Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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    Trading places’ schedule outlined
j Brand will buy
books, play Frisbee
golf; Jardine will at
tend budget meeting,
hold office hours
A s April !•' on I's l)a v a p
proaehes, thf s< licduli' has
been sot for University senior
Brian Jardine and University
President Myles Brand's after
noon of "trading pla< es
"Student'1 Brand, a philoso
phy professor adept at public
speaking but not well-known
for bis singing, will partic ipate
in jardine’s hour long voc al
jazz c lass
"President" Jardine, a senior
telecommu n ic at ion and film
major will enjoy his own cor
ner offic e and stalf. rec eive a
briefing on the University's
multimilhon-dollar budget and
inspect progress on the new
Knight Library addition
The role swap is a fund rais
ing projec t of the University's
Student University Relations
Uou 111 i I The cou ll c 11 sol d
about 1 SO raffle to kets at S !
eai h to students wild wanted a
c;hn nc:e to tr v out I he presi
dent's |edi for an afternoon
Brand drew jardine s winning
tic ket on Marc h 10 in the I AH
SIJRC raises I'umis tor cam
pus wide projiM is sui h as
Homecoming. I’arents Week
end anil blood dri\ es
! allowing m the footsteps of
his predecessor, lurdine will
also get to hear what is on the
mind of students and other
members of the IHiiversily
community w ho sign up fur
open oilii e hour appointments
Jard i tie will ha ve his of I ice
hour in Room 110 Johnson Hall
from •} to r> p m Appointments
are made in 15-minute incre
ments on a first come, first
served basis and may he ar
ranged in advance by calling
:l4fi totfi
H r .1 n d will alt end to more
"si hoiarlv” matters obtaining
L ____
"Student" Brand
1:30-1:50 p.m.
Buy books and other class
matsriais (laava from Johnson
1:50-2:20 p.m
Change grading option
(obtain departmantal ap
proval, have form stamped at
Oregon Hall)
2:30-3:30 pm.
Vocal jazz ensemble class
with Graduate Teaching
Fellow Mark Tuning
3:30-5 p.m.
Frisbee golf game and
socializing with student
fnends (group meets on back
steps ol Johnson Hall)
"President" Jardlne
1:30-1:45 p.m.
Settle into office: touch base
with staff
1:45-2:30 p.m
Inspect Knight Library
addition with UO Vice
President Dan Williams
2:30-3 p.m.
Meet with acting Executive
Assistant to the President
Dave Hubin and office staff
3- 3:30 p m
Budget briefing with Trent
Spradling, UO Budget Office
3:30-4 p m.
Discuss community issues
with Jan Oliver, assistant vice
president for institutional
4- 5 p m
Open otlice hours
Oapfuc by f'mttmy
approval lo t hange Ins grading
option, buying books and
weather permitting playing
Irisbee golt with Inends (with
in view ot Johnson Hall)
Before swapping roll's. Brand
and lardirii' will attend a noon
luncheon at the Oregon I (let tru
Station sponsori'd try the (.tea!
er Oregon ('.h.ipti'.' of the 1‘uhln
Kel.itions Sot tetv of Ainerit a
Hr,mi! will speak on Measure
and its effects on the 1 niversi
t \ lard me will tom men ton
what Measure means lor stu
I.in^iutic, s tlit11re. .uni \ lets
.it the Oregon \V.ih\I.i
Summer Pr< >r;r.im!
♦ f . . . .
♦ |ul> ? . iO ‘ I**/.' It
t r u n »5* i l.irk t I'llrye. i\»ftl,ihvl
♦ l't>'i’f .if ssi i. tiii-s \ ■: v ' vtis.U nt'
in »n\ m.in*r with in inlrtot in j tp.m
iho «t's iilfure Pfrv inu* I.ijmiu m
l,»nyu.n;s 'UiJv ;• preferred, }‘»ir e, :
res purrsl
♦ 'sV ■ * J.I ' - • t
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ii.Klrmu evj'ctti'f in l ip itu •< 'finite
ft m Of» v.‘ n and from \\ i vdi l n»
’srtstlv, ■ >fU ? I.IJMIl's ttl! n! mK
M'f ituf.. >h- . ■! h tvrhel i illiv.lf i >h
is . I Jo mu pfs if (unify !.‘{ JifiK t tuft I
utu*n « .*tK t »p iru m *>tihk*nt\ m hu
v ! «‘in t»ii held trij .»iui v ultuf ii
,m, 11v11tvs iiivi m mirts tilntr <1 !
v v i » y v v y v v v y v v y v r Y * v v v r r v v v v v y v v v v y v v . * > v .
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