Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1992, Page 2B and 3B, Image 18

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I rjnk (.ossr/Pelf r Meyer l'
I h!•> workshop is everything v"'' I for 4 thorough
grounding In iwjinio Wheel throwing. handhuildlng, and
glazing u\ hnlqurs will be oivt'fvii, vs itH indivfduall/ed
Instruction (or beginners and those with some previous
experience (da/c« and 21) lb». of clay included. 1* hours of
1 hnv offrrvd
1 Tue*tljy« *100-6 00 pm
April 7 May 1
2 Thursday* 6 K> ^0 pm
April V May 14
* Sunday* S 00 ^ 00 pm
April < May 17
■mi v»<>
C’k>M r
•m; $40
Peter Meyer
tor the adventurous spirit v.!'■> ha h.itl son previous day
l ytvfifiuc I'xpjnd your leurdaiion still- and 'x-rsorul
e»presslon yvith sl.iv Increase y ur throwing and
handbuilding stills, ni.it>' s|vs tali Ah] t>»-1 an 1 refine vnr
glaring tochnl.jues 21 ll>* ot flay arul glares provided 1H
hours of instruction
Wislnostlays VOODOO pm
April IS May 20 »<*'■*
IIANDBl ll.l)IN(. ( I K \%1I( jj:
I rank (.osar
1 «.plorv vour imaginative pn > . > Ihn *ugh is. *r k mg ssith i ;.i y
I earn .indent mHhints ,,| .lay . - (notion coil building,
slat* building, i.itvlng addon an.I subtra. ttvi- t>\ hnkjue
<‘las prusnii-s both Jim test v t -• it .tin • '.si opjxirtunltiv
’S lbs' ot flay anil glares pros ided ’1 - -urs n t mstr-u !. ■
Monday s t. io *1 to pro
\ pril 11 May S •>* '• '■
KAkl HKIN<; ^
I rank C.osar
\ stHsial, one ftnie tiring lor tnti’nmsliati* and advan.iii
■ tu.1. Ills mteresied in n |xriiiu-nlmg vs ith r.iku tis hnHpies
bring - i- pi.s .■■- ot biwpied (silti-ry or s. ulpturv lo glare an.i
tire in this tlamhoy .nit pus . . C .lares and tiring provided
i. hours ot tnstnn lion
Ids o -i-sstons otlcnsl
I Siturdav 11 00 am * i>0 pm
April 2 > * ' SI.1
? Saturday 11 00 anv ' 00 pm
May si •<«? Si;
( OI.OHI 1) IM )K( Kl \IN ^
Peter Meyer
I Ian. Unit hi K.iutitul cup ■ and lm\v|s with >. >lurod porielam
We is all us.- white shades ot grey and a tew acient colors
i ul, .red slip, w ill Is ,r. a liable Porcelain, mason slams and
glares provided 1.’ h ‘Ur - o| insttu.l oil
Wednesdays ’■ id-U Ip pm
April !■ Mac n «'*IS SW.
(d arv I )aws*>n
] hi** overview ot jewelry making ti\hnujuos im hides !*»• ?
wav tasting arui emphasizes l.ibru ,»tion IX'monstrations
tm lude design. design transfer, culling, tiling. wav model
making. spmlng (* investing., « acting & cleanup ‘ >neor more
p ■! v. ! > « a n N . . dii’ i lime Sonn' mjlcruls
provided ’ hour-* ■. >} n inivt->”.
W, dm lav s o \i pm
\pn! S Mjv *» •' >’• '
INI KODl ( 1 ION IOII \N I i in
I M 11NIO l 1 S ( \S I l\<; g
I )i ihiis We rst *
I his overview of u wi'lrv making techniques includes
',!: d emphasizes lost wav* acting 1 Vm, Mnt rat mm
. ,‘i. design design transfer. cutting, tiling, wav nxsiel
ma>spp.nng U investing, s-v-ting Ac v n-.inup ‘ Mm *'rnorv
, » • . di,- ».•••«■ Some materials
provided . ’ h.*;j?s id tnstrui turn
! hur-ti.iv •• *■ *5 ■> i*' pm
Apr:! ' Mav * > S *> ’
I Jin a (.eraids
- ‘ * l'.t and , : at n - , SPI 1 I AI S on ; k
Chryslal McCuigan
learn the foundation of hand weaving while exploring
yourcreatlvlty The potenttalof weaving will materialize
w ith colorful cotton vim as your doth is woven on a 4
harness table loom Warp preparation, dressing I ho Icxnn
and finishing techniques will no covered Warp yarn w ill
be provided 21 hours of Instruction
Thursday s (S .TOO 30 pm
April lb-Mav 2H toil M >
Chryatal McGtiigan
Explore the possibilities of vani design while creating
your own hatufspun vvi« >1 Start on the drop spindle and
move rapidly to the spinning w heel All pnaw-s of wool
preparation will be covered Natural and chemk a I dyeing
will be introduced t ost includes fleece for you to dye
your favorite color Ik hours of instruction
Wednesdays b Vl-Y 30 pm
April 15-May 20 *012 537
Mona Kummrl
Create a delicately sewn pine needle basket in this four
vs.s-l workshop A variety of stitch patterns sviil be
. »p'. r.sl and numerous shaping techniques will he
di u* nstralcsi Male-rials for one basket w 111 he i nc luded
s hours of mstrvK'tion
Tue -days b nil (II pm »011 $>20 members
A j>11! ?M *014 non-members
Kates .in ancient method of drawing, painting and
-1a::-1 .;ig hot was on cotton tabrs» fvetoredyeing tov mate
unique and beautiful patterns and designs In ibis class
you will learn several IviUk techniques, including resist
dyeing tec hmques of West Atm a Yoniba (Hoples One
hall yard of balilc material, dvrs and was provided 12
hours ot instruction
Mondays MX)-<4(XI pm
April n-27 *01 s ST4
• Ills
Binky Brown Takahashi
C lassic quilt patterns and modular piecing techniques combine
to produce a traditional uuality quilt in a fraction of the usual
time Select one of the following [salterns Snow Ball, Blazing
Star. Around the World, or Log Cabin The first class mooting
will include discussions of patterns, color and fabric
requirements and selections All levels of open once welconx
C>ut of class sewing time- may ho necessary 12-1/2 hours of
Wednesdays S 00-8 .V) pm *025 $25 members
April 15-May 13 #026 $28 non-members
Kim Balsam
Express your creativity with colorful beads' You will learn
traditional and contemporary beading techniques, including
Peyote stitc h, Comanche weave, lace stitch, loom beading and
others Individualized instruction and guidance will enable
you to design and create projects of your choice, such as
earrings, nec Maces, [xmdants, bracelets, anklets, pouches and
tnorv All levels of experience welcome l ost includes a bead
loom for you to keep, warp threads and needles. 12 hours of
Two sessions offered
1 Mondays 7 00-4.00 pm
April <> May 11
2 luesdavx 700-4.00 pm
Apnl 7 Mas 12
*(127 $24 members
#028 $12 non-member.
*02^ $24 members
#010 $12 non member
Have v*hi alwav s wanted to Irani how to knit knitting is a
per tix t iv .iv to relax while > real my beautiful ganin nt Alter
learning bask knitting OxhnkjUes. rash student w ill m ..st a
simple pro fix t sikH as a hat. s^arf, or simple vest 1 his . la-s is
tor students w ith little or no experience Needles and sum
yarn provided 10 hours ot uistrustion
Wixlnesdavxb .10-8 10 pm #0H >2" members
Apnl 22-Mas 20 #012 $2.1 non-members
Mark Ktrfrr
Create your ovs n ts-auttful stained glass vs indow! 1 his
courts' will help you luni your ideas into colorful work*
of art Design principles and the toil wrap constru<tion
method ss ill Is-1 aught i$sy, inning as well as evpertennsi
students are wekome I mil* and Mime materials
provided. Allow a little extra money torgla" Its hours
of instruction
Sunday s a.00 ss (x) pm
April ' May l7(e\n’pt April IS) a01r> $ vj
IN l KO TO (il.ASS Kt SIN(i
Mark Keefer
Rediscover the aru lent 1 gvptun arltomi ot glass fusing
this two session »lass is ill cover primary fusing
!eehnu|uea and aliens students to create a few snvi!)
puses ot (ewelry I ools and glass provided a hours ot
Sundays I V l no pm * I? SI7 members
April S' ft May ■ » is $20 non-members
\\ 11 (> I I hi KI HIM I II
I tjnk Sihwjh 'l im Kaiser SJrah I lelmers
\, wr [mv r•. h h.cvi !•■ repair pn.es jp.nr>1 Ir.im to
overhaul hi-.in tv. - t adjust pear. jnd brakes and true
your vi! I-.its th.-end ot n we i your bicycle will be
.'Wihji.l.x! iln> »;> • ir v. :.>• nhcljss Allows* tor
repl.n i nvnl ts .ir1lips l > hour* of instruction
1 hree sessions offered
1 M m.lavs I s' -•,* pm
April t> Mas IS
Instructor Schwjb
V.in.i.iv' " iV w *• pm
April 1 ' May IS
Instructor I lelmers
' Tuesdays ' iH? «’ pm
\; ■':: I May 19
Instructor Kaiser
:o sv
$ v
Sts non
s'i non
I . • limit) • .IT j! this WfUttftKtfl,
I » i ■ ; . «;••• • .i i! harnlu ip, ^-trr jr- stall:' 'fXiu! . i-'fjtj: !• •* of an> olhri citfancnus
| . * > • . ■' - : • • > 1- ' j » . ' • ; - lv N '' : • i 1' ill ail *pr ! .irl i Ut 4JhJ I k al l*Wf,
I | ... s -n, S UJCWl,
Frank (.osar
Introducing j whistle while vou work-shop' We’ll loam
tcs.hniques of nuking and tuning South American and
1 uropoan ocarina whistles in this one-day workshop
(lay and gla/rs provided. ' hours ot instruction
Saturday, May 2 iOO-S OOpm *(>11 $10
I aura Gerard*
Students will learn three different techniques ot applying
designs to raw eggs 1 raditioiul Ukrainian methods will
lx? emphasized, with regtoiu 1 differences explained in
historical context All that IS required is a steads' hand,
patieno- and a sense ot hunxir (eggs often break during
dduration) All dyes, beads, tools, eggs, and waxes will
be provided. .Students w ill have the option of pure having
tcx.ls and dves after the last class meeting 12 hours ot
Mondays b OU-f 00 pm »t)Vt S2s members
April 6-27 •0.1$ SIX non-members
. rw-ww?
Kerry Holman
What better wav to hnd your 'own'- drum than to
make it yourself? This work'hop is an opportune
toerattaShanun 'drum All materials provided (o
make a 17" or 20" diameter hoop drum using a cedar
frame and deer raw hide Working with raw hide
selecting and stretching the drum head, lacing, and
'fxs ial braiding techniques will ho covered s hours
of instruction
Sunday, Mas A
11 00-4 10 pro
(1 /2 hour lunch)
»(W7 STS tor IT" drum
*iWh $40 for 2d' drum
Aimee Yogi
Celebrate the coming of Spring by joining us tor
pa po mu king Well have a short slide presentation on the
History, prixess, and plants used tor papormaking I"hen
we'll nuke papers using 4 metfxxls Tapa, llmulavan
luropean, and Japanese All materials provided and a
source list will be handed out h hours of instruction
Saturdays 10 .40 am-12 40 pm *04o $l$members
April 11-25 *047 SI8 non members
Aimer Yogi
We start cookin' in this class' After an introductory walk
around campus to see the different plants-used tor
papermakine, students will cook and sham.' pulps gathered
from the fields All materials provided, b hours ot
Saturdays 10 40 am-12 40 pm *0,48 Sr'itx-mhers
May 2-16 *()4si S18 non-members
Peter Meyer
Print your own T-shirt, poster, or cards 1 earn the photo
emulsion method of silksereen stencil Well discuss various
inks, stencil rix-thixls. papers and fabrics Allow $12 U you
want vour own screen Ink and some stencil material
provided. 18 hours of in-uniction
Thursdays 0 40 v 40 pm
April 9-May 14 *040 $4si
l.i-yun Ych
Wouki you like to [Mint something with a 'psial flair’ t .mr
jiui yim u» Lot's have some tun with Chinese brushes and
black ink Wo will learn the traditional wav-'of [Minting
mountains, flowers, bamboo, and more. step by 'top t oil
includes two brushes, whivh are yours to keep, paper and ink
IS hours of Instruction
Tuesdays KOOdOO pm »<>-V> $N members
April 14-May 12 *051 $42 non members
Marilyn Mohr
Sunnnagashl i> [s>"ibU tho most an. lent form of nurbling 1 n
this workshop wo will osplorv this traditional medium, in
vs hic'h sumi inks arv fKvatis! on water to . rvato subtk* designs
0 -king [Mttoms in nature I’aprr and inks w ill hr pros idc.l
VN.-ar vsork clothes and bring any handmade [M[s-r )a|Mi\o o
j-ajs-r, or inks you wish to trv 'I ihours el instruction
i\i\ltVovlay h (it)-U V! pm W ’’ $16 members
May n »()V1 $1*) non- me mbs' rs
1 laina Jamirson
Loam alsnil the magic anil oxc Itemont of water odor [Minting
Ibis introductory .lass will rover basic techniques plus
os perl mental work >011 w ill loam color mixing and matt time
1 k a wing ex [x-riens e is helpful but not no.■ trv All materials
provided. I - hours of instruction
Thursdays 6 Kt'i (Ml pm ii' -l $42 members
April Its May 21 Kb'i $-1 - iinnneinlx-rs
Mirk /immrrtr
It you un mv. you *an draw' (..eared l <' _i r il •.
heightening visual pen. opt ton ami observ a Ilona I »k ill',
this course takes several eservises front 'Thawti*’ on
I ho Right Side of the Brain' am! other sourte Wo II
also look at examples ot work bv masters ot tho art ot
drawing All materials provided. I > horn ot
Thursdays 6 lO 'MX) pm *Ots.’ SVmomtvrx
April U>-May 21 »0M $ " non members
Mark /imrnrrvr
I or those w ith some I’rvvtom experience I he- . omsc
w ill im tilde ligum draw mg with anemphasis on ivsimv
a nd'comiswltton Wo w ill also work on some |s *i trait urv
and ovjvrinient with dltfervnl drawing media All
maloti a Is provided I * In hip* * * f instnu t ton
Tuestlas s I, Ml v (X! pm »0rd S'.' memtsp*
April II Mai H n'*,. S''non momlsts
^ Starred Classes
Require Craft Center
Atm FUtlcck/Iom Urban
Materialize your ideas m the wood shop Create a project
while learning power tool use and safety Instruction will
cover projtvt design, wood properties, hand and power
tcx>l use, and joinerv Allow for extra shop time and cost of
vour protest 22 hours of instruction.
Three sessions offered
1 Sundays r* 00-8 m pm ' la nock
April 5-May 31 »'MI M2
2 Tuesdays ft'30-9T5 pm Urban
April 7-May 26 *<>12 M2
3 Wednesdays 4 I >-7 00 pm IlalUsk
April H-May 27 *<M3 M2
I'om Urban
Spend mx evenings of open shop xs ith an experienced
wuxlworki'r t xpi. >rv new 6> hnkfues,get help and advice
on your |vt project. or finish that project from a previous
djv, The .lass includes demonstrations and iiwusstons
on design, router work, dovetails, and mortise and tenons
1 he shop is still ojs-n during this time
Wednesdays ~ 1' > Is pm i nee with
April 1>-May 27 membership
Brent Baker
Various wtw.d lathe technK|ues will be demonstrated,
including between center turning (furniture legs, candle
holders, rolling pins! and face plate turning (bowls and
plates) 1 Vs use i,m i in design and finishing met hi sis will be
included 1 ime w ill be allowed for hands on practice
Materials provided 1 hours ol instruction
Saturdays 2 Ori-4 30 pm *04-1 Sl> rnembiTs
May 2 ft * *04> SIS non-members
Scotty Sleeves
traditional w .ssi . arvtng with mallet and gouge, both
x, ulpturaland utilitarian We will cover to finkp.ies w >odx
tools,and finishes Uesign problems will be fiscussed with
s our prog-- t m muni Tins ,ljss jx for both bepintn-r- atui
advanced woed carver., but you must br.ng e-ur own
tools Some w xxi may be purchased at ’! ■ l taft ( enter
5 hours of instruction.
Saturday 12 oo-> 15 pm «D4o M 5 members
\(ay 16 *047 SIN turn-members
Pat Grecnwell
Architecture and art magus spend two Saturdays making
!ho ultimate light table A new and improved design
incorporates your May line and B* >rc o into a sir a jhi that tits
studio desks in Lawrence Lockable, portable, ami
functional, this table is a must for your studio s|\a< e Wood
and screws provided. Students will need to pun base their
own glass, lights and Borco hours of instruction
Two sessions offered
1 Saturday, April 4 10:00 am-1 V) pm <1/2 hr lunch)
Saturday, April It, 1000am-1:1X1 pm «048 S28
2 Saturday April 2s, 10 00 am-l TO pm (1/2 hr lunch)
Saturday, May 2, 1000 am-1 !X) pm "ihW S28
HK(»INMN(i I’llO l (XiKAiMIV
Annette tlurdjian/Kebecca lhmri|iv)n
1 earn how in use vnuri.mu'N develop HAW film, and nvikr
HAW contact prints and enlargements I’hotogrjphtc
composition, the camera and d a rV roo m tivhnicjues will he
covered Bring your empty V< mm camera to first class f ilm,
chemicals and some paper will be provided IN hours of
I flics’ sew skins offered
1 Monday - sil! y (Ki pm
April 1 ' May IN
2 luesdavs-’lNt ’(Xlpm
April 14May l‘t
t rhurviay - f> 00 N Do pm
April 2 May 7
»(! y.
l hc mips m
I hom[w<m
Andrew Harvey
rills course Is designed tor photographers who are already
acvjualnted vsiih general darkroom procedures and have an
interest in fine tuning the pros ess of ecj'osure control I earn
aspects of the /one System and use a variety of papers and
developers to predu. e prints with ie .itid contrast and dept!
Aesthetic > oust derations, sub yes t nutter, and eompwitlon will
be Itu lu.iisi Students will need to provide their own blac h and
vs hlte film and pa per as well as one roll of color slide film II ring
cameras to fir--! class C hrmicals will be provided I ’ 1
hours of tnstnic tion
Wednesdays 2 N) . in pm
April K May 7 ’ leccept May to) • * VI7
Annette (.urd jun
Avid color !>> vour BAW phon*_y’,r.iphs hi two wt < k
workshop vu- w ill **xpU»n* tr.i ii’i • -il and v ont«*mporar»
nvt! I>;.|s i)| Kiii.il : JV, prM:ts • 'id. 'ms .
hflp v«»u pTVi t V'-.ir tin }ris!•.jiii-n i nr* pi r*jp 111>
i*xpvrifnvi» r ■! riAjum vl You will nr»d HAW p: ’ tpraph
pr ntu-d on rn.iHi surfa*.pu{M’r 1 !<( pap* r v\ :!! n *w >:r ( olor
pencil*, oils, dves. and prj.'.Ki prints will be available
h- njrs of instn.iv '•
\» ; ,|jy, in- V. i p J V! » ' ■ N ! ■’ morni's rs
April 20 Si.‘7 *>W,l S.'i* ru»n nu-nibvrs
Monday-Thursday 10 00 am-9:30 pm
Friday & Saturday 10.00 am-5 30 pm
Sunday 12 30 5 30 pm
Note: Studios are closed during workshops
Check for .special hours during finals week
and vacations
Schedules wii! De ava able after the
first week of the term
( <>l OK I’KlN I im; ^
Andrew Harvrv
I his !■> .» h.iiui*. on workshop for fht»s«* inlorostisl in
l«*jrnlnp, how n » riv.i k t*«. v »lor prints frum color iuvjMvc'*
In sjx vvts A -• you w ill 1*\irn Kisk coU>r printing hx nniques
afui color fhoory l"h»* variety of color film* and hlfrrs
v urrontlv on tin* iiu rkrt w ill .iIsob«*fxpU»r»xI C lie mica U
and some* paper will be provided IS hours of
instm* tit>n
Wevinosdavs o no ‘Mm pm
April 1”> Nf.*v .’/ (« t'pf M.iv o) * '*» SI >
Kebetu Ihompson
Kespondinp, to photographs I1' largely a matter of
[vrsonal taste ! he elements n! ,i photograph somehow
eomblne amt -.trike a t hord lor ime |s-rson. hut nut lor
i: ■ .ther 'let sons- pU limn ha ve a .|tialitv t hat everyone
tan nvoem/e and appreeiate I hr- ela-.s will identity
some ot these ipialitles through a dlseussutn of
. ompo-it unt a ml lipht liasti knowhsiee of t amera us*
rt.juirevl Slide film will lu- provided hours of
insinn fion
Thursday-'"'M to pm *o#.7 S12 memlx-rs
May 14 & 21 »t)(sS Sis nun iiu-inlvrs
rut>io<;k MMiiNt; voi k ak i
Andrew Harvey
Photograph your artwork -r artfntislur.il motlels lor
is ,rtfolu is or |tjrnsl -.hows i'artu i pan Is will learn about
{ip.hliiv, an.l other te. hniipie-. by t’hofop.raphinp, tfieir
artwork during i lass time Portfolio presentation will
a! .o i>e a.ftili --. ■ ! ( am eta and film vs ill lie provided
and Students will reeeiv e fin isfied slides of I lie u work
s h. ni r ■■ - -f in -.for I it m
‘.undaV' 12 40 i in pm > S?'members
May 1() At |7 *070 $k’K non members
JUKI S: t able- Bearing Patches,
Iiif 'l ubes
( I It A\11C S: 1 ool Kit, Stoneware,
I IHI ItS: I >yes, Silk. Silk Scarves,
(.I ASS: Copper I oil, (.l.iss cutters,
Ml I AI S: Silver, Saw Blades, Saw
frames, landings
PHOTO: Paper, Chemicals, him
W()OD: 1 Iardwood, Sandpaper,
Plywood, I )ovvels