Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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Candidates answer charges
as April primaries approach
NKW YORK {AI *) Dotno< rath: preshien
tiai front runner Mill Clinton acknowledged
for the first time Sunday experimenting with
marijuana "a time or two" while attending
Oxford University as a Rhodes S( holar more
than 20 years ago
former California C.ov jerry Brown, Clin
Ion's low1 challenger for the nomination. responded "No" when
asked during .1 television appearam e with Clinton whether he has
ever violated drug lows
“Why don't you lav off tins stuff, Brown added 'What you did
20 years ago Is not relevant
Over the last two years. Clinton has Been asked numerous times
whether he ever used drugs He elaborately avoided a diro< ! an
swer saving he never violated stale or lederal laws
On Sunday, a reporter noted how he told the New York Daily
News he never violated "the laws of my country" and asked if he
ever violated international drug laws
When I was in Lngland 1 experimented with marijuana a time
or two and didn't like it. the Arkansas governor said "i didn't in
hale ami I didn't try it again " Clinton was at Oxford from 1‘MiH to
In the last presidential campaign. Tennessee Sen Albert Core |r
and former Arizona (lev Bruce Babbitt acknowledged smoking
marijuana in their youth Other candidates denied ever frying the
Urns.' questions arose in Into l‘*H7 when Douglas Cinsburg with
drew his Supreme Court nomination after disclosing he had
smoked marijuana with his students at Harvard University
Asked if he knew he was breaking l.'nglish law when he smoked
marijuana. Clinton said. "I assumed it was against the law. but
when we got there they told us that .is long as we did it inside our
apartments or w hatever nobody would hassle us
bisow here in the campaign
• Drow n i ump.ngned in Wisconsin and Vermont on Sunday, hit
ting on environmental themes, before returning to New York to
hold an "ele< ironic town meeting" through an interactive compu
ter network
• (.())’ i hal longer Petr it k Dm Inman, who said he would cut hat k
i ampaignmg after disappointing showings in Illinois and Michi
gan. M lieiitiled .1 spi el ll outside the ( ipstnl on Monday He then
planned to fl\ to Wist on sin and M m no-mta lor a full day of (am
p.cgnmg on Tuesday m .uivnni e o! lie- April ? primaries there
Clinton a ,o kimwlodgment Sue lav morning was the only drama
In an Imurlong forum in wlm h t‘ - Democrat:, rivals traded fresh
a 11 a i ►over ft row ns proposed Hat tax and (Union's support of
t apltal punishment
Drown defended t.is role as dtrw tor of a luomedii al linn whose
parent i onipanv paid a SIUU.OOO penalty It. sell s t! at
filiselv promoted all anti AIDS drug
Altho .gli Brown has tentered ins campaign on lighting what lie
t alls the corrupt system of spei lal - interest |obl>\ mg of (Congress, h
coni irrued a H iv/i/rig'/on I’osl - lorv Sunday that he culled K< .
Henr Waxinan. D Calif and ask' I Sun to look into a dispute b<
tvs• i the t ompuny S ptesidenl. a I ngtime Brown supporter amt
the 1 o id and Drug Administration
( a; A1U s 11;ts VVt .-k With Dav I Hnnkley. Brown .u know i
edge,: Yeah, you re right, when In was asked if i all mg Waxman
was tin1 kind of ditiv mg lit* t ritiia/e.
There's a ilispioportionate ability of those who know people,
w h.' are re h and powerful, opposed to the gr.issr ools people who
don t have atlV power, he said
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