Softball drops to 13-12 after two away losses The Oregon softball' team dropped two games Wednesday ,it State Northridge. t o .mil (i-2 The M a tad or s pu shed one run at rii'i the plate in the first game anil hung ort ui a pitch ers' duel for the 1-0 victory Or egon moves to 1 t 1 2 on the year with the losses North ridge pitcher Naths II lake moved to M l on t It e year, and Oregon's Kachelle Taylor fell to (1-7 Blake pitched a two-hit shutout for the win Mamie McCall and )ennifer I* i p er (Vuch singled lor t It e Ducks' lone hits in game one In game two. Oregon had a 7-1 lead heading into the bot tom of the sixth, hut allowed the Matadors to si ore live un named runs on a costly error and lost (i-2 Blake came in on relief in the sixth to gel her se< ■ ond victory of the dav. and Or egon's Amy Cod win was the loser, falling to 1 r> on the sea son Oregon stored hoth of its runs in the sixth .is Kim Man ning helled her third home run of the season, a solo shot to lead off the inning, anti I’iper singled in a run I’iper led the Oregon offense with three hits, and Manning had two Carli'T lust W'V» ii Tin v.i.iv. Oregon lost two unscheduled g •: in e In ! V \ .1 s \ \ V mil I'.i S t aid Fill I eft on .it Fullerton, (alii rho Aggies Tow noil Ore gon M in i' \tr.1 inntngs. and thr l italis shut out lire Ducks 2-0 Texas A.VM siunsi hoth of its runs in tfu; top o! the ninth arid field off the Dm ks m the inning by allowing pist one run M< Call si ored the only run for the Ducks Taylor went the distance in allowing eight hits striking out eight and allowing one earned run Iti lhi: second n.irni', (awlwin picked up the loss, and I Iloyd notched hrr lllh victory In lti outings Met .,ill again led Oregon By going three for four I ,i s I M on d ay's sc heti u led doublehender .it UCLA vs us postponed A new dale for the games has not yet Been deter mined In ol her softhul I lie vs s. Mc Call vs as named the I’aetfU 1 0 Conference (’layer ol the Week on Marc h 1H Idle senior mit Bidder hit 17 lor 24 ( 70H) with nine runs, two Kills and eight stolen Bases during the week Golfers take third place The Oregon men 's go 11 team placed third mil of 1H If,ims M>irt:h ' I .mil .’1 .tl 1 h c G r o r g (' B u t t i n ) Stanislaus Tournament in Turlock. Calif I’ui iflt w on I he ton rnu - men! with .1 itrst plat e si ore of kh.’ I’ortl.irul wu\ mi iirul with .in MU", .uni the Dm ks were just two strokes from the Pilots .it HM‘» Stanislaus took fourth with .i ')() I toy Tamiva at 2t>lh vs ith a ..’ll, and lames (Kinsman at -Hllh vs ith a .t it) The Dunks vs 111 next play in the Fresno State ( lassie April It) and 1 1 Wrestler finishes career at championships Orison wrestler D.m Y'idlak ended Ins stnll«r career a t I hi’ NCAA Wrestling Championships Mart h .'() ,ii Oklahoma Cil\ Tin: llH-pound senior was upset in .1 console lion mulch bv unseeded l.ric lolkins of Minneso ta, 4 4 The loss ended Vidlak's season al 4f> I Vidluk, a (Iranis Puss native, is fourth on the Ducks' all-time victorv list with 100 and ranks sixth with Ills HZO < areer winning percentage As a sophomore, he plat ed eighth and unproved to seventh a year ego at the N( IAA t Ihampionships Vidlak, seeded third, won his iirst matt h the day before but lost in overtime in Ins second mulch, placing him in the consolation brat ket He won his next matt h before losing that morning The 1 )ui ks Darren (.usl.ttsun (I SH) dropped .1 i i ( inn on tost to Mitt lopham of Stan lord .imi i oinpli'trd Ins i arecr .it Oregon w ilh .1 gt) 1 1 1 sc,ison rot uni 1 In- two time \( A \ tpi.ili tier is .1 senior from Redlands. ( ahl (Irrgun s other three \i \ \ wrestlers, senior (arret t (dark ( I JOS. |unior I’at ( a aig ( ISO; and se nior Scott Myers (100) all lost in the opening round < lark (.'10) was pinned in ! 11 hy top seeded Terry Brands ol Iowa and was then uihni Haled hy M1 nncsota s Slot! Worle. a I ( !raig (7 0 1) w as pinned in 2 So hy 1 Jth seeded Mike Bartholomew ol Ruler, and Myers (t o 11 -1) lost to I !th seed Dan Croupe of Iowa Slate. 7-1 VHS VIDEO CONVERSIONS To of From NTSC PAL SEC AM S20 per 2-hour metric uoeo sem/tccs 687-8283 sound savers HI INflRCfTHIM Mil RUSH moving nctutli JOHN coin.AH Ml ll ANOAMP Uh Huh BRYAN ADAMS Gateway Mall /46M/M . Mr.frK Jffj Amrt* .v i *p#rv. < . DISC JOCKEY SpuiugUnte The drivin can be easy: k-— 1 Our professional service and repair can keep your car in topcondition 1917 Franklin Blvd., Eugene 485-8226 RIGHT ON TARGET' ...Emerald CALL OUR AD DEPT: 346-3712 A SAVE EVEN MORE! 50% - 70% OFF SELECTED CLOSEOUTS & INVENTORY REDUCTIONS OrtCO'JWT} CA**OT at COM ft**, r D WTH Airr CT>UI SA.JLS C* DttOO-JWTS SJUl umrtD TO STOCK O* HANO