cfentification Kate Utsey, a Mutuum ol Natural History volunteer, gala Dr Luther Cressman to sign his book tor her at the museum’s Identification Day March 14 Dr Cressman taught in the Anthropology department from 1929 to 1963 Lieorgo I owe of tugene (above) consults with Dr Dave Wagner, associate protestor of Biology, on a plant identification, while a couple of curious young students ask Harold Dunn, museum docent, (right! about various types of rocks and minerals Photos by Scan Poston "What A Great Experience!" I i ,lining thi- I anpu.ipe M< it mi; I'ii >p|t (. l.n r 11 > t.u i w ith hi •.tors ,ut ,ii u I ,iH hi lev tun- vulture food and tun l \IVl RSI n sll Dll S ABROAD CONSOK IIUM... small i lasses .11ti ntumi I ulK antedated i nut si's transit'! ti' \ our s, In'ol V\ r pun uli- i lasses m mti'iisn l.mpti.ipi histerv anthropolopv .tit business 1'inmimiis si u'lu i i >tp.ini/i*ii tirk! tups ■iiul morn )ihi pnu ii/i- f/tr enthusiasm l tmersit\ Studies Abroad C onsortium I ibrarv - 122 L niversit\ of Ne\ada Reno, Nevada N^sSr-tUNA (’’021 7H4-bsb4 CHILE • I RA NC l I I A L Y • SPAIN • AUSTRALIA iWWWtfMMS; 5 GAMES MtitTwrr * video PUWCMMKT i?2L] VIDEO ADVENTURE i VAUiYMVDIPUU w AIR PARES PROW PORTLAND Tokyo_$788 rt Hong Kong $868 rt London_$768 rt Parts-$818 rt ftankfirt_$818 rt Stockholm $918 rt Most prices going 141 after Martri 31, so BUY NOWI + restrictions apply ano taxes not included HOLIDAYS ABROAD 2850 WUIamette 484-7373