FIRING Continued from Page 10 heal Las! Tennessee State OH ft t the same team that upset Arizona in the second round of the NC.AA tournament Those are the Wildi ats who handed Oregon its worst loss ever and worst ever loss .1! McArthur Court this season The Ducks also lost hv tw o points in Japan to Northeast Louisiana, another NCAA tournament team Oregon returned from the Daiw a Hall arid promptly whipped Oral Roberts 105 wnlcotn ing transfer Antoine Stoudamire w he si ored 1 u points coming off the bench All of a sudden, Mansoti. whose team was pu ked hv everyone to finish last in the I'.n HI. was starting to look like i oar li of the sear That’s when disaster stnu k in the form of foot injuries, sidelining starters lords Lvden, Andre Collier, ami Clyde Jordan The rest, as they saw is history As in Oregon s worst record since Hlr>7 and the end ol the Don Morison era in Kugene In retrospec 1. Byrne's claim that there were neg atiye trends developing in the program ( an tie justified. Monson had posted three losing seasons in tin' last four, including two 20 loss < autpnigns Hut the Ducks did go to the Ni l' just two years ago Given this season's injuries and the low e\ pectutions. last year's l.t-15 record: in a season with no major injuries. whon talk of tin \(!AA tourmimrnt fxrrth surfaced aft«• r .1 fast preseason st.irt, seems in .! sens)' more' disappointing Not to mention that everything had that hap pened to Oregon this year vs as completely out of Monson’s < ontrol No conch is evpit ted to keep a player from signing >1 million dollar contract to fulfill hIs lifelong dream, or to catch falling hags of nails Where Dvrne ran he faulted, however, is in his claim that the program s future doesn't look, brighter (.ranted I! s hard for the future to look, much darker alter a I. _! 1 season Hut the 1 )ur k.s l.-se onlv 1 enter Chuck. I’utterson from that team, and mi oming o loot 10. J 70 pound Uamioti Porter and it foot a Aaron luhnson should more than make up for Pat!' rson s departure Oregon returns a proven 1'ai 10 star in Stolid. Iinire, wile was s o III e h o w I e 11 o f t t rl e league s all star team l.V’den, Ionian and i-’tle .ire all ..experienced and proven players and Collier had stepped up as the I hicks floor lea tier before Ills injury Add to ilia! I’.ise 1 s.dul i rop of to shmen |ust oft a true trial by tire m their initial seasons and a winning season looms large on the bon/on Whatever happens, of course. Mnnsoif s name wont fie mentioned But if is Worth rememU-ring that rid Iregon swrpri a s every one w ith a grrat. sea son. the man responsible for putting the team to gel her won't he the Dm ks' head i 0.11 h MONSON Continued from Page 1 ill 10 yours, and the resulting drop in ticket revenue w ,is a bitter pill lor Oregon's athletic department saddled with a muilimillion dollar defic it to swallow We must he i i)llipetillve 111 the Pac 10 Conference, and we .ire not.” Bvrne said And. at tendance continued to di op throughout the season I’.ibl s u pport for on r p mgr a m i s dropping rapidly Munson did Mith : 'hmugii season-ending inpiries to three III his starters, including lus two leading scorers, be,for. I'ar 10 plav started Oregon was also without two starters from u year ago. as 10‘tl I’iK • 10 I’laviT of I he Ter roll Brandon gave up his final year of college eligibility lo sign with the NBA s ( levelanti C.iv aliers ami junior t enter Bob l ife reiisbirtod The injuries we had 111ill kin.I of tiling doesn’t happen vcry often, Oregon fn guard ()i bind. > Williams .1.! ! vi as kind of disappoinb d that they made tie- det ision (to rejilai e Mi . \\ '1 ! young team, I fee! vvt , an only go Up " Byrne said tlie s. .m h for V •. 11 S ; ojibi i-inenl w ..... ill Peg i e. immediately He sa .,t Mon sun's base salary would not be exceed'd, but Byrne would not cc the numerous i .indid.itrs men tioned .is possible sura f'ssnrs Byrni' said hr planned to nr assign thr Mi yi'iir old Munsmi within the athletic department, hill that .III agreement .IS tu spe clfu s Iniil mil tarn bed Thm* IS ,1 (list Mil I pussihll 11y. ! I i.IIr' Sh>:;••• e; h !a i mild nut be [r.M h■ .I lor i uni ini'nt will not ,n rpt ,i rirvs position .it Oregon Muitsuii iiir' tu Oregon in l'lrt i .liter .1 •• 111 ( »• ssl'u 1 In r Hr posllltl .[ Hill II overall rr i uni .in i led thr \ and.ils tu two straight N( A A tournament up rti 2 '.' i mm PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIVERSITY? Hu- 0!fi( «• of Stucion! A(.fv Aim TV Mist ONIMK I ■ IM HI ll SAI I IY ■ BOSINt SS Al l AIMS ■ ATIII I IK S ■ lINIVI KSITY HI l OHIIS ■ UNIVI HSITY I Ml’t.OYMt M \\. . H * ■ i ?i »‘v A hi H. > j>! ■! .im -pi • >vi; iin»} proN*ssi« >n «V -i-tA»•. • r >t!T. VnN in ■. iimptis rrlaU*ti mti(U'tN Call 346-3722 or stop t>v A14 I Ml! to si't up