Oregon Daily The factors that have gone Into my decision do not just include this year’s win-loss record, but also the trends that have been developing over the last few years.’ Bill Byrne. (hrcc!O' Byrne: Monson firing ‘not easy’ j Declining performance and sharp drop in ticket sales prompt ed decision By Jayson Jacoby Emerald Sports Reporter The Don Munson era is over Oregon tiltilotic direi tor Mill IHriie ended more Ilian a month of speculation nhoul the future of the I'm ks’ nine-vear head i oai h in announcing a! .1 Mari h 17 press i onlerem e I lull Munson would not he retained for the final two years of Ins SHI ,T>20-per year conlrui I See analysis, Page 10 M on son s })om lion had boon t onsidorod in jo op.»rd \ lor l ho last half of l IT r s (* a s o n . w h i ( h rmiial \v i I h .1 <>1!) ro< ord. Munson s worst in I u^nir aiki (rrrgon s worst sint.r > Oregon lost PI of its hist 21 games and l.nli'd to win .1 road game The Dm ks also suffered their worst loss ever 101 -VI to Ari/on.i, and their worst Mi Arthur Court loss, ln-t 'it. .ilso to the Wtllli .its "This h.is not been tm easy dm isliin. ,md I make it with great reluctiinee.' Bvrue said The f.K tors th.it have go nr into mv decision do not just include this year's win loss rm ord hut also I hr trends that have liirii developing over the lust few ve.irs Mon son, who i ompiled ,m overa.II tit. It. r> cord .it Oregon, led the l)ur ks to a disappointing It 1'> in.irk hist season Munson did vnllei 1 four w 1 n n mg season s during Ills tenuro, including three ition.il Invitation.iTTuurn.intent hills the last in Httnt <«) '' There are a nil til her o! lai tors that go into making a dm ision sui h as this one. Byrne said But the primary one is that our future does not look anv brighter Our level ol performaiit e seems hi tie dropping, anil the I’ai ifn 10 Conteiein e seems to fie getting stronger and stronger Possibly even more damaging to Munson, how ever, was the prei ipitous drop in tan support this season Oregon s liottu a ttei ] d. 1 nee yy as the lowest ■ MONSON l ie ’ Fowl play 4 dui:« Likes her family on a four of their home near the mtilracv on a pleasant Sunday afternoon A hwe rain is ikely today, with clearing m the early evenmy Hujhs m the lower 60s Housing plans get mixed response j Amazon rebuilding project would im prove living conditions, raise rents By Rivers Janssen • monud Rapt rfUtf Student* gavi mixed review* to m w family housing pi,in*, some rein ling positively to the designs end oth ers worrying uhout the Ingii housing ( osts The Criiverslty s Student Housing Props t held un in formational open house March go. detailing the pro posed construction of additional student family hous mg I loor plans an! at Westmoreland lames Fisher a graduate student in architec ture who lives in (he Am,i/on complex with lus wife uni child wondered d slurients now living m ihe Amazon i om plex will he able afford .1 V>00 hill Kight now, we have low cost housing. fisher said We re 1 boosing to live there hei ause it s inexpensive The poor condition of the Amazon i omplex is what w e re paying lor "II the rent were ini reused by s, I fit) a month, that would come out to around $ 1 .000 a term. who h is more than the pm e of tuition, hr.id Without that monev. I 1 ouldn't afford to attend si hool a! all Vm< v Wright, direi lor of fat ihties and, i apr.al 1:1; provements lor University Housing, said the r ost of family housing shouldn't he a problem She said that Westmoreland and other familv housing complexes would still tie low 1.ost 1 tie I niversilv will alw ays tie able to offer ( tie ip housing to students. Wright said, tint in order to 1111 prove familv housing in the long run, students will have to work together at shouldering tie- r ost I he units designers said lhe\ hope to offset so::., n! the rent costs with savings in other areas Amazon pro jet t director !• rank (I add ini said the new units w di have cheaper utilities tier arise of better insulation, in !di tion to much lower maintenance 1 I he materials used for the props t < an lie sustained for 100 years or tii.ee he said V . -.v- ., w .... : r. Turn to HOUSING Page 4 WELCOME BACK Spring term will last 10 weeks, with finals beginning June 8 A reminder Today is the last day to withdraw with a 100 percent tuition and fee refund CUTBACKS The University will eliminate 40 non teaching jobs by June 30 The cuts are in managerial and other non-academic areas, and are in response to Measure 5 budget constraints See JOBS, Page 4 I DIDN’T INHALE’ Democratic presidential candidates Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown answered charges about marijuana use and ethics Sunday as the April 7 New York prima ries neared. See CANDIDATES, Page 6