Kites I must object strongly on the negative light in whit h (vet h kiters are Ix-ing portrayed With t he break-up of t he So v i e t Union, I believe the people of the B.iltit slates should he en courageti to alleviate their ten sions and frustrations in a healthy manner I'm Armenian anti Inut' family and friends in lhe Baltic states, and while none are kite enthusiasts, main are into origami I think this is ind it ati w of the t onfusion and illili-tat v in the t' S today Dennis Basmajlan Eugene LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily i'lnernhl will attempt to print all letters containing comments on topic s of interest to the l'diversity community Letters to tlie editor must be- limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is submitted. The Dmerulil reserves the right to edit anv letter for length or style. ET ALS Ini idrntal Jpp Commitlp# v\ ill mooi Tuosduv night at 5> 10 m KMl Room JO B to hoar budgrt roipiosS from MI-C.hA NASI Orngn/i l>.u l\ Emrnilii. YU’t A and I’m jo< t Siiforltif Const i tut inn ( our I will .moot tonight a! t> in Room 22 1 Uiw (amtnr lh',nlliiii' for submitting El \ Is i o I hr K in n r a I d Iron! i/.'si. EM l Su III- KKK l - noon ihr tiny brtnrr /whin ,i lion El Ah run I hr tin t of thrryrnl unit's* thr-rvrnt t tin's pin r /Worn noon Xnlit rs of i i nils w tilt ,i if o il it 11 o h or .til m i s s i on chitrgr Hill mil hr ,ii i «*/»/•• * ir. tucked laside Try them YouTI see what we mean • Wn<6 Iron Kartum tspray • Rich Results Hydrating Cleanser • Sianature Eve Shadow Sirxie • i Al L>ay LpsicKs, run ‘vi/e • Beauty Mirror • Hair Comb • Cosmetics Bag Come m for your free grtt Sunday, March 22nd, through Saturday, Apnl 4th or call 48‘> 1 hfll to place your order Otter good while supplies last CATCH THE DAMAGE EARLY WITH ADVANCED NIGHT REPAIR It’s a lact, sunrays not birthdays can cause up to 80% ot your skin's prematura signs ot aging Now ADVANCE NIGHT Rt PAIR can help catch the damage belore it's dona Just a lew drops a m and p m are ad you need to help protect against ttie damage Irom enposure to doses ol UV radiation and environmental conditions during the day and to provide advanced levels ot replenishing hydration while you sleep ADVANCED NIGHT REPAIR only Irom Estee Lauder 87 02 40 00 I 75 02 70 00 to CAMPUS PH.485-1581 RESUMES Give vour resume a protessional look, In having it typeset at l etter PerttH ' Graphic s. Suite i(M) I Ml . J46-4 J81 9*5 Mon-Fri TRAVELING h:\tercolor supplies regtMS 11.91 v:n nr ::u 25% Off ctift cans nifl-BiiinETirD Sceptre 2 3/4" rag 5.25 2.89 Cotman Retractable 3" round rvg IMS 8.95 5" round rtg 14JS 9.75 13th & Kincaid • M-Sat | EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS Low Man on the Totem Pole Tour 92 with fIREHOSE DOS HAMMERBOX SPRINKLER Thursday,April 9th WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln Doors open 7:30pm, Showtime 8pm TICKETS: $6 U0, $10 GENERAL AT [MU MAIN DESK CD WORLD. f ACE THE MUSIC, HOUSE OF RECORDS & RECORD CARDEN THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Well, here we are. my little chickadee