Symposium offers chance to heal It's about time1 Sunday marked the end of the four-day "I’eac <• and the Plane' Native Wisdom. Native Rights and Mother I.arth" symposium held in lugene [he conference brought together indigenous people from all over the world to find ways to preserve their cultural '.'heritages, values and land buses. The symposium wasn't limited to just Fugene. it was broadcast over the Costa Kit an bused Radio'for Peace Tapes were also made of the various workshops and lectures, which ranged from "Working with Addii lion: Spiritual and (Cultural Issues" to "Indigenous la u nomic and Small Business Development to "Indian Art: A Native American Perspective The i (inference was a key success in several wavs For one, it provided an opportunity for internation al indigenous leaders and elders to gather and talk about various strategies necessary to their personal and cultural survival. What most people don't realize is the degradation of native people, their culture, life and land is not a thing i)l the past it < ontm tjcs to happen to< between 7.ri() and 1,000 words. 11 v;ibit* and signed, and the identification of the write; must he verified upon submission The lnur.ihi reserves the right to edit for grammar. st\!e and length it net essai v. „ Emerald PO BOX tUGINC OBCGOW»>40) 1’4» t '* **•-*.? - i> ■' ’ *• ’ * * ‘ w' 1 0 ' « ,‘IU v '■y* ,oa* it-sd T UVM» .» « '* ' f.r» •’ j •’ « *. ■ «. ’ > "u , >■**$■ • > ■* » I ’ *’ •?' ' ‘ -u if • ’ *# l * • .u . •* 1 «* T *•« 1 * w u«: .« i '• «t*» ' , ■ »■ • *»•'»* ‘ " 1 " * ” " f Mur A i t* j ” u V * t .» ■ »• !'s»» 1 i»* . , *■*»'• !'« r* -.»i .-t>« 1 . t d«or m Ch**f . ' «* 1 «* Managing f drtor ( ddorial f ditoi Graphic a t ditor l (HaMai'vnant \ diiof Nig hi J drtof towa t dflof t dttnrial t dHor Sfiorta l d*Of In Touch f dflor '•*!0Rws* ' % t »» t' . (*j» Bar* M » < » (Ml ' l Attc't tat* i dflora Stodsnt Gowmnent ActtvMt«« • t* ICommunHy » Higher f dticatKm Administration .t «• •> f eaturea < W i H*fX>rt«ri V» * t i ■»» •>.*• ‘ .!'?>• ►.»•■** I ;«» -» - t H ,o‘- i ♦.« .4» '►.**. ■ •> «**•' »«g Copy t ddor a i v t - •• • *»•.>.« • * i tit» • » •• • ' M t ►.» , Photogr apher* **4*i M '*» Advertising •• • »■'*•♦ 1 .t »« .».■ • ■. *: . i • * <* •» * *' 1 » -J\, ' »'• m> fkl”*' ' H <** l"'l> *• it '* <1 t V''1 '» • * .<’ >' .1 Claae«*»sd • ,kJJ« ^ * ‘ A Buiinsaa » • . ProAirtW »*» * A! «* "1 * * Adv*'it*»r*g «. AcN*ni*iP3 346 an? *4* 414 1 the 1992 Bap housekeeping awapp. LETTERS Student help ! would like In thank Iht* stu drills Involved with presenting .1 proposal ,it the I'.MP iiudge! Committee limiting rec.untly I he proposal examined allerna live*, to ( uiimg student ,tnd (. i i positions .it the KM! I he KM l hood toed no! Vet in .id e up its mind, hut been i onstdefing i utitng student mi poivees .is ,i vs .1 \ lit s.ive mon ev I'll: •• w .is iipp.1 ren11V l he (d !(;, | V Ns•, i.ite I)l rector. I Celtner. hut stu dent offit i,i Is on the hoard xi*ertied to agree with him A group of students present ed an alternative proposal that would examine the large and expensive management strut ttire of the l AH .itill iii stu dent positions ! greatly appris uii some students have gone to i liman lengths ! n lie le nil the rights ip! other students 1 on < mirage other students to help keep the student union lor the students : he ! AH ; is the stu dents building, we pay for the programs and a< tivltti's in the building, and \\ e should he gtv en first priority Tony Mills Student Statistics M V letters that propose the marliili arts as the solution to rape have coi hu ted favorable ■ Arrested With the i laim that there was nothing .1 woman could do about tin- fear of rape. I fein ted I assigned a solution that not only proposed the end of any prat tu a! fear of tape, fin [ proposed the end of any impractti .11 h ir of rape Rape is a violent in tn e . y\ h: h ilia k > ■ ■ 1! ilu 0:1: pa r ab le to sexual barassment Those sexually harassed should not 1 (insider themselves raped And rape does riot stem from harassment The fraternity ass y\ lii 1 onsiders women to he oil pu ts is a world apart from the mi k y :oo-nt rapist who hur!s Women he< allse he is afraid of life I! ! would respond to socie ty 's problem n! rape ! y\ on hi suggest tha! frightened men learn to defend themselves from anything that might cause them to he violent n pared rnrnl and rape is with every .is suult imaginable Thr sugges tion that the martial arts arc the solution to everything, from someone with mv naivete, is, of course, silliness In conclusion, rape is not a fat !. it is a statistic Anyone can i h inge a statistic I o end the i (infusion, fight apathy with apathy Srji.irate blond Jokes. y\ hit h are usually funny, from rape, which never provides laughter Bryan Westby Student Shark attack Thank \ ou for try ing, Don Munson You gave it your best effort and i ertainl y prov idetf all of sis vs tth both ev iting games and teams through your tenure \uw It's time to move on The only question ht-n- is, in w h ,i! (11 red inn v As three Dm k liaskrlli.iII f.iins who tinin l rniss Ini! .i handful uf games m three years of supporting (In- teams of il l ,iti lilts We have a slices Imn |orrv Tarkam-m \h look at It this wav Sure we will he on jirniiulion from the MCA \ lournamenl within tile M \ 1 I ft r ee years, 1 I not sooner How ever, w >u Idn'! it lie bettor to lie a team that is good enough to go to the tour natnenl. but is banned from lin ing so, than || b ad n n e t h a t wouldn't ge' invited anyway Besides, the important thing is not u lose the big hui ks from all the TV revenue Here's one Iasi visual image In provoke you further Imagine the endless possibilities of hav ing .i dui k and a shark for game mascots and on T shirts and posters Do your alumni right Gerard Berry Class ol '90 San Jose Aaron Cudek Class ol 90 Reno Tom Wildeman Class ot 90 Sacramento Compassion Numerous .lei options are enijd. ved I y ;u homosexual :o' ks try mg i e\ i m o !he general population that homo sexiohu is apph' pie-OK One ol the more i ns id s dus decep tions is promoted under the pretense of "religion" h\ Clergy and Lail'v Concerned, .1 group al the fiir loft fringes of Christi anity They would 1 la 1 in that not welcoming homosexuality as normal and acceptable be havior is "hateful." They're dead wrong (Genuine compassionate love does not ini lude total e< ( eptani e of all behavior I truly love m\ sons and daughter it is precisely be cause I love them that 1 do not •it quii'M e to all they do or wish to do I'he opposite of love is not bate, it's apathy t. ALC ma v complacently "1 elehrate (sexu al) diversitv. hut I love nn children enough to ar lively strive to ensure that they won t he exposed to homosexuality as a suitable model in schools, government, or general society lie: ause I love m v ^ ids. I'll do mv utmost to steer them aw.iv from the influence of a destrui live behavior wltose practitioners have an average 1 ife expoctancy of on 1 v 1 _ years Homosexuals have grave problems dealing vs ith the crip pling phvsit al results of their sexual practices and they need our compassion However, that compassion definitely doesn't include extending sor letal ap proval or sanction to the dy s - functional at is that got them into their situation Nor does 1! ini lude passing on to our chil dren the notion of normality of h< Ullosexuai ac Is Jon Wollander Eugene Represents lor .til those who think flay hoy and Ponihousf should be removed from the University bookstore her ause they are of fensive, have you taken a look at the windows of the ASt.'() of fit e7 Talk about graphic* \V hat are they promot ing down there* Tilings con i ern the student body, or Un personal agendas of those who work in that office7 One of tin posters is particularly offensive and degrading 1 can't Ixdieve it represents tile larger portion of the students or faculty And it i erluin!v doesn't speak well to parents and other visitors to the University Ron Williams Eugene