COME USE THE CRAFT CENTER GENERAL INFORMATION The IMU Craft Center is a comprehensive Am Program offering well equipped fat times am! workshops mmml areas of the Visual Arts Dx- program is loth edus alioriai am! recreational am! crxouragcs all levels of interest, from beginning hobbyist to serious artist it \<>u t a'r an interest in art or a favorite hobby, the f Ml Oral! ( enter at the I mver-ity of Oregon is for you' You'll find us In the Krb Memorial Unlort (l.'th and l nberslti ton the loiter lew I. east wing. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION ( raft Center membership entitles sou to use the facilities anti !<•' m the ( raft ( er ter anytime vsc're open Member ship is al w us s as a liable for the entire ! (111 mi:: .units . a: nil ( > alumni The general public may purchase a ('raft Center mcmtxrship ss ah enrollment in a Craft Center workshop costing SIO or more Das use passes are asailahlc lot current 1 < > community ami CO alumni ID is required Memberships ate valid for the term at -h tlicy arc purchased, ami are not refundable Membership Ires (per term I SS UO students, faculty, staff, and spouses $12 UO alumni SI2 General public ssith enrollment in Cult Ccnlir workshop costing SHI or more ••Discounts: Memberships are SH for UO alumni and general public with enrollment in a workshop!*) costing S2*1 or more Dai Use Kees: SI UO students, faculty and stall S UO alumni Membership IS required for workshops that use ( rail ( enter la< ilitics aixl eijuipment Workshops requiring memberships ate starred t STl'DIO FACIUTIKS J-.Ml' Craft Censer f*. ditics as a liable lor use me ludo a ceramic sarea w eh high lire capabdities. darkroom' equipped for both black and semic ard so.of printing a jewelry lab with casting and fabrication equipment. a complete woods hop. and lac ih ties for M lk sc recri. batik, stained and fused gias lapidary bike repair sewing, and numerous fdvr techniques The ( raft ( enter has.'i ’>*■. '"'kc and periodicais for member use within the Center Various supplies are available lor sale, lockers are available to members (or Si '*• t-small) or S' 25 argei per term WORKSHOP KKilS I KA I ION Registration is on a first come first serve basis continuing throughout' the term until c lasses tv gin or arc Idled Prcrcgistr alien is g r\ rev ■ nninenitcd to ensure sour piacc ui a class Workshop registration can tv d<>nc'.m or bs mail, and must tv accompanied with lull payment. Merntvrs o( the 1 nisersity community purchasing Craft Center memberships svdl he required to present l inversus I D KIH M) POLICY Workshops wd! tv refunded ittO'v, 72 hours prior to the first meeting, 0's thereafter 11 a workshop is c arise lied, a lull rclund ml! tv go en \k oik simps w htch do ra>t meet the minimum requirements will tv cancelled on or tv I ore the first e lass meeting Memberships are not refundable. II a membership was purchased at ,i discount with a workshop, tlv discounted amount will be deducted from the refund HIKE DOCTOR I rank Sthwib Ju'l lh<' prow ri|'!ion to j>erk up your bike and help you a vo ui, and repair bill-. In'inn t ton ys ill cover lubrication, tire trouble, brake ami gear eery ice, ami (rouble 'hooting I e.iming thew'> arvand maintenance 'kill' "ill help keep your bike rolling 'moothlv and ^tely bring your bike to i la" ' hour* ot in'Inn tion I our M*"ion' offered 1 Wednesday. April I, MM-^OO pm *071 S' 2 Thurwlav, April 2, f> OO 'f 00 pm *072 S' ' Puevday, April 7, MX)- ItKAI KI l I S K im l K) pm *077 $• SI PPUFS FOR SAFF I he V. :.i!I * i-nlt-r h.>' Mjpplu-s !or l itjmik s, liNr*. )rwolrv i .Li" I’hologr.iphv Jini VY ukI working l all or slop b\ for informjtion on vloi k nrul prn i~« " ■ i .. riK dykim; Kathy Kale Turn your n-e shirts, shorts and so*. k> into wild jml bright tk* dyed Items { earn how to * mate a variety of patterns vising different tying and dyeing technique* tiring up to three prvwashovi H*5 ■ cotton items to dye 1 hours of Instnu f ion 1 'wo sessions offered 1 luesdav April 14 6 (JO-** iK) pm « 'H $S 2 Tuesday, April 21, MU-YOOpm *079 ( MAINS AND ( MAIN MAIL l aura (.crard* l >isiv*\i*r the pn*esses tor fabricating your own < hams and chain mail for mskbces and other pewelrv and N*H adornments I uition includes sonic wire and 2 pair* of pliers. 4 hour* of instruv tion Sunday April 1?, 1 00-r* 00pm *0H0 $ l‘s member* *081 $ 1N non - members FLINT KNAIMMN(; C raig Kath/at An introduction to stone tool working technique* Participant* will learn hovs to make obsidian and flint tool*, mu h as knives. axes, and arrow point* using antler I and stone hammer* and flaker* Raw material* and I knapping tools will be provided, but bring a pair of JO leather glove* 8 hours of instruction I rhurniayft 7 (X) -9 (X) *082 S2s member* 1 April 16 May 7 *08.4 $28 non-member* I HOLMS Monday Thursday 10 00 am 9 30 pm f nday & Saturday 10 00 am 5 30 pm Sunday 12 30-5 30 pm Nctif : a • :>• Check Ic *.{>-■< .!. nc .»«, "g WOODSHOP HOURS Scriodv..f a bt*a..'. « rtiir !hi* ' ■■ Ai i “ ' ’' 'i— r I Registration Form: 1 WORKSHOP NAME * ADDRESS CITY 'STATE P»«ONjf clrly ,Ttd • WH ; Class * plu TUITION Mi MPERSHlf • ■ • TOTAL ZIP J I Please fill out both sides a. LU o UJ cr LU Q CO WORKSHOP NAME REFUND POLICY Vk ■"»%?>»{*• * .. ‘x- T cJ : mi ■ rn.rg ll'-crr j'.cr • * H -hi iu?! pew* i > the t »,{' + ft»tSc • rr'«-*. Mtmhcnhlfw Ml* r>.>! r rf umlahlr !? ■;fp'!N,.Th;p » 11 p*uri ' **CO j; * »»•>*-.' • ' ' iS;* «;■ x.: * ‘ V . '.Ci! ‘nr ’ r rr.‘ a P • 1 ' PEES - VISITING ARTISTS < HRINTIM ( LARK A nationally known jeweler ami sculptor, will give a lide Its t u rv a mi workshop t. 'lark is presently head of the Metals IV'partment at the Oregon Ssliool of Arts and t rafts in Portland where she teas hes jewelry , mixed media seulpture and enjtnellng Her two da\ workshop will fostis on , as ting w it h epos v res I To (or jewelry atui small ss ulpturv, ansi Inlaying pigmented n*sm into wood, n teta i and other nutenals ! earn about laminating polymer vnating plastic s and one and two part KTV mo Isl making I rtf Slide l tdurt: 7:30 pm, I hursdav. May 7 110 Willamette Hall Workshop 10:00 am-S:00 pm, Friday tk Saturday, Slay ft & k l ot O \orthsitr Jewelry Studio *0K4 $30 U of O Students • 1 IS7 $40 All Others 1 united i nrollment Hus event is co sjxvnsorxsi bv the h Ml C ratt C enter ansi l of O Art I Vpartment for more information, sail ' Is 1 V.l kl MIKO SI DO An tnlemationallv ns y;m/i\l |apanes.- Ameruatujuiltlng artist Sudo has devoted her artistu ami tea,hing efforts solely to sjutlting A prolific arti't, Sudo has also written numerous Kx>ks pnxiusod televised tea, hing programs and rive!Visi main prestigious awards for her work In i onto net ton vs ith her exhibition of pis tonal quilts at the l' of O Art Museum Sudo vs til present an illustratvs! slide lecture and conduct a hands on workshop Inhibition: Man h 21 May 3 U of O Art Museum I ree Slide I ecture Friday Man h 7: 7 iH' 1st I^nrue I Us ien l ampbe ! !a ' Workshop Saturday, April 11 l' of ( > Art Museum Wi >rkshop i iv $ ' - To register and for more information call the U of O Museum ot Art at 34b-3027. Uof O STUDENTS FACULTY STAFF REGISTER BY APRIL 1 FOR ANY WORKSHOP $25 OR GREATER AND RECEIVE A $2.00 DISCOUNT ON SPRING TERM MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION BEGINS MARCH 17 Send mail-in registration to: EMU Craft Center, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403 University ID required for purchase of "student rate" member snip Me n registrations are .'onfrrmec by n',i .lddft-ssed stamped envelope s p-c vided A t-- ■■ i ■ an [• ,-r‘ 'men by :■ e 1 • ... day! •• . phone nu^be For more information call 346-4361.