NATIONAL BRIEFS i Baker working to resume talks W ASH INGTON (AI’) Secretary of State (antes A Baker HI. Irving lo rekindle! pent e talks. has prnpoM'd Arab and Israeli delega lions resume negotiations April .!'* in Washing ton, I S and diplomatic Miurt its said Sunday The satin es said letters of suggestion' front [taker proposing a resumption of negotiations were sent to Israel. Ionian. Syria. Lebanon ami Palestinian Arabs l.ile Iasi week Details were ex peeled to be announi ed at the Stale Department on Monday The diplomatic sources, who spoke only on condition they not he identified bv name, said Ibiker urged the Arabs to send him .1 11st of possi b.le sites outside Washington for the round of talks that would follow the Washington mix-ting Baker first made the request a month ago, but only Israel has responded, the sourc es said Jordan's foreign Minister Kamel Abu jaber said he had received a letter Hannn Ashruwi. spokes woman for the Palestinian delegation, also said her group had received an invitation Roth said no decision on participating would tie made until after an Arab foreign ministers meeting, tentative ly set for Wednesday. Lebanon has invited the foreign ministers of Syria, Jordan and the Palestine Liberation Organ! zation tn moot in Beirut to discuss the usefulness of holding another round of peace talks before Is raid's June 2:i national elections All promised to attend. Throe provions roun(is of pom e talks hove fuiled to produce progress on the three mam goals limited self-rule for I’alestlnlan Arabs, reso In lion of Israel's territorial dispute with the Arab nations and Arab ret ognltlon of Israel In Israel, foreign Minister David Levy, the cabi net's strongest champion of the U.S brokered peace talks, announced his resignation Sunday Levy has frequently been at odds with Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir for his efforts to push aside procedural roadblocks and get the peat e talks going Shakespeare portrait questioned NLVVAKK, N.J (AP) A famous image of Wil liam Shakespeare the engraving on the first edition of his collected works w as based on a portrait of Queen Llizabeth 1, a computer expert has concluded The engraver. Martin Droeshout, may have used the queen as a model to at knowledge her patronage of the theatre and perhaps her inspirit tion to Shakespeare, says i ompuler artist Lillian Si hwartz Si hwartz. who suggested in ptMt> that Leonardo (i.i Vint ■ vt is his i'M n Hindi-1 for tin- Mona I.isa. used computers to. compare the portrait on the !(-.M I irst Kollo edition of Shakespeare s Colin I etl works with other images of Shakespeare mid other ! Jl/abethan notables The photo m.lit fled tfir ISftf' portrait of Klt/a both by her si.if! artist. (leurge (lower, she s.iiii She s.iiif the eyes, cheeks ,md nose in.itch .mil the distance between Ihe eyes is the same With I h i s its so perfi’i I there's no doll fit. s.i id Schwartz Voti could lake the two porlralts. si ale them to the same st/e on a Xerox iiiai lime and i.i\ them on lop of eat li other and sis- for yourself " s< hvx art/ attributed the different es heard, mustache, javx lines and forehead to an attempt by Droeshnul to add mast u I me features for Shakespeare, like a child painting on a mils tat he ", , Si h wart/, a i orisuitant to A 1 A 1 hell Labs is ho has won an (kt ar and an Kmmv for her computer art work, published tier findings in the Mari h April edition of/’/A/-./, maga/ine Shakespearean scholars disparaged the find ings "Absolute garbage." scoffed haul Hertnim of Rutgers University, wilt) has written studies of Shakespeare's portraits "It s astounding what is invisible to the naked eye is only visible to the i omputor Shuttle mission extended CAI’KCANAVKKAI., i hi (AIM AthmtU' «*n vironmontul mission whs extended Sunday from oight lo nlnn days so its i rew can maki* extra measurements of Karth's endangered o/one layer and other parts of the atmosphere The shuttle's ( revv of six men and one woman had done everything possible to save enough power for an additional day in spa< e, including turning off the cabin lights and galley equipment when not In use Atlantis was supposed to return Wednesday al ter eight days in orbit, hut scientists involved in the mission asked for a ninth day Landing is now scheduled for just after sunrise Thursday at Ken nedv Space ( enter As Atlantis whi/zed around the world lor the sixth day, the astronauts trust again to (omnium cate by radio with the two cosmonauts aboard the Russian spar e station Mir Astronaut Kathryn Sullivan, who speaks a little Russian, said she thought she heard a return \lg mil as the spar et rail passed within l>.t miles id one another just south of New Zealand Hut she said the signal Was "very weak anil garbled There are hundreds of questions on the MCAT, GMAT, GRE and LSAT. 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