TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1 ''i H Fr.illk 1111 HU vi 484-2799 < )pen 11 am lam 1 )aily hr! ll've ni.inv %« :"m; iits won M ! sk<- :o leave I in ' i n J r s ' hi said through an interpreter H«■ said pay r.1!»• i• s .imi ri‘ MMin li f u ml i ng prom ised in Russian President Boris Yeltsin during a i'eliruars visit tn the i 11\ vs iii nut lie ' tn uigh i»'( ause of inflation i in- i;lear si i' ll! ists vs tnisc ,i v ■ • r.n:< n i: a:I ills ss ag* is 1 BOO rubles ui s ! . w. i. promised a -(jo pi’n i'll! pas ini rea se l>\ Yeltsin. 1 itv offic mis s.tid i tie ciI v. ol fored pr i vi leges ,nel perks t. 's resi.ienls under the Soviet system and stili has a much higher standard of lis mg than most ol Ku suit fses tlieless. :lie remains hard •■■The situation here it; our toss n is in all onr i mintrv . is d I H It u l! \Ve art' not saved hs all these ha r.t ie r s a mil nd our toss ! s, i i P.i vl o V S k il who; was allowi . i to -.peak hrirflv to reporters Pas ;os ski i.w >.i ked witlir.Sa• k hart is . ssho Tved/ail. I worked m tlie city tor 1 H;v ears in the ilas s before he he. atne a human rights i hampion S = I K h'.iP A's riituinvvf! U Oilii'. • lii>usr is now i i ity liiiiilm.irk I * ,t \ hm;, -..ithe I: i enter will c.notitme to dr\elnp ... ■ : ' i.i-’k ' i -s *■ v cl ' ' !•■ Hi a ki V I si iflj; Wl'ilp mis itnire sci tin he s.uci A i though \ r/.iiiiits 1 ti re mams i lost■